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108- Paramount and Skydance merger signals end of a Redstone family reign in Hollywood and the rise of new power
108-Mark Burnett exits MGM as Amazon reorganizes
108-'Top Gun: Maverick' Passes 'Titanic' as Seventh-Highest Grossing Film
in Domestic Box Office History
108- CAA acquires rival ICM in landmark talent agency deal
108- Warner film chief Toby Emmerich will steps down
108- CNN+ to shut down service
108- Axel Springer has acquired Politico
108-AT&T out of the Pay-TV space
108- Genie Gateway Credt Card - Pay with your own phone number
receives 2019 Best of Toluca Lake Award
108-Gannet and GateHouse to form a Giant
115-Comcast Beats Out Fox to Acquire Sky TV
108-AT&T is raising fee
108-KCET and KCOP to merge in changing market

108- $peedollars, The Digital Pay Game
108- AT&T Buys Time Warner for $86Billion

108 Green Light for AT&T's purchase of DirecTV
108- AT&T fined $105 million for cramming charges
108- MGM buys 55% in Production Firms
108- Using Stock-Bonds As Collateral . . .
Larry Ellison Boosts Oracle Credit Line to $9.9 Billion
108- Buffett Greases Burger King "Inversion" Deal
108- TVI's person of the month
Rupert Murdoch bids $80 billion for Time Warner
108- Amazon offers Pay to Quit program
108- Bill Gates on the move to erase global poverty.

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108- Huffington Post Deutschland launched
108- Amazon's Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post
108 Newsweek acquired by IBT
108- Media Conglomerates' new trend: Slim down!
• 108-Charity Investment Tradeout.
108-T-MobileMetroPCSMerger Approved by the FCC
108- Comcast Buys Out GE
108- Sales of Mobile Phones Dropped in 2012

2012 - 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th Quarter:
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108- Carlos Slim tops Forbes billionaires 2013
108- KCET Merger with Satellite Network Link TV
108- James Murdoch to Run News Corp's Fox TV
108- Warren Buffet 600MillBDPresentToEachOf HisKids
108- NewsCorp Split - Wirless Vs. Print
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108 - Patent Suit Johnson & Johnson Wins Stint Claims
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108- Amazon offers Pay to Quit program
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108 - AOL Buys Huffington Post-$315 Million #108AOLBuysHuffingtonPost-$315M
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108 - The Trick Pony in the world of WiTEL®™©.
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108 - Patent Suit Johnson & Johnson Wins Stint Claims
108 - Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin sells 5 million shares - @ $B-5.5.
108s - U.S. helps Big FIVE WiTEL®™© Telcos with $4.7-Billion offer.
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GovToxic-IOUs-Flipping buy toxic Wall Street IOUs.
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US vs Secret Swiss Accounts revealed
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Telecos Reject Stimulus Money.htm
• 108ig -The Virgin Mobile Sells to Sprin
• 108ig - What's the NBS1908 WiTel™ Service Marks Value?
• 108g - Nextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile - $98 Million
The "Real" WiTEL®™ Company | The Funding of Future FCC Auctions |
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"TRICK PONY" | The Crash of 2008 |

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108- GoogleSelectsLarryPage-as CEO
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108 - AOL Buys Huffington Post-$315 Million.
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108- Nortel Sells Patents For $4.5-Billion!
108-China Owns $1.15 Trillion in U.S. Treasury Bonds.

Television International Magazine

Paramount and Skydance merger signals end of a Redstone family reign in Hollywood and the rise of new power

NEW YORK -- Oracle founder Larry Ellison's son, David Ellison, announced he had reached terms to acquire a controlling stake in Paramount. The entertainment giant Paramount will merge with Skydance, closing out a decades-long run by the Redstone family in Hollywood and injecting needed cash into a legacy studio that has struggled to adapt to a shifting entertainment industry landscape.
•••• It also signals the rise of a new power player, David Ellison, the founder of Skydance and son of billionaire Larry Ellison, the founder of the software company Oracle.
•••• Shari Redstone's National Amusements has owned more than three-quarters of Paramount's Class A voting shares through the estate of her late father, Sumner Redstone. She had battled to maintain control of the company that owns CBS, which is behind blockbuster films such as "The Godfather." and "Top Gun."
As one of Hollywood's first studios, 112-year-old Paramount Pictures is the crown jewel of the company. That's certainly how Sumner Redstone, Shari's late father, saw it.
•••• The on-again, off-again merger arrives at tumultuous time for Paramount, which has struggled to find its footing for years and its cable business.
•••• Skydance, based in Santa Monica, California, has helped produce some major Paramount hits in recent years, including Tom Cruise films like "Top Gun: Maverick" and installments of the "Mission Impossible."
•••• Skydance was founded in 2010 by David Ellison and it quickly formed a production partnership with Paramount that same year. If the deal is approved, Ellison will become chairman and chief executive officer of what's being called New Paramount.
•••• The new combined company is valued at around $28 billion. In connection with the proposed transaction, which is expected to close in September 2025 pending regulatory approval, a consortium led by the Ellison family and RedBird Capital will be investing $8 billion.
•••• Ellison stressed that the company needs to transition into a "tech hybrid" to stay competitive in today's evolving media landscape. He added that it was "essential" for New Paramount to chart a similar course going forward.
The foray into the streaming business has been a costly one for Paramount. The company was late to join the so-called streaming wars, lagging behind competitors Netflix and even Disney, and then spent heavily on the service.
That includes plans to "rebuild" the Paramount+ streaming service, Ellison noted -- pointing to the company's aims to transition to more cloud-based production and continue the use of generative artificial intelligence to boost efficiency.
•••• Ellison laid out a plan for tech upgrades to the Paramount+ service, including improved ad technology and a better algorithmic recommendation engine that could help reduce subscriber churn and increase users' time on the platform.
•••• The new combined company is valued at around $28 billion. In connection with the proposed transaction, which is expected to close in September 2025 pending regulatory approval.
Click for more tvi Stroy-108- Paramount and Skydance Merger

 108-Mark Burnett exits MGM as Amazon reorganizes integration of MGM into its own studio operations
LOS ANGELES - 11/29/22 - TVIMagazine
••••It was announced Monday that reality television producer Mark Burnett, who served as MGM's television president for eight years, resigned from his top leadership role amid Amazon's efforts to integrate MGM into its own studio operations.
MarkBurnett108w.jpg•••• Burnett is best known for introducing unscripted scripts "Survivor" and "The Apprentice" with Donald Trump to U.S. audiences. In recent years, he has served as chairman of MGM's worldwide television group, overseeing a slate of original programs including NBC's "The Voice," CBS's "Survivor," ABC's " "Shark Tank" and "The Handmaid's Tale."
•••• The move comes eight months after Amazon purchased MGM for $8.5 billion, a key component of the e-commerce giant's efforts to bulk up its content library for Amazon Prime Video subscribers. As a significant equity holder in MGM, Burnett profited handsomely from the Amazon deal. In the nine years since he first sold his One Three Media production banner to MGM, Burnett has reaped an estimated $900 million.
•••• Mike Hopkins, Amazon's senior vice president of Prime Video and Amazon Studios, and Burnett jointly announced that Burnett was departing the company "to resume his work as an independent creator and to pursue new ventures as a producer.
•••• Burnett's contract was set to expire by year's end. On Monday, Hopkins told Amazon's staff that "Mark's stepping aside of course raises both opportunities and questions about how we'll be organized moving forward. "
•••• "After months of collaborative transition efforts, we have thoughtfully re- organized our teams so that they all have the opportunity to prosper under the leadership of Mike Hopkins, Jennifer Salke and Christopher Brearton. In these days of media layoffs I am proud to say that everyone in the TV division has been offered a way to continue to contribute. No one was left behind," he wrote. 
•••• Burnett, a Briton who got his start in Los Angeles more than 25 years ago hawking T-shirts on the Venice Beach boardwalk, scored with his first major show, "Survivor," launched on CBS. But his career achieved even greater heights after "The Apprentice" premiered on NBC in 2004. Ratings soared, and Trump became a nationwide sensation with his signature line: "You're fired."
•••• Burnett's tenure at MGM had been stormy at times, including clashes with other executives. And in the fall of 2016, MGM faced calls to release outtakes from the filming of "The Apprentice" so that voters could get a view of Trump's unvarnished behavior. The studio refused.
•••• On Monday, Burnett sent a lengthy email to the staff, lauding their contributions to MGM's recent television success. He noted that he had sold the majority stake in his companies to MGM in 2014 when he came aboard as the studio's television president. He added that he later "sold the rest of my companies for MGM stock and became Chairman of MGM Global Television because I believed in the value of MGM."
•••• In 2015, MGM took full control of United Artists Media Group, which was a joint venture of MGM, Burnett, his wife, Roma Downey, and media giant Hearst, for $234 million. Burnett and Downey received $120 million for their 23% stake. The deal boosted MGM's television properties.Amazon closes $8.5-billion purchase of MGM, giving it broader sway in Hollywood 
•••• Burnett's departure was expected. Other MGM executives, including Michael De Luca and Pamela Abdy, who had served as th
•••• "After months of collaborative transition efforts, we have thoughtfully re-organized our teams so that they all have the opportunity to prosper under the leadership of Mike Hopkins, Jennifer Salke and Christopher Brearton," Burnett added.
•••• "As I step away from day to day management and back into independently creating and innovating, I will continue to oversee my legacy series and be available to all of you and to Amazon for guidance and support," Burnett wrote.
•••• Burnett helped rebuild MGM's television operation with his own productions, including the series "The Bible," which he co-produced with Downey for the History Channel.
•••• "I wanted to follow up by thanking him for his countless contributions to our success and, on a personal level, for his partnership and counsel throughout the integration," Hopkins wrote in his memo. "I know you'll all agree that he is one of the most innovative, creative, and prolific television producers in our industry, and we have been extraordinarily fortunate to have him on our team."
Click for More tviStory 108 - Mark Burnett exits MGM as Amazon reorganizes integration of MGM into its own studio operations


108- 'Top Gun: Maverick' Passes 'Titanic' as Seventh-Highest Grossing Film in Domestic Box Office History
•••• "Top Gun: Maverick" has toppled "Titanic" as the seventh-biggest film release ever at the domestic box office, earning $662 million in ticket sales.
•••• For Paramount, "Top Gun: Maverick" has also overtaken "Titanic" as the studio's biggest film in its 110-year history. However, James Cameron's disaster epic is still outpacing Tom Cruise's fighter-jet adventure outside of North America with $1.5 billion at the international box office and $2.2 billion globally.
•••• "Top Gun: Maverick" has sold a similar number of tickets overseas as it has domestically, with the film's international tally at $690 million. Without playing in China or Russia, the blockbuster follow-up to 1986's "Top Gun" has grossed $1.3 billion to date.
•••• Thanks to word-of-mouth and repeat customers, "Top Gun: Maverick" is pulling in audiences that would have been enormous even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, it's close to reaching Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War," which currently stands as the sixth-highest grossing domestic release ever with $678 million.
•••• Beyond that, the list of the top five domestic releases ever consists of "Black Panther" ($700 million), "Avatar" ($760 million), "Spider-Man: No Way Home" ($804 million), "Avengers: Endgame" ($853 million) and "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" ($936 million).
••••Since "Top Gun: Maverick" debuted in May and cleared a new Memorial Day weekend opening record with $160.5 million, it has remained a box office force. "Maverick" is Cruise's first movie to surpass $100 million in a single weekend and his first to reach $1 billion at the worldwide box office.
Click for More tviStory- 108- s90- A'Top Gun: Maverick' Passes 'Titanic' as Seventh-Highest Grossing Film in Domestic Box Office History

108- CAA acquires rival ICM in landmark talent agency deal
•••• Creative Artists Agency bought ICM Partners in a landmark deal that could transform Hollywood representation. The deal reduces the number of top agencies to three dominant players: CAA, WME and United Talent Agency.
•••• The deal is the industry's largest acquisition since the William Morris Agency merged with Endeavor in 2009, essentially turning Hollywood into a two-agency town.
••••Although financial terms were not disclosed, the acquisition was valued at $750 million, resulting in a pro-forma enterprise valuation of $5 billion for the enlarged agency.
•••• CAA and ICM combined will have more than 3,200 employees across 25 countries. The deal's closing will leave behind only a handful of power players. Endeavor, the industry's largest, went public last year and is valued at around $9.8 billion. United Talent Agency trails behind both firms.
•••• Apple, Amazon and Netflix have muscled in on Hollywood in recent years, and traditional media companies like Disney and Discovery have joined the race. The growing power of these firms and the economics of streaming have changed the way actors are paid, and made it harder to bargain on their behalf. That has made it tougher for a smaller agency like ICM to compete.
••••The CAA takeover was first announced in September but the deal had to be delayed due to increased scrutiny clearing a regulatory review by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the industry experiences a wave of deal-making and M&A fervor rages in Hollywood.
•••• The pairing will mean significant jobs losses at ICM. Of the 425 employees that CAA would have taken on as part of the deal, some will have to be cut.
••••CAA's acquisition of its smaller rival is part of a wider consolidation that is reshaping Hollywood as media companies boost their film and TV offerings for streaming platforms. It comes at a time of rapid changes in the talent representation industry, where power has shifted away from A-list actors and directors toward creators of content such as writers and producers.
••••CAA will now have access to ICM's lucrative publishing business and its top clients, including "Grey's Anatomy" creator Shonda Rhimes, actor Samuel L. Jackson, director Spike Lee and Ellen DeGeneres. ICM also represents "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan and "The Handmaid's Tale" creator Bruce Miller.
•••• Clients include Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Zendaya, Ava DuVernay, Ryan Murphy and Reese Witherspoon, while ICM represents Shonda Rhimes, Ellen DeGeneres, musical artists such as Ariana Grande, Samuel L. Jackson and Pete Davidson, and among others.
•••• Previously CAA announced that it had bought full ownership of CAA-GBG Global Brand Management Group, a brand management agency. Earlier this month, Beverly Hills-based United Talent Agency said it had expanded its international footprint by acquiring one of the U.K.'s biggest literary and talent companies, Curtis Brown Group.
•••• CAA, ICM and othr agencies weathered a tough period over the last two years during the COVID-19 pandemic, when several agencies laid off workers after productions shut down and live events were canceled.
••••Agencies also were squeezed by the effects of a losing battle with the Writers Guild of America that forced them to rein in the use of packaging fees and affiliated productions that had helped them diversify their business.
•••• In January, CAA announced plans to move its Los Angeles headquarters to a larger location in Century City as it prepared to absorb hundreds of new employees through its then-pending acquisition of ICM. The agency will leave its current spot on Constellation Boulevard and head across the street to the under-construction Century City Center tower in 2026.
Click for More tviStory- 108-s90- CAA acquires rival ICM

108- Warner film chief Toby Emmerich will steps down
Former MGM Film Executives Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy Named New Co-Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers of Warner Bros. Pictures Group
Under New Strategy Warner Bros. Studios Will Be Broken Out Into Three Distinct Businesses 
BURBANK, CA -- June 1, 2022 -- Warner Bros. film chief Toby Emmerich, will step down from his job running one of Hollywood's biggest movie studios in a major shakeup following the company's recent merger with Discovery. Emmerich, a 30-year veteran of the company who most recently served as chairman of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, will take on a production deal with the studio. He well launch his own production company focused on film, television and streaming. Warner Bros Discovery will finance Emmerich's firm and have distribution rights to its films and shows under a five-year deal.
••• Industry veterans and former MGM film executives Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy have been appointed co-chairpersons and CEOs of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, which currently includes Warner Bros. Pictures, New Line Cinema, DC-Based Film Production, and Warner Bros. Feature Animation. 
•••• Most recently, De Luca and Abdy led MGM Studios as motion picture group chairman and president, respectively, since 2020. They are stepping down following Amazon's $8.5 billion deal to acquire MGM and will join Warner Bros. Discovery this summer after a period of transition.
•••• During the pair's tenure, MGM released such hit films as Oscar-nominated "House of Gucci," Best Picture Academy Award nominee "Licorice Pizza," and the James Bond franchise's Oscar-winning "No Time To Die." Throughout his 30-year career in the film business, De Luca has been responsible for an impressive portfolio of films, including: "Reminiscence," "Captain Phillips," "Moneyball," "The Social Network," "Boogie Nights," "Blade" and "The Mask." He also produced the $1.3 billion grossing "Fifty Shades of Grey" franchise. He is a former president of production at both New Line Cinema and DreamWorks.
•••• Abdy served previously as a Partner and Head of Film at Makeready, where she produced "Queen & Slim" and "A Million Little Pieces." Prior to that, she served as President of Production at New Regency, which released the Academy Award-winning "Birdman," "Gone Girl," Oscar-winner "The Big Short," and "The Revenant," which received 12 Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, and two Golden Globe awards for Best Picture (Drama) and Best Actor. Before joining New Regency, Abdy was the president of Scott Stuber's Bluegrass Films.
•••• De Luca and Abdy follow longtime studio executive Toby Emmerich who is stepping down as chairman of Warner Bros. Pictures Group. Emmerich has led the film studio division since 2017, previously serving as President and Chief Content Officer, and before that as President and Chief Operating Officer of New Line Cinema. He is a 30-year veteran of Warner Bros. having joined the company in 1992 as a dual development and music executive. 
•••• An accomplished screenwriter and producer, Emmerich is launching a new production company at the Warner Bros. studio, focused on film, television and streaming. As part of an exclusive 5-year agreement, Warner Bros. Discovery will finance Emmerich's venture and have distribution rights to films and series.
•••• Under Emmerich's leadership, Warner Bros. Pictures Group had its most successful year ever in 2018, with a global box office of $5.57 billion. This success was fueled by a diverse lineup of hit films, including "Aquaman"-- the most successful DC Superhero film ever and Warner Bros.' second-biggest title of all time, "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald," "Ready Player One," "The Meg," "Rampage," "A Star is Born," "The Nun," and "Crazy Rich Asians." In 2019, the Studio released the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time, DC's "Joker," which earned $1.08 billion at the global box office and won two Academy Awards, as well as the hugely successful horror sequel "IT Chapter Two."
Click for More tviStory- 108-s90- Warner film chief Toby Emmerich, steps down; Michael De Luca and Pam Abdy Named New Co-Chairpersons and Chief Executive Officers of Warner Bros. Pictures Group

108- CNN+ to shut down service
•••• CNN+ has become a major casualty of the streaming video business.
•••• Just weeks after the completion of the Warner Bros. Discovery merger, new management announced it is pulling the plug on CNN's streaming service.
•••• CNN staffers were informed that CNN+, which launched on March 29, will be shut down on April 30.
•••• "This decision is in line with WBD's broader direct-to-consumer strategy," CNN President Chris Licht said. "In a complex streaming market, consumers want simplicity and an all-in service, which provides a better experience and more value than stand-alone offerings."
•••• The decision to pull the plug on CNN+ so quickly comes on the heels of the disastrous earnings for streaming giant Netflix, which lost billions in stock value after failing to meet expectations for subscriber growth.
•••• The decline of Netfilx subscribers demonstrated how much consumers are willing to spend on streaming services.
•••• Licht said the decision was not a judgment on the content of the service. He said some of the programming and on-air talent hired will be absorbed into the company's other networks.
•••• CNN+ launched with major promotional campaigns, hiring a number of well known names including Chris Wallace from Fox News and Audie Cornish from NPR. It is expected they will be joining the TV side.
•••• Wallace's one-on-one interview program has included sit-downs with high profile figures as "The 1619 Project" author Nikole-Hannah Jones and White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki that were certainly worthy of airing on the cable network.
•••• But with 400 employees hired for the endeavor, there is the likelyhood of cuts.
•••• Still, CNN staffers were shocked by the announcement of a total shutdown of CNN+. Many anticipated a freeze in hiring and spending as the new executive team decided on a new path forward.
They also expected some version of a CNN streaming product to be folded into HBO Max.
•••• Warner Bros. Discovery leadership likely preferred to take a short term hit of a shutdown rather than continuing to invest in a service they did not believe in.
Click for More tviStory- 108-s90-#108- CNN+shuts down service

108- Axel Springer has acquired another U.S. outpost.
Axel-Springer300w.jpgThe German publishing giant announced that it would be acquiring Politico, the political news site launched in 2007, in a deal valued at over $1 billion marking the latest step in the German media giant's recently fortified growth plans.
Photo: Bernd Von Jutrczenka--PictureAlliance/Getty Images

•••• In addition to gaining the remaining 50% ownership stake in Politico, Springer will also take ownership of Politico Europe and Protocol, the tech-focused sister site of Politico that launched last February.
•••• Politico will join Insider (formerly Business Insider) and Morning Brew in Springer's growing stable of U.S. media companies.
•••• The announcement comes amid a massive realignment of the media ecosystem as publishers scramble to merge, go public or conduct other maneuvers to take advantage of the fluid post-pandemic business landscape.
••••Politico is the latest in a string of deals for U.S. media companies in the past several years. In 2014, Axel Springer set up a joint venture with Politico to launch the European edition of the website. In 2015, it bought Business Insider, and, last year, Axel Springer acquired a majority stake in the newsletter publisher Morning Brew Inc. 
••••Founded in 2007, Politico was a pioneer in granular scoop-driven coverage of politics and policy in Washington, D.C. While much of its coverage is free, it publishes news and analysis for paying subscribers under the banner Politico Pro. 
••••The digital media industry has been consolidating as advertisers move their budgets to tech giants such as Facebook Inc. and Google. Last year, BuzzFeed bought HuffPost from Verizon Communications Inc. In 2019, Vice Media acquired Refinery29 and Vox Media bought New York Media, parent of New York Magazine.
Click for More tviStory- 108-s90- Axel Springer Buys Politico

108-AT&T out of the Pay-TV space - By TC Stubblefield, NBS100.com
•••• After AT&T aquired DirectTV in 2015 with high reaching plans to modernate the satellite TV business it now returns DirecTV to its roots as a stand-alone company.
•••• On August 2, AT&T completed its spinoff of DirecTV, taking $7.1 billion in cash and 70% interest in the new DirecTV. Private equity giant TPG, which contributed $1.8 billion, owns 30% of the new privately held company.
•••• The new DirecTV is made up of AT&T's three TV distribution businesses: the namesake satellite TV service, the legacy U-verse and the streaming offer AT&T TV.
••••• AT&T's ownership of DirecTV proved a dire enterprise. The Dallas company paid $49 billion to acquire El Segundo-based DirecTV (and absorbed another $18 billion in debt) with the goal of selling its customers a bundle of TV and phone services. When that deal closed, in 2015, AT&T became the nation's largest pay-TV provider with 26 million customers.
•••• Now the three former AT&T television platforms -- DirecTV, U-Verse and the streaming service AT&T TV -- have about 15.4 million subscribers, according to the company. In six years, AT&T lost nearly 40% of its TV subscriber base, resulting in one of the highest levels of so-called "churn" in the industry.
••••• In late 2019 AT&T hired Bill Morrow, a former CEO of Pacific Gas & Electric in San Francisco, when the company was under pressure from an activist investor that demanded that AT&T pay down its debt and get rid of non-core assets.•••
•••• Although AT&T starts with a 70% stake in DirecTV, they will likely wind down their investment over time, being now out of the pay-TV space.
•••• DirecTV will have a five-member board: two representatives of AT&T and two representatives of TPG, as well as Morrow, who plans to bring a different focus to DirecTV.
•••• The new company will be based in El Segundo and in Denver.
•••• The spinoff comes as AT&T tries to streamline its holdings. It also has been under pressure to get rid of assets to generate cash to pay down its debt from its buying spree, which included the $85-billion purchase of WarnerMedia, parent of HBO, CNN, Turner and the Warner Bros. studio, three years ago. This spring, AT&T announced that it would sell WarnerMedia to smaller rival Discovery.
•••• The company's DirecTV foray was plagued from the start.
•••• After the takeover in 2015, AT&T offered rich severance packages to much of DirecTV's senior leadership, who then rushed out the door.
•••• DirecTV had long been known for sterling customer service, but AT&T moved customer-related functions into its "shared services" unit that was geared toward dealing with phone service issues.
•••• "After a year or two, AT&T probably realized the acquisition was a huge mistake." •••• •••• Customer defections began accelerating within a couple years of AT&T's purchase and the company turned its attention to building a streaming service that it could pair with its broadband offer. It launched various versions of a streaming service -- DirecTV Now, AT&T Now and AT&T TV, all of which splintered in the market.
••••There is untapped potential in the AT&T TV product, which will be relaunched as DirecTV Stream to capture the so-called cord-cutters.
•••• Traditional television is still a huge part of the ecosystem, but long-term might not be a sustainable business model because people are continuing to migrate away.
Click for More tviStory- 108-s90- AT&T Out Of Pay-TV after returning DirecTV

108- TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE receives 2019 Best of Toluca Lake Award
/2019TVI%20PubAward108x140p.jpgTOLUCA LAKE, December 17, 2019 -- TELEVISION INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE has been selected for the 2019 Best of Toluca Lake Award in the Magazine Publishers since 1956 category by the Toluca Lake Award Program.
•••• Each year, the Toluca Lake Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Toluca Lake area a great place to live, work and play.
•••• Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2019 Toluca Lake Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Toluca Lake Award Program and data provided by third parties.
About Toluca Lake Award Program
•••• The Toluca Lake Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the Toluca Lake area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value.
•••• The Toluca Lake Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy.




  • History: Founded in 1956 by ABC's Sam Donaldson and his partner Al Preiss and acquired by the Cory's in 1987.

    In April 1956 TVI debuted it's first edition with offices at 1580 Crossroad of the World, Hollywood, CA. In March, 1963, TVI hosted the first "Annual Festival of World TV Classics Award " at the Huntington Hartford Theater. Since 1956 TVI grew to command the print readership of television network executives in 142 countries on six continents, covering the industry of television, film, telecommunication and WiTEL. In the mid-90s Television International Magazine (TVI Magazine) went online as: tvimagazine.com

Publisher/Editor: JosieCory.com • iPublisher: TroyCory.com


. . . "People read what they want," says tviNews. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can we partner with people to have a symbiotic realationship?

Images03/^SamDonaldson108w.jpg^AlPreiss108w.jpg •••

Television Internatinal Magazine Founder, Sam Donaldson.
Samuel Andrew Donaldson became interested in broadcasting at an early age and, after graduating from New Mexico Military institute, majored in telecommunications at Texas Western. He immediately began working at local stations as a disc jockey, announcer and interviewer. While still in El Paso, he had his first taste of television, working as an announcer in the region's first television station.
•••• While attending graduate school at the University of Southern California, Donaldson met publisher Al Preiss, and they both formed TELEvisionFILM Magazine. Both seeing where the international television market was heading, the name was changed to Television International Magazine.
•••• In his book "Hold On Mr. President" Donaldson writes .... After getting my B.A., I went to the University of Southern California for a year of postgraduate work. This time I worked hard but didn't stick to it. Instead, I started a magazine in Hollywood all with five thousand dollars and a friend named al Preiss. We went first-class, letter press printing instead of offset, four-color ads instead of black and white. It soon became evident that we needed fifty thousand dollars, not five." Eventually Donaldson sold out to Al Preiss who continued publishing the magazine until his death in 1986. In 1987 The Cory's purchased the Magazine fro,m Al's widow Sylvia Preiss.
Click for More Sam Donaldson

Television International Magazine Co-Founder, Al Preiss.
Born in Waseca, Minnesota, Preiss began his career in the newsroom at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis as a sportscaster. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he began teaching television courses at the University of Southern California.
••• It was there, in 1955 when Al Preiss had a vision -- a vision that materialized in 1956, when he and his colleague Sam Donaldson launched TELEvisionFilm Magazine.
••• Both Al and Sam had an honest conviction that, "the television film industry had reached a stage where it needed a national publication that would analyze and put into focus -- the news, issues and problems which particularly concern the production and distribution of film for television.
••• When Al Preiss died in August 1986, the television industry lost an untiring advocate and a giant of a good friend. The tall, wonderfully amiable publisher truly seemed to do it all -- attending nearly every press conference, speech, convention and reception, and was never seen without his trademark clear plastic briefcase. You turned around at these functions and there was Preiss, taking notes, talking animatedly, telling stories, doing his job. One that he not only loved, but felt was necessary and important. He did it all with the help of his charming wife of 25 years, Sylvia, who was editor of the magazine during the years of 1985 and 1986.
••• The controlling interest of the magazine, with all of its archival history was purchased in 1987 by the Cory's.

Contributing Journalists:
Josie Cory, Gary Sunkin, Byan Lukas, Donna Jeffries, Valerie Milano, Peter Allman, Don Butler, Troy Cory-Stubblefield, Barry Seybert, Victor Caballero, Mike Lipman, Gordon Talbott, William Adrian, Ginger Adams, Larry Leverett, Bernard Schwartz, Bob Fisher, Dr. Frank Iezzi, Ph.D., Kurt Sigl, Robin Strausberg, Mark Schaefer, Brad Ashton, Jim Baker, Anika Michalowska, Theo Pirard, Richard Mahler, Bill McCloskey, Bill Peterson, John Chittock, Tony Chiaveillo, Moira Burnett, John Sanders, Mark Trost, Gillian Davies, Jonathan Ames, Peter Knight, Anton van Casteren, Jim Hodgetts, Martin Jackson, Jack Loftus, Peter Warner, Christian Williams, Alex Ben Block, Bob Foster, Seth Goldstein, Bob Marisch, Jefferson Graham, Jack Anderson.

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108- Genie Gateway - Pay with your own phone number
Check21VPOSGateway.jpgSome customers still like to use traditional checks, but to save time and money new technology has allowed those paper checks to be converted into a digital version known as Check21. This is a fast, secure, and efficient way to offer an additional payment option to merchants while saving on transaction fees that are higher when accepting debit and credit cards.
•••• Check21 is the new way for you to receive payments for all your goods and services! Get Real-Time processing AND payment, 24x7x365, from any customer with a valid US checking account &endash; whether they buy in person, online, or by cell phone.
•••• Genie Gateway holds the Key to Unlocking a Wide-Open Opportunity by using its patented technology to create a unique environment where customers can communicate and send and receive payments, globally, in real-time through Telecommunications, eCommerce, Cable TV, and High Speed Internet, integrated on one platform into One Unified Solution.
More Genie FastPay
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EasyTel - The World is Your Office

Click for More tviStory 108-s90- 2019 Genie Gateway - Pay with your own phone number

108-Gannet and GateHouse to form a Giant
•••• Two of the country's largest newspaper companies have agreed to combine, creating a new industry giant that hopes to steer through the crisis of print's decline through sheer size.
•••• The merged company would have more than 260 daily papers in the United States, along with more than 300 weeklies. It would be the largest U.S. newspaper company by far, with a print circulation of 8.7 million -- 7 million more than the new No. 2, McClatchy, according to media expert Ken Doctor.ds
•••• GateHouse Media, a fast-growing chain backed by an investment firm, is buying USA Today owner Gannett Co. for $12.06 a share in cash and stock, or about $1.4 billion, promising to speed up a digital transformation as readers shift online. The companies say they are committed to "journalistic excellence" -- while also planning to cut $300 million in yearly costs.
•••• Local papers, faced with the complex and expensive process of building digital businesses to replace declines in print ads and circulation, have been consolidating madly in recent years. Although papers with national readership such as the New York Times and the Washington Post have had success adding digital subscribers, local papers with local readerships are having a difficult time. Hundreds of such papers have closed, and newsrooms have slashed jobs.
••••The U.S. has lost almost 1,800 local newspapers since 2004. Newsroom employment fell by a quarter from 2008 to 2018, according to Pew Research, and layoffs have continued this year.
•••• "We've been hearing for years and years about the glories of cost efficiencies," said Northeastern University professor Dan Kennedy, a proponent of local ownership for media outlets. But it's unclear, based on past media mergers, whether those savings will benefit the papers, its employees or their readers, he said. He wonders whether combined companies make more or fewer cuts than they would have if they had remained separate.
•••• But it's no panacea. "I don't think, just by these companies merging, they're going to somehow magically find a new business model, make everything all right and produce robust journalism at a local level," Butler University journalism professor Nancy Whitmore said. Still, she said, a bigger, combined newspaper company could sell more national ads and boost ad revenue.
•••• GateHouse's owner, New Media, is taking on new debt to get the deal done -- a $1.8-billion loan from private equity firm Apollo Global Management. That will have to be paid back.
•••• Consolidation is nothing new to either company. Gannett's last big U.S. print purchase was in 2016, when it bought papers in the Journal Media Group chain for $280 million, including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and the Commercial Appeal in Memphis. Gannett also owns dailies in major cities such as the Detroit Free Press and Arizona Republic.
•••• Several experts said they do not expect the Justice Department to have an issue with the deal, as the two companies have papers in different markets. The companies expect it to close this year.
•••• The combined company would take the Gannett name and keep its headquarters in Gannett's current home of McLean, Va.
Click for More tviStory 108- Gannet and GateHouse to form a Giant

115-Comcast Beats Out Fox to Acquire Sky TV
Comcast Corp. won out over 21st Century Fox and the Walt Disney Co. in the battle for Sky television by offering nearly $40 billion for the satellite-TV service that boasts 23 million customers in five European countries.
•••• Winning Sky is a huge boost for Comcast and its chief executive, Brian Roberts. His company, which started as a small Tupelo, Miss., cable system a half-century ago, has steadily grown through acquisitions and should soon boast more than 50 million customers worldwide. Comcast will have a presence in some of the most prosperous countries in Europe -- Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria and Italy.
•••• " This acquisition will allow us to quickly, efficiently and meaningfully increase our customer base and expand internationally," said Roberts.
•••• The Sky victory is a relief for Roberts, who was twice spurned by Rupert Murdoch when Roberts tried to buy much of 21st Century Fox. Instead, Murdoch made it clear that he wanted most of his entertainment empire to go to Burbank-based Disney.
•••• Comcast's repeated presentations forced Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger to spend nearly $18 billion more than he initially planned, or $71.3 billion, to purchase the Fox assets. But with help from Fox, Iger succeeded in driving up the price that Comcast ended up paying for Sky.
•••• For the 87-year-old Murdoch, the sale of Sky to Comcast brings an end to his broadcasting ambitions in Britain. Murdoch co-founded the satellite TV service in 1989 to compete with the venerable British Broadcasting Corp., and Sky grew into a beloved service with original programming and popular soccer matches.
•••• The Murdoch company had previously attempted to buy all of Sky but, in 2011, it was forced to retreat amid an embarrassing cellphone hacking scandal at its now-defunct London tabloid, News of the World. Again in December 2016, Fox tried to buy the 61% of Sky that it currently does not own. But that sale became bogged down as various regulators in Britain picked on the deal and raised questions about Murdoch's control.
•••• The Australian-born media magnate has long been influential in British politics, and he is not a popular figure among Britain's Labor Party. Activists complained that Murdoch already has too much sway over Britain's media because the family's publishing company, News Corp., controls several newspapers.
•••• During the regulatory slog, Murdoch last year decided to unload much of his U.S.-based Fox businesses. Among them: the prolific 20th Century Fox television and movie studios in west Los Angeles, cable channel FX, regional sports networks and its stakes in Sky and the streaming service Hulu. The Murdochs will keep Fox News Channel, national sports networks and television stations, including KTTV-TV Channel 11 and KCOP-TV Channel 13 in Los Angeles.
•••• Sky is one of the most popular TV brands in Europe. Last year, the satellite TV broadcaster produced $18.5 billion in revenue. It creates its own original programs, runs the popular Sky News channel and maintains exclusive partnerships in Europe with HBO, Showtime and Warner Bros. studio.
Click More tviStory 115- Comcast Beats Out Fox to Acquire Sky TV

108-AT&T is raising fee
•••• AT&T is raising an obscure fee to make an extra $970 million a year, analyst says.
•••• Arguing for the Time Warner merger deal against the Justice Department in court this year, attorneys for AT&T claimed that prices for AT&T's pay-TV service, DirecTV, were likely to go down.
•••• AT&T Inc.'s wireless customers are expected to pay almost $1 billion more every year to the company after AT&T increased a monthly "administrative fee" this spring in a move that went largely unnoticed, according to an industry analyst.
•••• The analyst, Walt Piecyk of BTIG, initially estimated that AT&T could pocket about $800 million more per year from the higher fee, before revising that figure upward to $970 million once he learned that the fee hike also will affect tablets and smartwatches on AT&T's network, not just cellphones.
••••"Some people might not get hit till next cycle," Piecyk said.
•••• The higher fee reflects a 58% increase over its previous level of $1.26 per line. The fee is now more than three times what it was when AT&T first introduced it in 2013. It does not apply to prepaid customers but affects the vast majority of AT&T's approximately 65 million postpaid subscribers, Piecyk said.
••••Presumably the Administrative Fee is another way to help AT&T fund its network build and Time Warner acquisition.
••••AT&T said in a statement that the fee is a standard practice across the industry, and that it "helps cover costs we incur for items like cell site maintenance and interconnection between carriers."
••••A page on AT&T's website also says that the fee is "not limited" to covering cell site maintenance and interconnection.
••••Like the country's other wireless carriers, AT&T is moving aggressively to build out a nationwide successor to its 4G LTE data network, an endeavor that is likely to cost billions of dollars. It is also spending $40 billion -- and could receive more than $30 billion from the federal government -- to construct a new wireless network for first-responders.
••••AT&T is changing rapidly in other ways too. This month, it closed its landmark $85-billion merger with Time Warner, becoming an entertainment and media giant overnight. It is moving quickly to capitalize on the acquisition, renaming Time Warner as WarnerMedia and launching a new streaming video service, WatchTV, that contains some of the programming it now owns. It also acquired AppNexus, a digital advertising firm that could help AT&T monetize WarnerMedia's video content.
••••It is unclear whether price hikes could be coming to other AT&T services.
Click More tviStory 108- AT&T is raising fee

108-KCET and KCOP to merge in changing market
•••KCETLink Media Group (KCET) and PBS SoCal (KOCE), the flagship PBS outlet for Southern California, have agreed to merge the companies. The name of the new organization will be announced with the closing of the merger, which is expected to be completed in the first half of 2018.
•••• "This merger has been in the works for many, many years," said Dick Cook, chairman of KCET's board, who will become chairman of the combined entity when the deal closes this summer.
•••• The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which allocates federal dollars to public stations, long had persued the two stations to unite. That goal made more essential in an era in which President Trump and some members of Congress have threatened to slash funding for public broadcasting.
•••• Merger talks began three years ago but were put on hold because of the Federal Communications Commission's spectrum auction last year. More than half of the $19.8 billion generated in the auction went to broadcasters that were willing to relinquish some of their spectrum.
•••• KCET, based in Burbank, received about $65 million from the auction, while KOCE collected about $49 million. That money allowed the organizations to fortify their finances and establish endowments for programming.
•••• The two stations will fold together their separate assets, with neither side making any payments to the other, the officials said. Andrew Russell, president and chief executive of PBS SoCal (KOCE) will run the combined entity, which will have about 130 employees. No layoffs are immediately planned. KCET has been without a chief executive since February, when Michael Riley joined Ellen DeGeneres' company.
Click More tviStory 108-KCET and KCOP to merge in changing market


108- $peedollars, The Digital Pay Game
•••• As millennials 'Venmo' each other money online tools and apps could someday overtake cash and checks as the primary way individuals pay each other.
••• These systems will get a lift later this year when a coalition of the nation's biggest banks roll out Zelle, a mobile and online money-transfer network that will let any customer of nearly every U.S. bank send money to customers of any other bank using only a phone number or email address.
•••• Online and mobile peer-to-peer or p2p payment systems have grown rapidly over the last few years, and that is expected to continue. In a report published this month, finance industry research firm Aite Group estimated that Americans made about $147 billion in digital p2p transfers last year, up from $100 billion the year before.
•••• Later this year, a company owned by some of the nation's largest banks, will release Zelle, a payment system built to compete with Venmo and others.
•••• Zelle traces it roots back to 2011, when Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase set out to build a system -- initially called ClearXchange -- that would allow their customers to send money to each other using only phone numbers and email addresses. Before, customers could only transfer money to friends and family by entering account and routing numbers -- information customers often didn't know and might be concerned about sharing.
•••• The biggest players in the market are still the banks, though they didn't do great job of explaining that ClearXchange would allow customers to send money to customers of other banks. And part of the problem was that every bank has its own name for its ClearXchange-powered p2p system, including Chase QuickPay, Wells Fargo SurePay and Capital One P2P Payments.
•••• Facebook and Google, too, allow users to send money to friends. Google has Google Wallet, which started as a mobile wallet app but became a p2p payment tool in 2015, and Facebook users have been able to send money through Facebook Messenger since 2015. •••••Though Venmo and other non-bank payment systems are still a small part of the p2p market, banks hope, to make digital p2p payments more mainstream, but want to make sure they keep their place in the financial order and keep their customers.
•••• Venmo is arguably the biggest name in peer-to-peer transfers and like like Google, Uber is in the process of becoming a verb -- as in "Venmo me."
•••• Founded in 2009, the company was acquired in 2012 by payment services provider Braintree, which was acquired the following year by online payments giant PayPal -- which offers p2p payments under its own name too.
•••The $peedollar concept of 1968, could someday overtake cash and checks as the primary way individuals pay each other
Click More tviStory 108-s90-$Speedollars

108- AT&T Buys Time Warner for $86Billion
•••• In a mega-deal a of such enormity to not only the TV and entertainment industry but also politically, AT&T has bought media and entertainment giant Time Warner.
••••Under the terms of the takeover, Time Warner shareholders will receive $107.50 per share, implying a total equity value of $85.4 billion and a total transaction value of $108.7 billion, including Time Warner's net debt. Not surprisingly the acquisition -- approved unanimously by the boards of directors of both companies and expected to close before year-end 2017 -- will be subject to a multitude of regulatory requirements. AT&T and Time Warner are currently determining which licences subject to rule by US regulator the FCC will be transferred to AT&T in connection with the transaction.
•••• If it does go through, the transaction will leave the communications giant with a market-leading portfolio of infrastructure assets in telecoms, internet and satellite assets (through its previous acquisition of DIRECTV) and also some of the leading global TV and film brands. These include HBO, which consists of US premium pay-TV and streaming services; Warner Bros. Entertainment, which consists of television, feature film, home video and videogame production and distribution; Warner Bros. film franchises include Harry Potter and DC Comics, and its produced TV series include Big Bang Theory and Gotham; Turner consists of US and international basic cable networks, including TNT, TBS, CNN and Cartoon Network/Adult Swim.
••••Explaining the rationale for the mega-deal, AT&T said the newly merged company would have the complementary strengths to lead the next wave of innovation in converging media and communications industry positioned to create new customer choices -- from content creation and distribution to a mobile-first experience that's personal and social. It added that the new company will offer more relevant and valuable addressable advertising; innovate with ad-supported content models; better inform content creation; and make over the top (OTT) and TV everywhere products smarter and more personalised.
••••"This is a perfect match of two companies with complementary strengths who can bring a fresh approach to how the media and communications industry works for customers, content creators, distributors and advertisers," said Randall Stephenson, AT&T chairman and CEO. "Premium content always wins. It has been true on the big screen, the TV screen and now it's proving true on the mobile screen. We'll have the world's best premium content with the networks to deliver it to every screen. A big customer pain point is paying for content once but not being able to access it on any device, anywhere. Our goal is to solve that. We intend to give customers unmatched choice, quality, value and experiences that will define the future of media and communications."
••••Added Time Warner chairman and CEO Jeff Bewkes: "This is a great day for Time Warner and its shareholders. Combining with AT&T dramatically accelerates our ability to deliver our great brands and premium content to consumers on a multi-platform basis and to capitalise on the tremendous opportunities created by the growing demand for video content… Joining forces with AT&T will allow us to innovate even more quickly and create more value for consumers along with all our distribution and marketing partners, and allow us to build on a track record of creative and financial excellence that is second to none in our industry… This is a natural fit between two companies with great legacies of innovation that have shaped the modern media and communications landscape."
Click More tviStory 108- AT&T Mega-deal Merger with Time Warner

108 Green Light for AT&T's purchase of DirecTV
•••• The Federal Communications Commission to vote on proposed order to approve AT&T's purchase of satellite service Direc TV, a $49-billion deal that would place the phone giant as the nation's largest pay-television operator.
•••• FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler recommended that the deal be approved with conditions, while the Justice Department said it would not attept to block the merger becaue id did not appear to be anti-competivitve.After a year-long review proces, approval could come within a matter of days.
•••• The combined company would have 1.5 million pay-TV customers in the Los Angeles region, with DirecTV contributing more than 1.2 million.
•••• The merger, would transform AT&T into a television powerhouse that is less reliant on its wireless phone business, which has been subject to price wars among the leading providers.
•••••Consumer rights advocates had lobbied the FCC to deny the deal, saying "The deal will reduce the number of pay-TV competitors from four to three for nearly a quarter of the country." AT&T is also the nation's second-largest home Internet access provider, and it now has new power and incentives to curb online video competition."
•••••••• The company will be based in Dallas, where AT&T maintains its headquarters. The move would leave the Los Angeles region with one fewer Fortune 500 company after El Segundo-based DirecTV is absorbed into the telecommunications giant.
••••AT&T, however, has said that DirecTV's operations would continue to be managed locally. About 3,000 DirecTV employees work at its headquarters and broadcast centers in Long Beach and Marina del Rey.
••••AT&T, which traces its origins to the invention of the telephone more than 130 years ago by Alexander Graham Bell, pursued DirecTV as a way to remain competitive in the digital age. The combination was also motivated, in part, by a recognition that consumers increasingly are getting news and entertainment on smartphones and other devices.


108- AT&T fined $105 million for cramming charges
108- Buffett Greases Burger King "Inversion" Deal
108- TVI's person of the month bids for Time Warner
108- Amazon offers Pay to Quit program
108- Bill Gates on the move to erase global poverty.

108- AT&T fined $105 million for cramming charges in customer bills
•••• As part of a $105 million settlement with federal and state law enforcement officials, AT&T Mobility LLC will pay $80 million to the Federal Trade Commission to provide refunds to consumers the company unlawfully billed for unauthorized third-party charges, a practice known as mobile cramming. The refunds are part of a multi-agency settlement that also includes $20 million in penalties and fees paid to 50 states
AT&T billed its customers for hundreds of millions of dollars in charges
originated by other companies, usually in amounts of $9.99 per month, for subscriptions for ringtones and text messages containing love tips, horoscopes, and "fun facts," as alleged in the FTC complaint against AT&T.
•••• "This settlement will put tens of millions of dollars back in the pockets of consumers harmed by AT&T's cramming of its mobile customers," said FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez. "This case underscores the important fact that basic consumer protections -- including that consumers should not be billed for charges they did not authorize -- are fully applicable in the mobile environment."
•••• Beginning October 8th, consumers who believe they were charged by AT&T without their authorization can visit www.ftc.gov/att to submit a refund claim and find out more about the FTC's refund program under the settlement. If consumers are unsure about whether they are eligible for a refund, they can visit the claims website or contact the settlement administrator at 1-877-819-9692 for more information.
The FTC's 7th cramming case since 2013-
This case is part of a larger FTC effort to clamp down on mobile cramming. This is the FTC's seventh mobile cramming case since 2013, and its second against a mobile phone carrier this year. The FTC filed a complaint against T-Mobile in July, and that case is ongoing. The Commission also issued a staff report on mobile cramming in July. The FTC mobile cramming cases build on the FTC's extensive law enforcement work over the last decade to combat cramming on landline phone bills.
•••• The FTC's investigation into AT&T showed that the company received very high volumes of consumer complaints related to the unauthorized third-party charges placed on consumer's phone bills. For some third-party content providers, complaints reached as high as 40 percent of subscriptions charged to AT&T consumers in a given month.
In 2011 alone,
the FTC's complaint states, AT&T received more than 1.3 million calls to its customer service department about the charges.
•••• According to the complaint, in October 2011, AT&T altered its refund policy so that customer service representatives could only offer to refund two months' worth of charges to consumers who sought a refund, no matter how long the company had been billing customers for the unauthorized charges. Prior to that time, AT&T had offered refunds of up to three months' worth of charges. At that time, AT&T characterized its change in policy as designed to "help lower refunds."
In February 2012-
one AT&T employee said in an e-mail that "Cramming/Spamming has increased to a new level that cannot be tolerated from an AT&T or industry perspective," but according to the complaint, the company did not act to determine whether third parties had in fact gotten authorization from consumers for the charges placed on their bills. In fact, the company denied refunds to many consumers, and in other cases referred the consumers to third-parties to seek refunds for the money consumers paid to AT&T.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- AT&T Settlement to Pay Cramming Charges Refunds

108-MGM buys 55% in Popular Production Companies
••• The Webusersguild, wwwWUG4.com, reported that the Culver City Studio, MGM, announced it had acquired a majority stake in Mark Burnett's production company, One Three Media, which holds rights to reality hits like "The Voice," "Survivor," "The Apprentice" and "Shark Tank." Mr. Burnett will run the operation as CEO of a new MGM unit called United Artists Media Group.
• United Artists has a storied history-
•••• in the movie business. The company was founded by Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith in 1919. It became part of MGM in 1981. MGM and Tom Cruse restarted United Arists in the mid-2000s, but the venture foundered releasing just two pictures "Limbs for Lambs and "Valkyrie."
•••• Under Burnett, United Artists will foucs on development, production and financing for television programs, films and digital content. Roma Downey, best know for starring on the TV program "Touched by an Angel,will serve as president of LightWorkers, now the faith and family unit of United Artists.
worldwide," Gary Barber, MGM's chairman and chief executive, said in a statement.
• Financial terms were not disclosed.
•••• The Hearst Corporation will continue to own a minority stake in the One Three Media and LightWorkers businesses.
•••• "Mark and Roma are without a doubt the most successful and dominant players in unscripted television and faith-based content, and we are excited to be distributing United Artists Media Group content worldwide," Gary Barber, MGM's chairman and chief executive, said in a statement.
•••• Mr. Barber also announced the creation of a LightWorkers on-demand Internet channel. "We look forward to growing our television, film and digital business while also creating a whole new platform," Mr. Burnett said in a statement.
• MGM very nearly capsized --
•••more than once -- in the 2000s, as the collapse of the DVD market and a revolving set of owners left the company choking on $4 billion in debt. A bankruptcy and new managers, most notably Mr. Barber, have since turned the operation around, with a new scripted television division contributing significantly.
•••• MGM's recent television efforts include "Vikings," "Teen Wolf," and the critically acclaimed "Fargo" on FX.
• Among the shows in the works-
•••• from Mr. Burnett and Ms. Downey: "A.D.," a biblical mini-series for NBC, "The Dovekeepers" mini-series for CBS and "On the Menu," a cooking show for TNT. They are also helping to produce a remake of "Ben-Hur" in partnership with MGM and Paramount Pictures.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90-MGM buys 55% in Popular Production Firms

108- Using Stock-Bonds As Collateral -
Larry Ellison Upgrades Oracle Credit Line to $9.9 Billion
•••• Like most Wall Street financial firms . . . billionaire Larry Ellision, has increased the amount of Oracle Corp. stock he's pledged against personal indebtedness and lines of credit to 9.9 billion dollars.
•••• Ellison, 70, holds 250 million shares of the Redwood City, Calif.-based software maker as collateral, according to the company's proxy statement. That compares with 215 million shares last year and 139 million in 2012.
•••• "With interest rates on loans so low right now, would I rather sell some investments I have and give up the return on those, or would I rather get a loan?" Tim Steffen, director of financial planning at Robert W. Baird & Co., said in a phone interview. "And he's not going to sell his vacation home to go and make another investment."
•••• Elison, who has a net worth of 43.1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, is known for his lavish lifestyle.
•••• He built a sprawling Japanese-inspired home in Silicon Valley, scooped up swaths of land in Malibu, and, in 2012 purchased Lanai, the sixth-largest Hawaiian Island.
•••• He also sponsors the U.S.'s America's Cup team, which won the sailing competition last year. The catamarans for the race cost about $8 million to build, and Oracle Team USA and its three challengers this year could've spent more than $100 million each on their boats, crew, facilities and support staff, Gary •••• Ellison is stepping down as Oracle chief executive officer to become chairman and chief technology officer. The company named Mark Hurd and Safra Catz, who were previously co-presidents, co-CEOs on Sept. 18.
• Deborah Hellinger, a spokeswoman for
•••• Oracle, declined to comment on Ellison's collateralized shares.
•••• "Banks know he's a good risk, so they're willing to lend him the money," Steffen said. "Even though the size of the loan seems big, this is $10 billion on $43 billion. That's less than 25 percent -- less than your average investor. Is your mortgage less than 25 percent of your net worth?"
•••• Billionaires including Sumner Redstone, the chairman of Viacom Inc., and Tesla Motors Inc. co-founder Elon Musk also use shares to secure personal debt. Musk has pledged at least 10 million Tesla shares as collateral, valued at $2.53 billion as of yesterday's closing price, according to the company's proxy statement.
on Ellison's collateralized shares.
•••• Redstone controls some CBS Corp. and Viacom shares through National Amusements Inc., which owns Showcase Cinemas. Some of those shares are pledged to lenders of a National Amusements subsidiary, according to filings from the two New York-based companies.
• Ellison "isn't doing anything unusual-
•••• and he wouldn't have done this if the company was concerned about it," Steffen said.
•••• Oracle paid Ellison $67.3 million in fiscal 2014, including an option award valued at $65 million, according to the proxy. The company will cut Ellison's stock-option grant from 7 million shares to 2.25 million in its next fiscal year, according to the filing. The reduction follows two consecutive shareholder rejections of Oracle's executive pay plan in annual non-binding votes.
•••• Ellison has collected at least $2.1 billion exercising options since 1994, according to data compiled by compensation expert Graef Crystal. In the 20 years ended May 31 this year, Oracle has posted a total return of more than 2,500 percent, almost 2,000 percentage points more than the Standard & Poor's 500 Index during the same period.
•••• Oracle also is introducing performance-stock units beginning in fiscal 2015. The awards are granted based on the company's relative revenue and cash-flow growth versus a set of peers that includes International Business Machines Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Using Stock-Bonds As Collateral . . . Larry Ellison

108- Buffett + $Bill = Burger King- "INVERSION" Deal
••• TVI's Person of theWeek, Warren Buffett greases $3 Billion to make the Burger King Inversion deal happen
•••• The $11.4 billion dollar transaction for Canadian warrenbuffettPoM108w.jpgcoffee-and-doughnut chain Tim Hortons Inc., with headquarter in Canada is the latest company to undergo an inversion, which happens when an American company uses a merger to reincorporate as a foreign one.
•••• In such a maneuver, which is legal, a U.S. company buys a foreign competitor in a nation with a lower corporate tax rate and shifts its headquarters to that country.
•••• As inversions have gained in popularity in recent years, the US administration has been pushing for new restrictions. The latest in a series of corporate offshore tax-reducing moves, also puts the Obama administration in a difficult spot as it tries to stem the flow of U.S. companies moving to foreign countries. with lower tax rates..
Burger King's purchase of Tim Hortons, creating the world's third-largest fast-food company,-
is one of the highest-profile tax inversions so far.
•••• Some have suggested boycotting the fast food chain, while others have directed their criticism and anger toward the billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose company Berkshire Hathaway is partly financing the deal with investing $3 billion.
•••• Industry experts said Burger King is especially vulnerable to a backlash because it is a popular consumer brand, unlike some of the pharmaceutical companies that have undertaken other recent high-profile inversions.
•••• But a backlash against Burger King will be short-lived because most people will not be thinking about their patriotism when they are pulling through the drive-through at Burger King, to get a Whooper.
•••• Buffett is famous for arguing-
that our tax code should be fairer and that the rich and powerful should not get more breaks than middle-income Americans -- views that some say are incongruous with his involvement in.
•••• He has been a staunch advocate of companies and citizens paying their fair share of taxes &emdash; so much so that the administration's proposal to force millionaires to pay the same share of their income in taxes as middle-class families is known as the Buffett Rule.
•••• "How can you hammer a deal for tax policies when the very person your signature tax policy -- the Buffett Rule -- is named after is involved and argues that [the deal] is not tax-motivated?"
•••• Buffett said it made sense-
for the combined company's headquarters to be in Canada. The companies are roughly equal in market value, and Tim Hortons had sales of $3.2 billion last year, compared with $1.1 billion for Burger King.
•••• "Tim Hortons earns more money than Burger King does," Buffett told the Financial Times. "I just don't know how the Canadians would feel about Tim Hortons moving to Florida. The main thing here is to make the Canadians happy."
•••• Anger toward Warren Buffett is misdirected. He cannot close loopholes that allow Burger King to claim Canadian citizenship any more than he can close the loophole that allows him and fund managers to pay a smaller percentage of their income in taxes than their secretaries.
•••• The real culprits are members of Congress-
who have failed to close these loopholes and have allowed Burger King to claim that it is becoming a foreign corporation for tax purposes even when common sense tells us it is as American as any company could be..
•••• You see, Burger King will continue to serve U.S. customers. It will not undergo much change in ownership. And it will likely continue to have its managers based in the United States. But when it's time to pay taxes, it will claim to be a newly restructured company based in Canada, which has a lower corporate tax rate.
•••• Burger King Worldwide Inc. executives said the move to create a corporate holding company in Canada was not a tax dodge. Instead, they said, it was justified because Canada would be the new company's largest market. They noted that Burger King would remain a stand-alone brand with its headquarters still in Miami.
•••• Proposed restriction curbs probably wouldn't apply to the Burger King-Tim Hortons deal. A House bill has an exception when a company has "substantial business activities," such as 25% of its employees or assets, in the country where it plans to place its headquarters..
•••• Burger King Executive Chairman Alex Behring, who would hold the same role for the combined company, insisted that the deal was "not driven by tax rates."
•••• Burger King, which is controlled by Brazilian investment firm 3G Capital, saw an opportunity to expand Tim Hortons globally, he said..
•••• The headquarters for the new firm will be in Canada, which would be its "natural home," Behring said. Two-thirds of the new company's revenue will come from Canada, with 20% from the U.S. and 13% from the rest of the world.
•••• The combined federal, provincial and local corporate tax rate in Canada is 26.3%; The combined U.S. corporate rate is 39.1%..
•••• Burger King's overall effective tax rate last year was 27.5%, according to its annual report. Tim Hortons' effective tax rate for the same year was 26.8%.
•••• "We don't expect there to be meaningful tax savings, nor do we expect there to be a meaningful change in our tax rate," Burger King Chief Executive Daniel Schwartz told reporters.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Buffett greases Burger King inversion deal

Universal City (TVI)
108- TVI's person of the month bids for Time Warner
•••Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch's $80-billion bid to acquire Time Warner was rejected, but he is not known for giving up easily. In the end they could raise their bid to try to get the deal done," media analysts say. Remember Murdoch's pursuit of Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones & Co. when initially, the owners rebuffed Murdoch until the money, at $5.6 billion, became too tempting to pass up.2014-SUMMERCov-46p.jpg
•••• What's driving Murdoch is the rapid consolidation of pay television distributors. The nation's largest cable operator, Comcast Corp., is in the process of acquiring Time Warner Cable, and AT&T is buying satellite broadcaster DirecTV.
•••• Time Warner is the parent of HBO, CNN and Warner Bros. Murdoch controls Fox News Channel, the Fox broadcast network and the 20th Century Fox television and film studios. He also controls the Wall Street Journal through his publishing company, News Corp.
•••• If the deal were to be finalized, Murdoch's new entity would command a vast library of film titles, including "Titanic," "Avatar," "Harry Potter," and classics such as "The Sound of Music" and "Casablanca." Its TV holdings would include "The Simpsons" and "The Big Bang Theory."
•••• The combination would make Fox an even bigger player in TV sports and if Murdoch can pull off the acquisition, it would establish Fox as the world's premier media company. It would also score a comeback for the billionaire and his family after a phone hacking scandal at his British tabloids badly tarnished the Murdoch name.
•••• However, with a potential union of the nation's two biggest cable news outlets under one roof, 21st Century Fox would have an enormous antitrust issue for the Justice Department to look at.•••
Fox has already indicated that it would sell CNN to make the deal more attractive.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Rupert Murdoch's $80 billion bid for Time Warner rejected

108- Amazon offers Pay to Quit program.
Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos' annual letter to shareholders was full of bits of information about the mammoth e-commerce site, including why he offers to pay his employees to quit. It offers a glimpse into Amazon's internal workings and what it is aiming for in the future, including more grocery services and the much-disccussed drone delivery.
•••• In the letter, Bezos outlined Amazon.com Inc.'s offerings, including "Prime Fresh," its fresh grocery business which it has offered for five years in Seattle and now expanded to Los Angeles and San Francisco. For $299 a year, members get same-day and early-morning delivery on groceries and other items such as household goods, toys, and electronics. with the goal to expand to more cities.
•••• Back in December, Bezos in an interview with Charlie Rose said Amazon was working on unmanned aircraft to deliver packages. However, it would take years to advance the technology for the Federal Aviation Administration to create the necessary rules and regulations, Bezos said.
••• Amazon also offers employees money to leave the company, through a program called Pay to Quit. Once a year, the company offers $2,000 to quit, adding $1,000 a year, up to a maximum of $5,000.00.
••••"The goal is to encourage people to take a moment and think about what they really want," Bezos said. "In the long-run, an employeee staying somewhere they don't want to be isn't healthy for the employee or the company."
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Amazon Shareholder Letter- Offers Pay to Quit Program

108- Bill Gates on the move to erase global poverty.
Philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates, founders and co-chairs of the Gates Foundation, have been selected to be the 2014 commencement speakers at Stanford University on June 15.

•••They are the latest in Stanford commencement's long line of stars in fields such as politics, business, entertainment and law. In the past decade, speakers have included Apple CEO Steve Jobs, media personality Oprah Winfrey, U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy, and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
••• Known since the computer revolution, Bill Gates is the former chief executive and current chairman of Microsoft, which he co-founded with Paul Allen.
•••• He stepped down as chief executive officer of Microsoft in January 2000. He remained asbillgatespow108w.jpg chairman and created the position of chief software architect for himself. In June 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning from full-time work at Microsoft to part-time work, and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He gradually transferred his duties to Ray Ozzie, chief software architect, and Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer. Gates's last full-time day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008.
As TVI in it's last issue noted, "It's no sin to be rich, if ..."
••• Gates began to appreciate the expectations others had of him when public opinion mounted suggesting that he could give more of his wealth to charity. Gates studied the work of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, and in 1994 sold some of his Microsoft stock to create the William H. Gates Foundation. In 2000, Gates and his wife combined three family foundations into one to create the charitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, based in Seattle and which is the largest private transparently operated charitable foundation in the world. It is committed to easing poverty, hunger and disease that prevent millions of people from realizing their full potential.
••••The foundation allows benefactors access to information regarding how its money is being spent, unlike other major charitable organizations such as the Wellcome Trust. The generosity and extensive philanthropy of David Rockefeller has been credited as a major influence. Gates and his father met with Rockefeller several times, and modeled their giving in part on the Rockefeller family's philanthropic focus, namely those global problems that are ignored by governments and other organizations. Bill and Melinda Gates are among the most generous philanthropists in America, having given over $28 billion to charity; the couple plan to eventually donate 95% of their wealth to charity.
••••Gates's wife urged people to learn a lesson from the philanthropic efforts of the Salwen family, which had sold its home and given away half of its value, as detailed in Hanna and Kevin Salwen's book, "The Power of Half." Gates and his wife invited Joan Salwen to Seattle to speak about what the family had done, and on December 9, 2010, Gates, investor Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook's CEO) signed a promise they called the "Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge," in which they promised to donate to charity at least half of their wealth over the course of time.
••••Projects, like bringing the Internet to public libraries, sprang from the couples' Microsoft experience. Specifically, Bill Gates aspires to rid the world of polio, funding immunizations that have brought the disease to the point of eradication. Melinda Gates champions the importance of family planning, with the goal of delivering contraceptives to 120 million women in developing countries within the next six years.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- The Gate's on a mission to erase global poverty
Click For More tviStory people- Bill Gates

108- Huffington Post Deutschland launched
Will Arianna Huffington replicate the success of her other international blog and aggregation sites in Germany, and reach her goal of becoming one of Germany's five biggest news sites by 2018.
••••••Her latest international edition of The Huffington Post, "Huffington Post Deutschland," went live October 10, in Germany, in cooperation with Tomorrow Focus AG, a part of the Hubert Burda Media conglomerate. Huffington Post Deutschland aims to bring bring her mixture of aggregation, reporting and celebrity punditry to German readers
••••The German media establishment, however, touts scepticism that Huffington's business model and media strategy, which has enabled it to surpass the New York Times' online readership in the U.S., will be as successful here.
•••• In a translated blog post on the German site, Huffington welcomed readers, claiming "The Huffington Post represents the launch of a phase of change and disruption of the German media landscape." She pointed to the relatively low number of bloggers in Germany, arguing "this represents a huge growth potential for the HuffPost." She also wrote that she regrets never having learned German.
•••• "Huffington Post Deutschland, will continue covering the news, as in other countries, by repurposing news snippets from other sites and using large numbers of uncompensated bloggers.
•••• Similar to other existing international versions of the site -- which include Huffington Post Canada, Japan, Spain. France and Italy -- the site's writers mostly contribute to the site free of charge in the hopes of gaining notoriety and a wider readership. The German HuffPost site is currently staffed by only 15 paid employees.
•••• The announcement of Huffington's German plans initially met with considerable resistance in Germany's troubled media landscape. Huffington had unsuccessfully approached several German publishers, including SPIEGEL and Axel Springer, about a possible partnership. The site eventually found a partner in the Burda Verlag's Tomorrow Focus AG, which runs focus.de, Germany's third largest German news portal.
••••Some German bloggers welcomed the new platform. Romy Mlinzk, writer of the blog snoopsmaus, told broadcaster ARD that she would be interested in blogging for the site because, for her, it "isn't about making money, but about having the biggest possible readership and being attached to the internationally respected Huffington Post brand."
•••However, according to some media experts, the model may face more difficulties in Germany than it has elsewhere.
••• For one, Germany's rules on intellectual property rights were recently tightened. These rules require websites to pay authors if they use more than a small quote of their work on their site, a rule which limits the Huffington Post Deutschland's ability to aggregate.
••••Americans tend to underestimate the strength of Germany's existing online journalism. German journalism is dominated by a number of traditional, well-known publications with strong name recognition, and readers tend to be conservative when it comes to new arrivals.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- HuffingtonPostDeutschland Launched

108- Washington Post Has New Owner
Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy the Washington Post Co. for $250 million.
•••• The deal is being made by Bezos alone, and is not being done with involvement from Seattle-based Amazon. It's an unexpected move for Bezos, a self-made billionaire whose far-flung interests -- among them unearthing old rocket engines from the bottom of the ocean and inventing a futuristic clock -- haven't included traditional print media.
•••• Donald Graham, chairman and CEO of the Washington Post Co., said the board of directors decided to sell "only after years of familiar newspaper-industry challenges made us wonder if there might be another owner who would be better for the Post." The transaction covers The Washington Post and other publishing businesses, but not Slate magazine, TheRoot.com or Foreign Policy.
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post

•108 Newsweek acquired by IBT
IAC is selling Newsweek to publisher of International Business Times less than a year after it ended publication of its weekly print magazine and went all digital. The companies did not disclose financial terms. But they said that IBT Media has agreed to buy Newsweek's brand and online operations, not including The Daily Beast.
••• The transaction is expected to close in the coming days, after which Barry Diller's company, which bought Newsweek in 2010, will manage the publication for the transition period of up to 60 days
•••• IBT co-founder and CEO Etienne Uzac, said, "We believe in the Newsweek brand and look forward to growing it, fully transformed to the digital age." IBT, founded in 2006, also publishes Medical Daily, Latin Time. •••
Newsweek, will return to the URL http://www.newsweek.com in the coming weeks, will add to IBT Media's portfolio of 10 international online news properties. 
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Newsweek Sold to IBT

108- Media Conglomerates' new trend: Slim down! - News Corp Split.
New News Corp might bid for the Los Angeles Times.
As expected at the end of June Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation split in two. Most of its television and film assets were scooped up into a new company, 21st Century Fox. Over 100 newspapers (including the Times of London and the Wall Street Journal), educational businesses and other assets were left to form a new company with the old name of News Corp. That begs the question, "Why is the company splitting in two?"
•••• In essence, the News Corp split reflects a broader industry trend. In recent years difficult to manage media conglomerates have been slimming down and becoming more focused.
•••• Viacom, which split off its broadcast-television business as CBS Corporation in 2006, will sell off, advertising division, Outdoor, sometime this year.
•••• Time Warner announced in March that it plans to spin off Time Inc, its magazines unit.
•••• Thomson Reuters sold off its education business in 2007 and its health-care division in 2012.
•••• Pearson, a part-owner of The Economist, has sold or merged various properties to concentrate on education.
•••• French media group Vivendi, is expected to sell its telecoms assets in order to focus on entertainment. It has taken media companies a while to catch up with the shift away from the conglomerate model, which fell out of favor in other industries in the 1980s.
•••• Investors are hard to convince that there is any benefit in housing newspapers, television networks and film studios under the same roof, and prefer companies with a sharper focus. And some parts of the industry are healthier than others: the sluggish publishing industry is in marked contrast to the far brighter prospects of the television business, so it makes little sense to keep them together. At the same time a new generation of media bosses has emerged who are more pragmatic than the flamboyant, empire-building media moguls of time past.
••••A break-up in particular makes sense for News Corp, which has spent the past two years trying to ovecome the scandal relating to allegations of phone-hacking and police bribery at the British newspaper, News of the World, that News Corp shut down in 2011. Separating the "good co" (as analysts are calling 21st Century Fox) from the newspaper business (dubbed "crap co") insulates the profitable television divisions from the repercussions of the scandal. The scandal so far has cost News Corp $389m in legal and other costs.
•••• Also, the split may allow 21st Century Fox to renew its bid for the 61% of lucrative British satellite broadcaster BSkyB. News Corp's previous attempt to take control of BSkyB was derailed by the phone-hacking allegations. Although Rupertr Murdoch will serve as chief executive and chairman of 21st Century Fox, it will be run by Chase Carey, News Corp's current chief operating officer.
••• At the time rumors emerged a year ago that Murdoch was thinking of splitting up News Corp, investors were thrilled. In the past two years News Corp's share price has reached all-time highs.
••• Businesses, that benefit from scale of the media industry's sprawling conglomerates set the stage for a period of consolidation. Businesses that would benefit, such as American cable operators, Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications, are rumored to be discussing a merger.
•••• Having recently bought Virgin Media, a British cable firm, Liberty Global of America--which already owns Germany's second-largest cable operator--is competing with Vodafone to buy Kabel Deutschland, Germany's largest.
•••• Mr. Murdoch has said that he might buy more newspapers if the price is right, and there is speculation that the new News Corp might bid for the Los Angeles Times. Expect more deals on the horizon asmedia companies, egged on by investors, slim down and get into shape.
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Murdoch's News Corp Split

• a WebUsersGuild.com Report
• 108-Charity Investment Tradeout. The book itself looks beyond the glossy appeals.
••• As tax deadline looms, ex-NPR chief Ken Stern looks at how little donors understand about the needs and the operations of even the most prominent charities 'With Charity for All' looks beyond the glossy appeals.
••• Americans just love feeling philanthropic. In any debate over cutting tax breaks in the income tax system, the deduction for charitable donations is always held sacred -- even more than that other sacred cow, the mortgage deduction.
••• It's a rare political leader who doesn't bow to the role played by charitable foundations in filling gaps left by government services to the indigent, the sick and the elderly, here in the United States and around the globe. The globe-trotting, tent-dwelling relief worker, the doctor without borders, the logistics expert getting food and medicine to camps of war refugees -- all elicit unique reverence from us armchair empathizers in civilized lands.
••• So why, asks Ken Stern in his new book, "With Charity for All," do we spend so little time thinking about the charities we give our billions to?
• Stern is a veteran of the nonprofit world --
having spent nine years running National Public Radio, the nonprofit organization with which most of us are more familiar than any other. Thanks to his experience and a wealth of further research, "With Charity for All" makes many important points about how little we understand about the needs and the operations of even the most prominent global philanthropies. The book opens with a telling anecdote about the American Red Cross and its response to the disaster of 9/11.
••• In brief, its response was, well, disastrous. Material and personnel were deployed to the wrong places. Logistics broke down so badly that the organization was unable to get supplies, volunteers, food or cots for first responders quickly to the Pentagon -- which was all of 2 miles from its national headquarters and emergency response center.
• What did work to perfection was the --
Red Cross' fundraising apparatus, which collected $543 million for its Liberty Fund to aid the attack's victims. This was far more than could reasonably be spent on direct relief. Yet when Red Cross President Bernadine Healy decided to divert the excess funds to fix what 9/11 had shown was broken -- improving its relief infrastructure, telecommunications and logistics management -- she provoked a firestorm. Congressional hearings, threats of prosecution for fraud, the whole instrumentality of public outrage was deployed against the Red Cross. Healy soon resigned.
••• "The widespread fury," Stern observes, "was both predictable and misguided." Donors large and small don't understand that delivering direct relief requires investing in a sound infrastructure, yet such investments are often derided as waste and featherbedding.
••• Stern makes a strong case that the average American donor has become a sucker for any charity's glossy yarn. That's because almost no system exists for measuring a charity's effectiveness on the ground; the few efforts that have been made to hold charities to account have been overwhelmed by feel-good PR and undermined by the sector's resistance to transparency.
••• Stern tells this story terrifically through the prism of Third World water projects. Beats there a Western heart that hasn't been beguiled by a glossy brochure showing a white charity executive throwing her arms around an African child at the site of a village's gleaming new water pump? Billions of dollars have been thrown into the fight for clean water. It's an inviting cause, because it's cheap to install a brand new pump. But "drilling a well is far easier than maintaining one," Stern rightly observes. Once the drilling is done and the publicity photos snapped, the charity organizers move on.
••• As a result, the proper image of the standard Third World water project, as an expert tells Stern, should be one of a "woman walking slowly past a broken hand pump, bucket at her side or on her head, on her way to (or from) that scoop hole or dirty puddle that she once hoped would never again be part of her life.".
One topic Stern explores is the exploitation--
of tax exemptions by nonprofits that don't resemble charities by any stretch of the imagination. Many are hospitals, which despite their nonprofit status behave with all the chilly inhumanity of a profit-seeking conglomerate -- dunning indigent patients for inflated charges, leaving emergency rooms to fall to pieces while spending lavishly on surgical facilities for wealthy patrons of high-profile specialties -- and, by the way, paying their CEOs in the millions.
• Consider the New York Stock Exchange --
which until recently was a nonprofit enjoying a tax exemption and which in 2003 awarded its chief executive, Richard Grasso, a pay package of $140 million. Three years later, bugged to distraction by the attentions of charities regulators, the Big Board reorganized itself as a profit-making corporation. As Stern observes, the Grasso affair "stands for the proposition that some organizations have no business being nonprofits in the first place."
••• Unfortunately, there's no discussion in "With Charity for All" of the latest outrage in this category, the tax-exempt "social welfare" organizations that funneled millions of dollars in donations into electoral campaigns last year.
American Crossroads, founded by GOP --
operative Karl Rove, was the most prominent such outfit, but there were similar groups across the political spectrum. Their designation as "social welfare" organizations under section 501(c)4 of the tax code allowed them to keep their donor lists confidential, but in return for offering anonymity to well-heeled contributors they weren't supposed to engage in electoral politics. It wasn't until June last year that federal and state regulators began taking a look at the C4's, and obviously the probes didn't yield results before the election.
They still haven't. "With Charity for All" --
-- also falters in its most important role: proposing remedies. The answer to underperforming nonprofits is to remake the tax law and empower aggressive regulators to distinguish functional charities from those that are exploiting the exemption for a free ride. Withdrawing the tax break and tossing the creators of bogus "social welfare" groups in jail might do wonders to clean up U.S. politics. Requiring water charities to meet minimum sustainability standards for their projects might cut back their drill-'em-and-forget-'em habits.
But these are minor flaws in a book --
that marks an important advance in educating the donor public. Whether they're writing occasional checks for 50 bucks or making multimillion-dollar bequests, donors too often give to the wrong organizations and for the wrong reasons. "With Charity for All" is a good guide to what
makes an effective charity, and how to figure out that the one getting your money meets that standard. • CLICK FOR MORE @ wug4.com/news#108-CharityInvestmentTradeout -- OR Click For More tviStory 106-s90- CCharity Investment Tradeout

108-T-MobileMetroPCSMerger Approved by the FCC
The WebUsersGuild.com reported that: The Federal Communications Commission has approved the merger of T-Mobile USA and MetroPCS. (March 5th - 2013)
•••• T-Mobile, with 33.4 million mobile customers, is the nation's fourth-largest cellphone company; MetroPCS is the fifth with 8.9 million customers.
•••• The combined company will still be in the No. 4 position behind Verizon, AT&T and Sprint.••••Under the terms of the agreement, MetroPCS shareholders will receive $1.5 billion in cash and 26% ownership in the company, which will have the T-Mobile name. Deutsche Telekom AG, the Germany company that owns Bellevue, Wash.-based T-Mobile, will receive a 74% stake. MetroPCS is based in Dallas.••••Shares of MetroPCS fell 24 cents, or 2.3%, to $10.26 on Tuesday.
•••• Wug4.com nalysts have said that the merger would probably result in a more bifurcated U.S. wireless industry, with Verizon and AT&T competing for the post-paid customer segment, and T-Mobile focusing on the lower-end pre-paid segment.
•••• T-Mobile Chief Executive John Legere said , "Our combined company will have the products, spectrum, scale and resources to shake up this industry and deliver an entirely new wireless experience."
• FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel
had "expressed her concern" to the two "SmartPhone" cariers about potential job losses as a result of the merger.

•••• "The companies have pledged to me that they have no plans to close any domestic call centers, to move them offshore, to close any retail stores, or to reduce retail positions as a result of this deal," Rosenworcel said in a statement. "They have also assured me that they plan to increase the overall number of "WebUsers" they employ in the United States."
•••• The deal was applauded by several consumer groups. John Bergmayer, senior staff attorney at Public Knowledge, said the deal would help "counter the power of AT&T and Verizon."
•••• "It would be better if the wireless market was not so distorted that the loss of a competitor is a win for competition," he said. "Nevertheless, that is the case, and given these facts, this particular merger is in the public interest."
•••• In 2011, AT&T announced it had agreed to buy T-Mobile USA for $39 billion. But the deal was called off after running into opposition from government agencies that said it would create a less competitive wireless industry and potentially lead to higher prices for consumers.
•••• "With the FCC approval, America's mobile market continues to strengthen, moving toward robust a, Europe and revitalized competitors," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said in a statement. •••• Wug4.com said the proposed deal made in October-2012, would create a stronger "SmartPhone" focused on value of the NBS-TeleKey# franchise.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- MT-Mobile MetroPCS Merger Approved by the FCC

 108- TVI Magazine Person of the Month, Carlos Slim tops Forbes ranking of billionaires 2013, followed by Bill Gates.

• Forbes 10 Top Billionairs
1. Carlos Slim Helu (Telecoms) $73 billion
2. Bill Gates (Microsoft) $67 billion
3. Amancio Ortega (Zara) $57 billion
4. Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) $53.5 billion
5. Larry Ellison (Oracle) $43 billion
6. Charles Koch (Various) $34 billion
7. David Koch (Various) $34 billion
8. Li Ka-shing (Various) $31 billion
9. Lilianne Bettencourt and family (L'Oreal) $30 billion
10. Bernard Arnault (Louis Vuitton / Bulgari) $29 billion

Forbes's 2013 list of the world's richest people includes a record number of 1,426 billionaires, with a total net worth of $5.4 trillion, up from $4.6 trillion in the previous ranking.

There are 210 new billionaires from 42 countries, including 27 from the United States. The average net worth of those on full list has risen to $3.8 billion from $3.7 billion. Sixty people have dropped off the list and eight have died.
••••Mexico's Carlos Slim, who has taken a hit from the slump in the share price of his America Movil telecoms group since the list was calculated as of Feb. 14, remained the richest person with a fortune of $73 billion, and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates held on to the No. 2 spot with a net worth of $67 billion.
••••Spain's Amancio Ortega, the co-founder of the Inditex fashion group, leapt over Warren Buffett and France's Bernard Arnault to become the world's third richest person on Forbes' 2013 annual ranking of billionaires, with an estimated net worth of $57 billion.
••••Ortega's fortune increased $19.5 billion, the biggest gain for any of the billionaires, from the report in 2012. He jumped two places and bumped Buffett, chairman and chief executive of conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway Inc with a fortune of $53.5 billion, out of the top three to the No. 4 spot for the first time since 2000.
••••Arnault, of the LVMH luxury goods group, dropped to 10th place with $29 billion.
••••Slim, 73, made much of his fortune in telecommunications but also branched out into retail, commodities, finance and energy.
•••• "To see Carlos Slim again broaden his lead and certify himself as the richest man in the world is a statement that wealth truly is global and not an American monopoly like it sometimes felt for many decades," Lane added in an interview.
•••• Rising stock markets fueled in part by monetary stimulus by the U.S. Federal Reserve, and robust consumer brands fortified the fortunes of those already on the list and drove many of the 210 new billionaires onto it.
•••• Oracle Corp's Larry Ellison, with a fortune of $43 billion, rounded out the top five in the ranking that included a record 1,426 billionaires, with an average net worth of $3.8 billion.
•••• Forbes' 27th annual ranking is the biggest ever and has the largest jump in total number of people added in one year.
•••• Brazilian mining, energy and shipping magnate Eike Batista, whose net worth fell $19.4 billion, was the biggest loser on the 2013 list. He dropped from No. 7 in 2012 to 100.
•••• The total net worth of the world's billionaires is $5.4 trillion, according to Forbes, up from $4.6 trillion in the previous ranking.

•••• The United States led the list with 442 billionaires, followed by 386 from Asia and the Pacific region, with 122 in China alone.
•••• Europe was close behind with 366, including 110 in Russia. The Americas, not including the United States, had 129 and the Middle East and Africa 103.
•••• "There will be more Asian billionaires than American billionaires by the end of this decade, actually by the middle of this decade," said Lane. "That is a statement about where global growth is."
•••• Americans captured five of the top 10 spots including brothers Charles and David Koch, owners of Koch Industries Inc, who tied for sixth place with $34 billion each.
•••• France's Liliane Bettencourt, of the L'Oreal cosmetics empire, is the world's richest woman, coming in ninth with a $30 billion fortune.
•••• Li Ka-shing, who controls the Hong Kong-based conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa, is the wealthiest man in Asia with a $31 billion fortune, putting him in eighth place.
•••• New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the founder of financial data firm Bloomberg LP, a competitor of Thomson Reuters Corp , just missed the top 10, rising to 13th place from 20th with a net worth of $27 billion.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- FORBES Billionaires List 2013

The Webusers Guild.com (WUG) reported that AT&T said it will invest $14 billion improving and expanding its wireless and broadband infrastructure, over the next three years.

•••• The Texas-based company said $8 billion will be used to improve its wireless network. According to AT&T it plans to expand its 4G LTE high-speed Internet wireless network to cover 300 million people by the end of 2014.
•••• That means an improvement over the company's current plan, which would expand the network to cover 250 million people by the end of next year.
•••• The latest plan, which AT&T calls Project Velocity IP, dedicates the remaining $6 billion to improving the company's fiber-optic, broadband networks.
•••• AT&T will expand its high-speed U-Verse TV, Internet and VOIP service to 8.5 million more customer locations by the end of 2015. AT&T said the investment will boost U-Verse speeds to 75 Mbps, or about three times faster than the fastest service currently offered.
•••• Julius Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, called AT&T's investment plans proof that there is a positive climate for investment and innovation in the country's communications sector. 
•••• "Extending wired and wireless broadband across America is the 'great infrastructure challenge of the 21st century,'" he said in a statement. "America's 21st century economy and our global leadership depend on meeting this challenge."
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- AT&T's $14Bill Wirless & Broadband Upgrade

108- Sales of Mobile Phones Dropped in 2012 -
for first time since 2009, down from 1.78 billion devices sold in 2011 to 1.75 in 2012, according to research firm Gartner.
•••• "Tough economic conditions, shifting consumer preferences and intense market competition weakened the worldwide mobile phone market this year," the report says. 
•••• One of the reasons for the drop is the weakening demand for feature phones, which possess some smartphone abilities but are limited. While smartphones had record sales and were up 38.3% for the fourth quarter of 2012, feature phone sales fell by 19.3% -- and that decline is expected to continue.
•••• Also the report predicts the mobile sales to reach 1.9 billion in 2013 -- with a 1 billion coming solely from smartphones.
•••• 2013 will be the year of the third ecosystem, as carriers try to break free from the influence of Apple and Google Android while Microsoft's Windows Phone 8, BlackBerry 10, and others battle it out.
•••• "Alternative operating systems such as Tizen, Firefox, Ubuntu and Jolla will try and carve out an opportunity by positioning themselves as profitable alternatives," the report says.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Mobile PhoneSale Declined 2012

108- Comcast's GE Buyout
•••• The purchase will end GE's ownership of NBC, which dates back more than 25 years --
•••• and will position Comcast as the nation's most valuable media company.

Comcast is buying out General Electric's shares of NBCUniversal for about $16.7 billion -- taking full control of the New York media company.
•••• The purchase comes two years after the Philadelphia cable TV operator acquired 51 percent interest in the media company, leaving GE with a 49% stake. Comcast had an option to buy more of GE's interest beginning in July 2014.
•••••••• Comcast also will acquire the Manhattan headquarters of NBCUniversal at the legendary 30 Rockefeller Plaza as well as the CNBC headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., for about $1.4 billion. 
•••• "Our decision to acquire GE's ownership is driven by our sense of optimism for the future prospects of NBCUniversal and our desire to capture future value that we hope to create for our shareholders," Comcast CEO Brian Roberts said in a statement.
•••• The acquisition will be funded with $11.4 billion in cash on hand, largely generated by NBCUniversal's cash flow, proceeds from the sale of its stake in A&E networks and Comcast's sale of wireless spectrum. The company is also using $4 billion in senior unsecured notes and the company will borrow an additional $2 billion.
The company's market capitalization is currently about $105 billion, and when the deal closes the NBCUniversal entertainment assets and net income will be fully consolidated onto Comcast's balance sheet.
•• "The whole company is healthy and interest rates are at historic lows. We do not have to stress the balance sheet to complete this transaction," Roberts said. "We think this is an attractive opportunity for our shareholders."
•••• Fifty years ago Ralph Roberts, father of Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, made his original purchase of American Cable Systems, a 1,200-subscriber cable TV operator in Tupelo, Miss., for $500,000.
•••• Comcast's acquisition timing of NBCUniversal looks to be a smart move. In the last two years, media companies' shares have soared: Walt Disney Co. now is valued at $99.2 billion, News Corp. is worth $65.9 billion and Time Warner Inc. is worth $49 billion. (In 2004, Comcast pursued a $54-billion hostile takeover bid for Disney but was rebuffed by Disney shareholders.) The same year GE also engineered the buyout of Vivendi Universal, which dramatically strengthened the media company by diversifying its revenue base by adding the Universal film studio, theme parks and the hugely profitable USA and Syfy TV networks.
••••The deal is expected to close by the end of March, and will put an end to GE's at times, controversial ownership of NBC. After acquiring the company in 1986, GE was criticized for trying to instill corporate efficiency models that worked well in building aircraft engines and windmills but did not apply well to the hit-and-miss nature of the TV and movie business.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Comcast Buys Out GE

•••• Muni-Fed Energy engages in renewable energy development (Solar, Wind, Waste to Energy) energy efficiency integration, consulting and financing. It serves federal, municipal and commercial clients and delivers effective technologies and services to address energy supply, energy demand, infrastructure and financing solutions.
• For MORE- GoDirectTo: munifedenergy.com
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- WiTEL™SolarEnergyFinancing

• 108- KCET announces merger with satellite network Link TV
••• KCET is in plans to merge with Link to form KCETLink, "a powerful new independent public transmedia company that acquires, produces and distributes provocative global programming targeted to a national audience across multiple media platforms." according to a news release.
•••• KCETLink will be available in 33 million U.S. homes through DirecTV and Dish Network; that's not including the 5.6 million households that KCET already reaches in Southern California.
•••• San Francisco-based Link TV started in 1999 and offers subscribers programming from a global perspective. Its agenda includes the Danish political drama "Borgen," and news and documentary programming.
•••• Some of Link's programming will air on KCET in upcoming months, however "Doc Martin" and "So Cal Connected" will remain in place at KCET.
•••• Al Jerome, KCET's chief executive, is to run the new entity, with Link's president, Paul S. Mason, becoming chief strategy officer. The combined company will be headquartered at the Pointe high-rise in the Burbank, where KCET already has offices and studio space.
•••• Financial terms were not disclosed.
•••• "With our combined resources, we are taking a bold step forward to become architects of a new sustainable model for the industry to keep public media thriving as a vital resource in the digital age," Jerome said in a statement.
•••• KCET, formerly the Los Angeles area's PBS crown jewel has struggled with fundraising and declining viewership since it left the PBS network at the end of 2010. The station saw a 41-percent drop in contribution and grant funding in 2011. The merger with Link offers the station opportunities to develop new programming that will catch on with viewer audiences nationwide. Click For More tviStory 108-s90- KCET Satellite Link TVMerger

108- James Murdoch to Run News Corp's Fox TV
Rupert Murdoch's second son, James Murdoch is reportedly being lined up to run News Corp's Fox TV business in the US, despite being sharply criticised by British broadcasting regulator Ofcom. The role would put him in charge of the Fox Networks Group, which includes the Fox terrestrial TV network as well as cable channels such as FX and National Geographic.
••••••Ofcom declared BSkyB "fit and proper" to own broadcast licences, but the regulator was highly critical of James Murdoch's handling of the phone-hacking scandal.
•••• It found that Murdoch's conduct in relation to News Group Newspapers "repeatedly fell short of the conduct to be expected of a chief executive and chairman" and that his lack of action in relation to phone hacking was "difficult to comprehend and ill-judged".
•••• If Murdoch ascends to the new role, there would be a new reporting structure at News Corp with Peter Rice, the Los Angeles-based head of News Corp's lucrative Fox Networks, reporting directly to him.
•••• Rice was promoted to this role in July of this year and Murdoch had hoped his father would rubber stamp the deal then.
•••• The move gave Rice control of all programming of the Fox Networks Group, including Fox Sports, Fox International and National Geographic channels. However, Fox News, run by Roger Ailes, remains a separate business.
•••• In London, the phone-hacking scandal and its fallout will continue to cast a shadow over News International for some time. Lord Justice Leveson's final report on the future of press regulation is still to come, there are several hundred more civil damages cases to settle next year, and the Metropolitan police investigations into alleged criminality at the publisher and any resulting prosecutions could continue for up to three more years.
•••• In all, 21 journalists at the Sun have now been arrested.
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- JamesMurdochToRunNewscorp'sFoxTV

• 108- Warren Buffet $600 Million Dollars Birthday Present To His Family
•••• OMAHA, Neb. -- Warren Buffett is celebrating his 82nd birthday on August 30th, by giving each of his three children a big present: about $600 million worth of his company's stock for their charitable foundations.
•••• Buffett announced the gifts in a letter made public Thursday, saying he is rewarding his children for the way they've run their foundations.
•••• The new contributions, added to previous gifts, mean they'll each receive about $2.1 billion in stock over time. In 2006, Buffett promised to give roughly $1.5 billion of Class B Berkshire Hathaway stock to each of the foundations his children run as part of a plan give the bulk of his fortune to charity.
•••• The biggest share of Buffett's $44.7 billion fortune will go to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Another sizable gift will go to the Susan Thompson Buffett foundation that Buffett created with his first wife. He did not change those pledges on Thursday.
•••• Buffett said he decided to increase the amount his children will receive because of the progress they've made.
•••• Quote- " I'm very pleased about how all three of them have handled the contributions in the last six years," Buffett told The Associated Press.
•••• Buffett said he is feeling fine and this decision was not prompted by any concern about his health. Berkshire Hathaway's chairman and CEO has been undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer this summer, but he has said his doctors do not believe the disease is life-threatening.
•••• Each of Buffett's three children all chose a different focus for their foundations, based on their own interests.
•••• Howard Buffett, 57, is helping farmers in impoverished nations produce more to help end world hunger. Susie Buffett, 59, is strengthening early childhood education and looking for ways to reduce teen pregnancy. Peter Buffett, 54, wants to empower women and girls worldwide through education, collaboration and economic development to end violence against women.
•••• •Quote- " They've done everything I've hoped for and more with the original gifts," Buffett said.
•••• As part of his giving plan, Buffett has always said that all of his Berkshire stock -- which today includes 350,000 Class A shares and 3,770,934 Class B shares -- will eventually go to charity.•The pledges to the five foundations that Buffett outlined in 2006 accounted for about 85 percent of his stock. Buffett said that increasing the amount each of his three children will receive now means that about 90 percent of his stock is spoken for.•Buffett has also been making smaller gifts of Berkshire stock to mostly unnamed charitable foundations. He said those would continue.
•••• •Quote- " As the years go by, I will commit more and more to get to that 100 percent," Buffett said.
•••• In his will, Buffett has specified that any shares he hasn't already pledged to charity at the time of his death will go to his Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation. And he has requested that all proceeds from his giving be spent within 10 years after his estate is closed.
•••• Buffett has been giving each of the five foundations 5 percent of his total pledge annually since 2006
•••• The gradual manner Buffett is giving his stock away makes it more difficult to say how much the gifts are worth because Berkshire's stock price changes. The $2.1 billion estimate is based on current stock prices.
•••• Buffett said he estimates that his kids will wind up with roughly double the amount to give away because the change he made.
•••• Buffett said he's still never been tempted to give up his day job and become a full-time philanthropist. Instead, he's trusting others to distribute his wealth.
•••• •Quote- " They're doing a better job than I could, and I've got plenty to do running Berkshire," he said.
•••• Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is an Omaha-based conglomerate with more than 80 subsidiaries, including insurance, manufacturing, railroad, utility, furniture and restaurant firms. It also holds major investments in companies such as Wells Fargo & Co., Coca-Cola Co., Washington Post Co. and IBM.
•••• Its holdings also include the Omaha World-Herald newspaper, which first published Buffett's letter outlining the latest gifts to his children's foundation. 
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- Warren Buffet 600MillBDPresentToEachOf HisKids

108- NewsCorp Split - Wirless Vs. Print
66rupertmurdoch108web.jpgNews Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch details plans to split company
News Corp.'s board of directors voted late night, June 27, 2012, in favor of a proposal that would separate the media conglomerate's publishing assets from the rest of its entertainment holdings.
•••• Publishing has become a handicap for News Corp., in the wake of a devastating investigation into the phone hacking scandal in London.
•••• In a teleconference in the morning of June 28, News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch outlined plans to split the the media conglomerate's publishing and entertainment operations into two publicly traded companies, a decision he hailed as "the next transformative phase" in his empire's history.1987tvicovermurdoch300w.jpg
"The decision by
the board of directors,
culminated three years of planning," Murdoch said. Separating the film and television assets from its news and book publishing groups would unlock the value of each for shareholders, and allow these disparate businesses to continue to grow.
•••• The breakup of the company represents a historic move for founder Rupert Murdoch, who built the global media powerhouse from a single newspaper in Australia. In past years, Murdoch has firmly opposed any plans that would separate the publishing group from the rest of the media company.
•••• He said the difficult choice to sever the company's news and book publishing businesses from its film and television operations culminates three years of planning. The restructuring, which he hailed as a transformational milestone for News Corp., is intended to unlock value for shareholders, who are attracted to the company's lucrative entertainment assets.
•••• During the teleconference, Murdoch said, "We've come a long way in our journey that began almost 60 years ago with a single newspaper operating out of Adelaide. I'm convinced that each of these new companies will have the potential to continue their journey and prosper long as independent entities into the future."
•••• Under the plan, the media and entertainment company would consist of 20th Century Fox film studio, the Fox broadcast network, and the company's cable TV group, including Fox News and FX. The online television service Hulu (partly owned by News Corp.) would also be included, as well as the company's home satellite operations.
•••• The global publishing company would comprise News Corp.'s newspaper holdings, among them the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, the Sun in Britain, as would its HarperCollins book publishing assets.
•••• News Corp. founder, Murdoch (81), presented a spirited defense of News Corp's newspaper business, known to be a longtime passion of his.
•••• He said "the standalone publishing company would have a strong balance sheet and be free to pursue investments to grow the business." "The opportunity is so big its single-minded pursuit is the best approach. Our aim is nothing less than this: to create the most ambitious, well-capitalized and highly motivated news and publishing company in the world."  
•••• Completing the separation could take up to a year, and would require final board and shareholder approval. 
•••• Murdoch would serve as chairman and chief executive of the media and entertainment company, and as chairman of the new publishing entity. News Corp. COO, Chase Carey would continue in that capacity for the entertainment business.
•••• Investors have reacted positively to news of News Corp.'s reorganization, driving up the company's stock 11% since initial reports June 26.
•••• Wall Street for years has asked for News Corp. to shed its newspaper holdings. CLICK FOR MORE Rupert Murdoch
Click For More tviStory 108-s90- NewscorpSplitMurdoch

2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpgSmartBriefs 108-s90 • Money - Mergers - Finance
108- Nortel Sells Patents For $4.5-Billion To Competitors.
.••• 108- Nortel Sells Patents & Service Marks For $4.5-Billion To Competitors. + A consortium of Six Major U.S. Firms was a neccesary protocol in order to acquire the Canadian firm's Nortel patents package.
.••• The Portfolio of over 6,000 were included in the package deal. The total package will have what has been described as a "nuclear weapon" to use against rivals around the globe.
.••• "With a description like that," says Troy Cory-Stubblefield, CEO of NBS Wireless Telephone®™© . . . it's a 'Smart Wonder As To Why' . . . the NBS100.com organization shouldn't do the same thing with its own goods, products, and service; '999,9999 WiTEL phone numbers ®™© Service Marks,' and its 2010 Patent pending system.
The Stubbyte.com Facilitators
.••• The "NBS Stubbyte System" -- is an anti-theft theft prevention tool . . . that will parlay itself into a user friendly guide for the prevention of the theft of intellectually property rights.
.••• Who Will Be the "TRUE OWNER" of the goods; products; services, and individual names, once owned by Nortel, and just sold to the Apple Group for $4.5-Billion,
.••• With this in mind," says Mark Anderson, CEO of the Pacific Sunrise Int'l Org, (pacificsunrise.org)."What Will It Take To Purchase the all important NBS WiTEL Service Mark ®™© . . . the serial number package that controls NBS Wireless Telephone®™© devices?
• Well . . . I Telephone NorTEL --
for the answer
about the Auction.. The first Question was?.
.••• Who was the auctioneer mentioned in their Press Release, and the second was: Was the $4.5 Billion amount paid for Nortel's 6,000 Service Marks®™© . . . paid for in cash payment?
.••• According to the woman that answered the Nortel's call, the auction was conducted by the same attorneys that represented a few of the fortunate companies that where invited to participate in the North America -- Nortel private auction they refer to as the -- "Stocking Horse Bidding Affair."
Apple Microsoft Research In Motion,
Sony EMC and Ericsson. - "The Buyers"
••• It was Apple, Microsoft and four others who finally team-up to buy Nortel patents for $4.5 billion
.••• Nortel Networks Corp.'s highly coveted mobile tech patents have a new owner and it isn't Google," reported Stubblefield.
.••• The six companies teamed up to buy the Nortel patents as a group, together spending $4.5 billion for a cluster of more than 6,000 patents and patent applications that many consider crucial to the future of mobile computing technologies.
.••• The patents cover wireless technologies used in phones and tablet computers, wireless 4G data transfer, data networking, optical technologies, voice, Internet, service provider, semiconductors and other highly sought-after patents.
.••• The sale of the patents is a coup for the six-company consortium over Google, which is known for having a weaker patent portfolio than many of its competitors that has left its mobile operating system Android, the world's most popular smartphone operating system, vulnerable to lawsuits. And the lawsuits have come for Google, some still ongoing such as Oracle seeking billions of dollars in a dispute over Android.
.••• Google made a $900-million bid for the patents that was a starting point in the multi-day auction, which began on Monday. Information on how many other bids were made, and by whom, was not released.
.••• "Following a very robust auction, NORTEL was pleased at the outcome of the auction of this extensive patent portfolio", said George Riedel, Nortel's chief strategy officer and president of business units, in a statement. COMING NEXT WEEK -- The Bidding War • Patents • ServiceMarks®™© • What Are They Worth • NorTEL Auction headed by Ernst & Young Law and Accounting firm..
.••• "The size and dollar value for this transaction is unprecedented, as was the significant interest in the portfolio among major companies around the world." CLICK MORE ABOUT 108- Nortel Patents DEAL . • CLICK FOR MORE CLICK MORE ABOUT 108- Nortel Patents DEAL t 108-S90 tviNews / • Click For NorTEL Offices • Click For More SmartBriefs 108-s90 • Money - Mergers - Finance


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108 - AOL Buys Huffington Post-$315 Million.
••• 8th Wk - FEBRURAY 2011. AOL -- Chief Executive Tim Armstrong announced in early February, (2011), that it had purchased the OnLine magazine/news paper -- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ for $315-million.

••• AOL, in purchasing the 5-year-old news and politics website HuffingtonPost.com, a founded, and developed by Arianna Huffington, plans to reinvent itself as a must-read source for online news, gossip and opinion.
••• AOL, the first Internet organization to jump into the Hollywood scene by the purchase of Warner Bros. stock, and the company that introduced the massive dial-up business, is planing to reverse its mis- fortunes.
••• AOL Chief Executive Tim Armstrong has given some AOL investors a future into the world of Google, Facebook," say tviMagazine - Smart90.com editor, Josie Cory. The latest deal could help AOL pull off a turnaround.
••• Critics of the deal said AOL was taking a risky gamble by agreeing to a price that was more than 30 times the Huffington Post's annual operating cash flow of $10 million. Typically buyers pay 10 to 15 times the cash flow, said Clayton Moran, an analyst at Benchmark Co.
••• "The Price-Tag was quite high," say some experts.
••• AOL expects the Huffington Post's cash flow to be closer to $30 million by 2012 -- a figure that would put the sale price more in line with industry norms.
••• Armstrong, a former Google Inc. executive, is hoping AOL's extensive advertising sales force can help the Huffington Post attract more ad dollars. Armstrong was charge of the U.S. ad business for Google.
••• The Huffington Post is the latest addition to AOL's portfolio of dozens of websites, including the recently acquired technology news blog TechCrunch, the tech blog Engadget, the Moviefone movie listing site and the local news effort Patch. AOL is also affiliated with the gossip site TMZ. CLICK FOR MORE STORY Q08-s90 STORY

-VRATeleP%232/!%20-%20Smart90.comJuneUps-S%2314C137/imagestvinews/PatenTOfficeLogo46w.jpg 108 - Money: The Trick Ponies of the Red Flag Rules - 2007 to 2010 / • NBS100's FTC STUDY - The Trick Ponies of the Red Flag Rules - 2007 to 2010 "ID Theft Prevention" - for the Goods, Products & Services Provided by the Wireless Telephone®™© Industry" • Since -1902. • CLICK FOR MORE "TRICK PONIES TO SKIRT AROUND - Service Marks ®™©


NBSPatent02AutoDraw108w.jpg••• • 108 - Money - The VALUE OF WiTEL®™© Defined: As the name implies, the Wireless Telephone®™© derives its value from the elements, effects of its Service Marks, and other assets, i.e. foreign exchange rates, telephone number prices, and those monthly fees, and draft securities created on unpaid outstanding accounts.
••• Although the derivatives produced by the 1907 NBS Wireless Telephone®™© can be incredibly complex, the basic premise was simple: One party agrees to pay another party "money" for the use of NBS Wireless Telephone®™© numbers -- if a certain prediction about the future NBS WiTEL®™© was backed by a governmental regulatory agency.
••• A hog farmer, for instance, can try to partially offset, or hedge against, a future drop in hog bellies prices by buying a derivative AIG policy that pays off if the price falls. Virgin Airlines can buy jet fuel at a set price in the future to offset a possible increase in oil prices.


108-Patent Suit Johnson & Johnson Wins Stint Claims
••• February 2, 2010 / • LITIGATION $1.73-billion settlement in stent suits. Johnson & Johnson said Boston Scientific Corp. would pay $1.73 billion to settle two suits related to patents for medical stents.
••• Natick, Mass.-based Boston Scientific faces additional court challenges to its Promus stent products, including a lawsuit by Cordis Corp
••• Stents are mesh-wire tubes used to hold arteries open after they are surgically cleared of blockages.

<108- /Imagescustomers/WiTELBankingSpeed$46w.jpg<108s-

• 108g - US vs Secret Swiss Bank Accounts
• 108g -
108g - TelecRejectStimulusMoney.htm

108brin&PageToSellGooglestock .
••• Google Inc. co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin plan to sell 5 million shares apiece of their company stock, worth $5.5 billion combined at current prices.

••• According to regulatory documents, Page and Brin will still own 47.7 million shares or 48% of the voting power, combined after their personal stock sales. Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt controls nearly 10% voting power. The trio will still continue to control the company.
••• The sales will occur periodically during the next five years and leave the two with 48% of the voting power among stockholders, down from roughly 59% now. A tviNews blog report - January 23, 2010.

108Editor&PublisherRevived. / EDITOR & PUBLISHER MAGAZINE, The one hundred year old publishing company is back in business again.
••• EDITOR & PUBLISHER MAGAZINE, founded in 1901 and merged in 1907 with The Journalist, a weekly founded in 1884 is back in business again, "seamlessly" . . . says Josie Cory, publisher of tviNews. Long the bible of the U.S. newspaper industry, the publication has been revived" under a new publisher just two weeks after Nielsen Co. shut the venerable trade magazine down.
••• Duncan McIntosh Co., an Irvine, CA-based company that ironically publishes FishRap News, and titles such as Boating World, has acquired it for undisclosed terms.
••• Nielsen originally pulled the plug after selling much of its trade magazine division, including titles such as Adweek, Billboard and The Hollywood Reporter, to e5 Global Media.
••• We're going to continue to be the main information source, the main idea source for the newspaper industry," said Mark Fitzgerald, who was named Editor & Publisher 's editor Thursday. "We're all very excited around here about the news."
••• Editor & Publisher, a magazine which has chronicled the US newspaper industry for over a century, was sold, exactly two weeks after being shut down by its owner, the Nielsen Co.
••• Duncan McIntosh, whose company also produces the Newport Boat Show, stated that; "such a critical information source for a newspaper industry so desperately in need of help should not go away."
••• "I've been a reader of Editor & Publisher over the course of 30 years and know its incredible value to readers and advertisers," McIntosh said.
••• During the last several years, Newspapers have been transforming beyond the printed page to all forms of digital media. Imagine loosing the one place where the industry could have a conversation with itself and exchange ideas and best practices for navigating . . . (networking, hypertext) navigating - Finding your way around. Often used of the Internet, particularly the World-Wide Web. ••• Known as the "bible" of the news industry, Editor & Publisher has been closely following the struggles of a US newspaper industry grappling with declining circulation, falling print advertising revenue and the migration of readers to free news online.
••• Editor & Publisher 's new owner said there would be a February print issue of the magazine. E&P's website immediately resumed operations upon the completion of the sale.
••• Nielsen announced last month it was closing Editor & Publisher and Kirkus Reviews, a book review publication which was founded in 1933, and selling several other brands including the Hollywood Reporter and Billboard.

108s - TelecRejectStimulusMoney.htm / U.S. wants to help the big FIVE WiTEL®™© Telcos expand their Internet VoIP WiFi and WiMAX broadband service, but they refuse to apply for $4.7-Billion offer.
••• Troy Cory, CEO of NBS WiTEL®™© said, "If you want to get the WiMax wired-wirless broadband out into your neighborhood, you have to do it with the organization who brought you to the dance in the first place. In this case, the man that organized the 1902 celebration was, Nathan B. Stubblefield, the inventor, creator, and founder of the Wireless Telephone that registered the NBS WiTEL®™© service marks in 1907.
The founder of the NBS Wireless Telephone®™© Organization," said Cory, has, and still maintains the the Service marks. "This is not a basket weaving contest mixing copper wire within RF spectrums. This is really complex and intensive technical stuff that takes a fair amount of area codes and numbering sophistication and scale to be able to do right and to continue to upgrade."
• THE PROS AND CONS. August 14th 2009 being the deadline to apply for $4.7 billion in broadband grants, AT&T, Verizon and Comcast won't be going for the stimulus money.
108s - CLICK FOR MORE TelecRejectStimulusMoney STORY

• 108g - GovToxic-IOUs-Flipping.htm
<108g - GovToxic-IOUs-Flipping.htm | Loophole in government program to buy toxic securities could cost taxpayers for the potential Wall Street IOU scam.
'Without safeguards, traders in the $40-billion program could use inside information to profit -- and any losses would be largely borne by taxpayers.
••• "It is a conflict by design," said Troy Cory, CEO of NBS WiTEL®™©. "I agree with Neal Barofsky, the special inspector general for the banking rescue program." It was Rarofsky who has been urging tighter controls on the nine trading firms selected to participate for several months. • 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 108g - GovToxic-IOUs-Flipping STORY

/ImagesNBS100/NBSdemandsPayment108w.jpg• 108g - USvsSecretSwissAccounts.htm
<108g -

• 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 108g - USvsSecretSwissAccounts Flipping STORY
••• U.S. and Swiss reach deal over secret UBS bank accounts. The agreement will end a legal case in which the U.S. sought names of Americans suspected of evading taxes.
••• U.S. and Swiss negotiators have initialed a settlement that averts a legal showdown over the U.S. government's landmark challenge to Swiss bank secrecy, a government lawyer said Wednesday.
••• The U.S. government had sought a federal court ruling compelling Switzerland's largest bank, UBS, to turn over the names of Americans suspected of dodging taxes through the use of 52,000 secret accounts.• 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 108g - US vs Secret Swiss Accounts Flipping STORY

108g- Google KnowledgeRush
• Click For More - 108-GoogleKnowlegeRush

• CLICK Below FOR MORE - Related Stories


2011 - 2nd Quarter: April * May * June
108-S90 • Money: Busines • Finance • Legal
• 108GoogleSelectsLarryPage-as CEO
108-ChinaNowOwns $1.15Trillion U.S. Bonds
108 SpeedDollars, WUG4.com. Webs For Storing USPTO ®™© NEED STORY
108 SpeedDollars, WUG4.com. Webs For Storing USPTO ®™©
• Other Title • 108 Speedollars.com. Wug - Web Engines Storing of Finacial Info ®™©
• Other Title •
108 WUG4.com. Web Engines Storing of Intelectual Property Rights ®™©
• 108 - AOL Buys Huffington Post-$315 Million.
73larrypagepow0505x46w.jpg• 108GoogleSelectsLarryPage-CEO
• 102 Larry Page, the CEO of Google Reorganizes its Top Ranks

••• SAN FRANCISCO, April 1011 -- Larry Page, who returned as Google's chief executive officer (CEO) this 17 week of 2011, has completed a major reorganization of the management team as part of his attempt to streamline decision-making at the Internet giant, U.S. media reported on Friday.
••• Page, the 38-year-old co-founder of Google with Sergy Brin, has been trying to run the company in the spirit Google had as a start-up between 1998 and 2001, when he was its founding CEO before handing the role to Eric Schmidt, who now assumes the role of executive chairman.
••• • Page promoted six executives in charge of some of Google's most important divisions, who will report to the new CEO directly, The Wall Street Journal said in a report.
••• Four executives were promoted to senior vice presidents, including YouTube head Salar Kamangar, mobile-device software Android chief Andy Rubin, Chrome Web browser and operating system head Sundar Pichai and Vic Gundotra, who is in charge of Google's social-networking initiatives.
••• Susan Wojcicki and Alan Eustace, two current senior vice presidents, will become heads of ads and Web search, a person familiar with the matter was quoted as saying.
••• Google has said that the change of CEO was aimed at streamlining decision-making and creating clearer lines of responsibility and accountability at the top of the company.
••• With the latest management shuffle after Page took charge of Google's day-to-day operations, the promoted executives will be able to act more autonomously and won't have to turn to the company's powerful operating committee on every decision, according to a report by the Los Angeles Times.
••• The reorganization puts Page firmly in charge of Google and its performance in much the same way Steve Jobs runs Apple, the newspaper noted. • CLICK FOR MORE Larry Page 108 People Section. / CLICK FOR MORE Larry Page 108-S90 tviNews


108-China Now Owns $1.15 trillion in U.S. Treasury Bonds. June 20, 2011. China announced it purchase of more than $7.6 billion in U.S. Treasury debt. China, the biggest buyer of U.S. Treasury Bonds, increased its holdings in April, the first increase after five straight declines.TroyCoryChinaLogo108w.jpg
••• The Treasury Department said China increased its holding by $7.6 billion to $1.15 trillion.
••• Total foreign holdings of Treasury securities rose 0.2 % to $4.49 trillion.
••• Japan, the second-largest buyer of U.S. debt, trimmed its holdings slightly by $1 billion, to $906.9 billion. There had been concerns that the March 11 earthquake and tsunami would lead Japan to sharply cut its purchases to use the money for reconstruction. CLICK FOR MORE TCS CHINA NEWS. / CLICK FOR MORE China 108-S90 tviNews


108 SpeedDollars, WUG4.com. Webs For Storing USPTO ®™©
CHANGed • 108 Speedollars.com. Web Engines Storing of Finacial Info ®™©
CHANGEd • 108 WUG4.com. Web Engines Storing of Intelectual Property Rights ®™©
108 SpeedDollars, WUG4.com. Web Engines For
Storing of Intellectual Property Rights ®™© / CLICK FOR MORE 108-S90 tviNews



108f- Google KnowledgeRush

• 108if -The Virgin Mobile Sells WiTEL to Sprint (See 110i)
• 108if - Can't decide? what's the NBS1908 WiTel™ Service Marks worth?
• 108f - Nextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile For $98 Million
• 108f - WHO'S READY TO BE the "Real" WiTEL®™ Company
108f - The Funding of Future FCC Auctions
• 108f - 2008 - 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Wireless Telephone®™
• 108f -
• 108f - The Crash of 2008 . . . and the Bail Outs 2009
• 108f - 10a - One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - Q&A
• 108f - How much foreclosure relief will Borrowers get from bailout plan?
• 108f - 10b FICO The Credit Rating Agencies - Fraudulent FICO SCORES
• 108f - 10c - Flipping Real Estate Is Illegal.
• 108f - 10d - BackDatingFraud. Former McAfee, Inc.
• 108f - MAY 6, 2009 • AT&T Forced To Buy Verizon WiTEL $2.3-Billion.
• 108f - JUNE-2009 Pres Obama Demands Credit Relief - SPEEDOLLARS


D%2302/%23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/ImagesCSnews/MGMJockeyProj09Update108w.jpg108JockeyClubCityCenterL5BillionOpens - The Forbidden Ciy Project.
•• • "The only names retained by the Chinese 'Forebidden City' project are the the words "City" and Mandarin Oriental," says Troy Cory, of the Jockey Club Alliance Group,
••• Thanks to MGM, Dubai World, the massive CityCenter walk, formerly knows as the the 1993 China Expo Las Vegas Jockey Club Forbidden City Boardwalk Project, opend its door on December 17, 1009.
••• TVI's Pete Allman, and the associated press reported Las Vegas "visitors by the thousands" streamed into the newest casino-resort on the Las Vegas Strip on Thursday.
••• Fireworks and fanfare greeted the official opening of the Aria Resort & Casino, the 4,000-room, 61-story centerpiece of the $8.5-billion CityCenter complex. Crowds began swarming through the doors around midnight.
MGM Mirage Chief Executive Jim Murren said that while many experts thought CityCenter would never open, its employees drove the company to make sure it carried through on its grand design.
••• "It was because of [the employees] that we got here, and the promise of 12,000 people that wanted to work hard to provide for their families," Murren said. "It was that promise -- that we didn't want to let them down -- that got us here."
•••• Aria's rooms, along with those at CityCenter's Mandarin Oriental and Vdara hotels, increase room capacity on the Las Vegas strip 8.5%, UBS Investment Research analyst Robin Farley said.
MGM Mirage owns the most casinos on the Strip, but Murren believes CityCenter will help, not hurt, the company's other resorts.
•••• Competitors worry that CityCenter will force them to lower rates to keep rooms filled. But Murren and other MGM Mirage officials predict CityCenter will help Las Vegas as a whole, spurring visitation and providing a catalyst for long-term prosperity.
/%23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/ImagesTVIPages90s/1997p00Cover108w.jpg••• "This is really 21st century Las Vegas," said architect Cesar Pelli, whose team designed Aria. "This is really setting up very high standards that will be very hard to match -- but I hope they will try." •• • December 11, 2009 / The LA TIMES REPORT ON THE -- massive CityCenter complex on the Las Vegas Strip, set to open officially next week, is a blast from the very recent past.
•• • Costing over $8.5 billion, designers including Daniel Libeskind, Norman Foster, David Rockwell, Cesar Pelli and Rafael Vinoly and a staggering 18 million square feet of space inside six towers and a Strip-front shopping mall, the development is a fitting coda to the decade of celebrity architecture and overextended real-estate mania from which we've just emerged.
 • CityCenter's true theme is leverage. Ranking as the largest private development in American history, big enough to fill the tallest building in Los Angeles, the U.S. Bank Tower, roughly a dozen times over, the complex is a palace -- a series of connected palaces, actually -- for the age of towering debt and easy credit. They should have put Alan Greenspan's face on the poker chips.
• 108f - May 1, 2009 - Jockey Club-MGM CityCenter Deal Saved by Dubai World
• 108f - Jockey Club MGM Loan Default Mar 2009.
• 108f - Dubai sues MGM Mirage over Jockey Club City Center April 2009
• 108f - Jockey Club MGM, Deutshe Bank City Walk Project 2009
• 108f - MGM CEO, Terry Lanni, stepped aside in Nov 2008
• 108f - Flipping Houses
108iiif - The Trick Pony in the world of WiTEL®™©.

2006/Imagespeople/%23LasVegasmayorChina108w.jpg108f- Extras: RELATED ARTICLES
Jockey Club MGM Loan Default Mar 2009. - MGM Mirage Auditors on March 17th 2009 raise doubts about the casino operator ability to pay off JockeyClub MGM Loan Default, which had a $1.15-billion 2008 loss.

• NEW - UpDATE / May 1, 2009 / Las Vegas -- Jockey Club-MGM CityCenter Deal Saved By Bell. Jockey Club - MGM Mirage, Dubai World reach deal to finish City Center

RETURN TO TOP - Click for More tviNews

/ImagesNBS100/NBSdemandsPayment108w.jpg 108iiis - The Trick Ponies in the world of WiTEL®™©. What's the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office . . . for ?
• • "Finding The Trick Pony" to Monetize the Certified USPTO ®, ™ -- and the © Symbol should be simple.
• • The PTO or USPTO is the acronym for the government agency assigned to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The USPTO acts not only as a fiduciary agent for Congress and other government agencies, but for the inventor and other individuals granted Marks pertaining to patents, trademarks, and to the copyrightable effects and elements arising therefrom.
• • "A federally registered mark is presumed valid." The PTO;s mission is to oversee and implement those certain federal laws relating to valid patents, trademarks, and service rights, they've became signatory.
• • By law, when a Patent, Trademark, and/or a Servicemark is granted to an individual, it is considered to be a Certified NOTICE. This Notice of ownership gives everyone living and doing business in the U.S.A. -- to take Notice of propriety.
• • This Notice is also applied to anywhere else in the world where the U.S. has a Treaty or International Bureau, i.e., the Berne or Geneva Convention. It is presumed those signatory members are aware about your use and ownership of the invention, copyright and/or trademark and the meaning of the Mark, ® / ™ / ©. 108iiis - CLICK FOR MORE 1808 ABOUT SERVICE MARKS.

108ig - Can't decide what the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™ Patent is worth 1408
5800-05wdrmc120w.jpg108is - Can't decide what the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™ Patent is worth 1408? Here's the deal! The new crop of WiTEL's™ arising from the world of Teléph-on-délgreen, Kentucky, are dizzying. But more dizzying is why, when and who owns the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™ patent, and copyrights?" 108is - CLICK FOR MORE 1408 STORY | • 108is - CLICK FOR MORE 5800-04 STORY

• 108s - Nextwave Sells WiTEL Spectrums to T-Mobile For $98 Million - T-mobile, U.S.A.'s No. 4 U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile just picked up some more airwaves to use as it builds out its 3G wireless network across the States. The carrier just bought a chunk of spectrum from Nextwave Wireless for $98 million, RCR Wireless News reports. MORE T-Mobile Story

• 108s - WHO'S READY TO BE the "Real" WIRELESS TELEPHONE®™ Company - Since 1908 . . . How Does $30-Billion Sound? #NBSWitelMay2008 / • 108s - MORE NBS LEGAL STORY

108s - The Funding of Future FCC Bids - to repurchase the seized RF-300 assets once owned by NBS1908, is a major concern for both the FCC and USPTO. That's why the Wireless Telephone®™ organization through it's NBS Family Trust aims to sell four blocks of its effects linked to its WiFi-187 Legacy assets holdings, now valued at over $30-Billion. CLICK FOR MORE fcc bids STROY

• 108s - The Year 2008 - THE 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE Wireless Telephone®™ Click For More wirelesstelephone.org

• 108s - What would Yahoo/Microsoft, Verizon or AT&T pay for the NBS1908 Wireless Telephone™. (See Patent -Trademark-Copyright, and 1905 Patent Laws! - CLICK FOR MORE 1808 STORY

• 108s - "FINDING THE TRICK PONY" Some of these organizations have not only monetized their respective companies by issuing paper certificates represented by stocks, bonds, notes, deeds, and licenses, listed on various STOCK EXCHANGES, but have licensed others to use the Effects of their ® / ™ / © -- as a commodity. CLICK FOR More 1808 "Finding The Trick Pony" to Monetize the Certified USPTO Symbol ® / ™ / © |
• 108s -
• 108s - What is the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office . . . for? The PTO or USPTO is the acronym for the government agency assigned to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The USPTO acts not only as a fiduciary agent for Congress and other government agencies pertaining to patent trademarks, and copyrights, but for the inventor and individuals granted Marks. CLICK FOR MORE1808 STORY

660-WallStreetCrash108w.jpg • 108s - The Crash of 2008 . . . and the Bail Outs 2009
• 108s - 10a - One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - Q&A
• 108s - How much foreclosure relief will Borrowers get from bailout plan?
•••It all depends on the "IF" answere: WAS AN INSURANCE COMPANY INVOLVED. Was insurance $$ part of the Payoff. - CLICK FOR MORE BAIL-OUT GAMES

• 108s - 10b FICO The Credit Rating Agencies - Fraudulent FICO SCORES
•••In D.C., a few congressmen blame Benchmark firms for financial crisis
Congress had a big hand in oversight failures and deregulation, in part through a philosophy of reducing government's role. Rep. Waxman begins hearings today.

• 108s - 10c - Flipping Real Estate Is Illegal. ScamMers of Deeds of Trusts in California were involved high-end house flips on Wall Sreet usesing Deeds of Trust.
•••Lehman Bros. Bank, which last month spiraled into bankruptcy amid the nation's deepening financial crisis, and another lender, RBC Mortgage Co., lost about $42 million on the loans.

• 108g - 10d - BackDatingFraud. Former McAfee, Inc.
• 108s - 10d - BackDatingFraud. Former McAfee, Inc. lawyer is acquitted in stock options backdating trial
•••Kent Roberts, who served as the software maker's general counsel until he was fired in 2006, was accused of tampering with grants to increase his shares' value by $200,000.

%2302/%23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/Imagesbookcovers/660BofASpeedDollars46w.jpg• 108s - 10a / • 108s - 10b - Short Selling, The One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - on Wall Street. Short Selling, Insurance and credit swaps Elements of Fraud /Credit-default swaps, conceived by bondholders, allow investors to buy protection against a company defaulting. As the market expanded, speculators started using them to bet on a company's creditworthiness. The contracts pay the holder face value for the underlying securities or the cash equivalent should a company fail to repay its debt.
••• Though it grew a hundredfold in the last seven years, total outstanding contracts in credit-default swaps are dwarfed by other derivative markets, including those that bet on interest rates. Those markets had contracts linked to about $465 trillion as of June 30, the International Swaps and Derivatives Assn. said.
•• The joint probe announced Monday will also examine allegations of insider trading, market manipulation and other forms of fraud, according to a second person.
••• Cuomo and US probe credit-default swaps. The probe seeks to "determine whether any federal laws have ... an earlier inquiry by Cuomo's office, US Atty. ... Cuomo has been probing alleged manipulation of credit Business | October 21st, 2008. • 108s - 10a | • 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 10b - Short Selling, The One Satisfaction Rule Payoff Game - on Wall Street.

• 108s - CLICK FOR MORE - May 6, 2009 AT&T Forced To Buy Verizon WiTEL $2.3 Billion Dollars.
••• NBS WiTel announced during the Hollywood Digital that AT&T was being forced to purchase Verizon WiTEL assets, because Verizon's Alltel phone system was incompatible with the at&t's WiTEL network.
••• On May 9th 2009 the LATimes, (Associated Press) confirmed the $2.35-billion assignment deal -- that will affect 1.5 million WiTEL subscribers in 79 franchises, in 18 states, including California.
D%2302/!%23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/ImagesPersonOfTheWeek/IvanSeidenbergPoM108w.jpg••• The areas are mainly within the Verizon-Alltel, Sprint-Clearwire deal completed and approved by the FCC last year. Most of the Alltel territories overlaped and competed with Verizon's more well-known faster WiMax187 connections. They also include some Verizon territories and areas covered by Rural Cellular, another carrier that Verizon bought last year.
••• Troy Cory-Stubblefield of NBS WiTEL, and ePublisher of TVInews, stated to Yahools Lucas Mast during an interview on May 6th, that, "it appears that Verizon Wireless, one of NBS WiTEL potentials, was forced to sell its NBS WiMax187, to satisfy FCC regulatory conditions of several WiTEL deals Verizon made last year by and between Alltel, and Sprint-Clearwire." • 108s - CLICK FOR MORE About NBS's WiTEL offer to YAHOO.
••• Because AT&T's network isn't compatible with Alltel or Verizon phones, the WiTEL©™ phone numbers would have affected over 1.5 million WiTEL subscribers. All would have needed new phones to use the Dallas-based 2005 AT&T - SBC - Yahoo priorities. • 108s - CLICK FOR MORY About the 2008 Verizon, Sprint - AllTEL 2008 DEAL.
••• The States with the 79 franchised areas included in the deal are Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and Wyoming.
••• The deal is expected to be finished by the fourth quarter. Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications Inc. of New York and Vodafone Group of Britain. • 108s - CLICK MORE ABOUT Ivan Seidenberg - TVI's POM-

/WiTELBankingSpeed$108w.jpg • 108s - JUNE - 2009 President Obama Demands Credit Card Relief . . . and Gets It. TeleKey Signet - SPEEDOLLAR FINANCIAL RECAPS - To avoid the Repeating of the financial scenarios of the 30s, 80s and 90s -- Pres. Obama gives aid to those 2009 holders of CreditCards, Guns get a few more Privileges.
••• "Finally, after 10 years of creating money backed by promisory notes, we get a break from the monetizers of comodities," says Troy Cory. Troy is the co-founder, and former head of the Signet Credit Card system, founded in the mid-60s. "An updated credit card law was finially in the making, but the "trick pony" in the law, included in a gun control priviledge allowing people to bring loaded guns into national parks and wildlife refuges.
••• During a May 2009, signing ceremony in the Rose Garden, the president warns that both consumers and card issuers need to act responsibly.
••• On the 22nd of May signing, President Obama warned overeager shoppers and greedy credit card companies alike Friday to act responsibly as he signed into law a bill designed to protect debt-ridden consumers from surprise charges. / CLICK FOR MORE ABOUT TeleKey Group's "SIGNET CASHLESS SOCIETY OF THE 1960 - to 2006. The SIGNET CREDIT CARD Kickoff
••• • NOTES: 1968 - When the TeleKey Group was Formed -- its Cashless Society began. Signet Credit Card Systems and NorthStar TeleKey Group was formed for local and international wireless telephonic numbering system, and numbered Telex banking transactions. What is the Relevancy of the wired/wireless telephone/TV -- to the Internet? -- First stations set to approve trade credit exchanges over the telephone, using dial-tone key pad entry. Main offices, Los Angeles, Switzerland, Munich. *NBSWiTel™© AFact. • 108s - CLICK FOR TVInews 1960 TIMELINE / Go Back to Top of -JUNE - 2009 Article / • 108s - PacSun - Debt Ficilitators "pacific sunrise.org

D%2302/%23%23$$mmaarrttsitemaster2010/ImagesCSnews/MGMJockeyProj09Update108w.jpg • 108s - NEW - UpDATE / May 1, 2009 / Las Vegas -- Jockey Club-MGM CityCenter Deal Saved By Bell. Jockey Club - MGM Mirage, Dubai World reach deal to finish City Center
••• It was reported by Associated Press that the Jockey Club - MGM Mirage, Dubai World Project that started several years ago as the Jockey Club Alliance CHINA EXPO2000 Project, will be partually completed by December this year. The $8.5-billion Las Vegas Strip finananced by the investment arm of the Dubai government, will drop a suit against the company.
••• The pact secures MGM Mirage's payment obligations for construction costs with its Circus Circus Las Vegas casino and adjacent land. The company said CityCenter is now on track to fully open by December.
••• The Jockey Club Alliance Group confirmed the report that Casino operator MGM Mirage, had confired on April 29th, that it had agreed with partner Dubai World and the pair's lenders to finish an $8.5-billion casino complex on the Las Vegas Strip.
••• MGM Mirage Chief Executive Jim Murren said the extension gave the company "more than enough time" to come up with a comprehensive plan to fix its balance sheet. • 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 2007 JOCKEY CLUB STORY.
••• • 108s - Jockey Club MGM Loan Default Mar 2009. - MGM Mirage Auditors on March 17th 2009 raise doubts about the casino operator ability to pay off JockeyClub MGM Loan Default, which had a $1.15-billion 2008 loss.

••• Auditors raised "substantial doubt" about MGM Mirage's ability to continue, the largest casino owner on the Strip said on March 17th 2009, in a regulatory filing. The company also reported a $1.15-billion fourth-quarter loss after writing down properties because of shrinking gambling revenue.
••• Casino Operator MGM Mirage who's in charge of the Jockey Club - Las Vegas City Walk project, won a two-month bank court reprieve to restructure its debts.
••• The auditors' comments increase the likelihood that MGM Mirage will seek bankruptcy protection. Banks granted waivers on the $7-billion bank-loan facility until May 15. The company said March 3 that it was in talks to avert a potential breach of covenants.
••• In exchange for the temporary covenant waivers, MGM Mirage is prohibited from prepaying or repurchasing other long-term debt or selling assets. The company will also repay $300 million of the fully drawn revolving loan, and it accepted a 100-basis-point increase in the interest rate.
••• MGM Mirage, controlled by billionaire Kirk Kerkorian, can also fund construction of its Las Vegas City Center - Jockey Club project only if partner Dubai World also finances its half of the costs, the company said in the filing. The casino company reiterated Tuesday that it would finish the project on schedule.
• 108s - Dubai partner sues MGM Mirage over Jockey Club - City Center in Vegas April (2307).
•••March 24, 2009 Las Vegas -- The Dubai developer building an $8.6-billion complex on the Las Vegas Strip with casino company MGM Mirage Inc. is suing MGM Mirage because it's worried about the project's viability.
•••"What we are attempting to do is complete this project," Dalton said.
•••Dalton said the state-owned company "had no choice" but to file suit.
•••"We're not saying MGM won't be involved," Dalton added. "We're anxious to work with them, but we need to see them come out of their financial problems."
••••"If MGM can't manage its bank debt, how is MGM going to make more equity contributions?" Cohen said. "Maybe the answer is, well, that gives Dubai World leverage, and they want to control much more than half of this joint venture when it's all over." • 108s - CLICK FOR MORE 2307 DUBAI SUIT
• 108s - Jockey Club MGM, Deutshe Bank City Walk Project 2009 - MGM, Deutsche talks said to fail -
••• March - 2009 MGM Mirage and Dubai World failed to reach agreement with Deutsche Bank and talks on a $1.2-billion loan to complete the Las Vegas CityCenter project collapsed, according to five people with knowledge of the matter.
••• Deutsche Bank was seeking equity and debt stakes in the $11.2-billion development on the Las Vegas Strip in return for the loan. MGM Mirage and Dubai World are now holding talks with other parties, one of the people said. -- times wire reports

• 108 - MGM CEO, Terry Lanni, stepped aside in Nov 2008, just as questions continued to swirl about his resume (Kirk).
••• "It's time for a younger generation to take over," Lanni said in a telephone interview. He also cited a desire to spend more time with his family. • 108 - CLICK FOR MORE 0807 CITY WALK JOCKEY CLUB NEWS / CLICK Construction outside the Jockey Club in Las Vegas / MORE 2005 TCS China STORY


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