2006/Images/back.gif- 100 - Nathan Stubblefield - SMART90.com/nbstubblefield02

AskPriscillaNBSnews46w.jpgAsk Priscilla !
Anything about Nathan Stubblefield - his Wireless Telephone®™© - his RF induction WiFi-187 earth battery coils - his WiTELmobile, or WiTEL RF induction pads.

• Where's "Teléph-on-délgreen"?


Who Are The Smart-Daaf Boys ?
StubblefieldMarconiAmbrose FlemingReginald FessendenTeslaDeForestArmstrongAlexanderson, and • Farnsworth




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2009CoverThankYou46w.jpgThank You Virgin Mobile, Google, Yahoo, Murray State University, the Icehouse & those many individual Web Bloggers for your quotes; affirming Nathan Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone®™© RF-Wifi, WiMax187, and his WiTEL Mobile Trademarks, Copyrights & the WiTEL ethereal coil Effects of Nathan's 1898, 1907, and 1908 Wireless Telephone®™© service marks.
• Photo: Nikola Tesla & Nathan at the 1902, Stubblefield, Philadelphia Wireless Demonstrations

Person of the Month




Grandpa Nat 107-01
Grandpa Nat 107-02
Grandpa Nat 107-03

Grandpa Nat 107-04

Stretch Your TV Image With WiFi-187 video••••••TelevisionWith No Borders




























































































































































































































TVInews Weekly Ask Priscilla !


2010/ImagesNBS100/AskPriscillaNBSnews108w.jpgPart 01h Feature Story - Ask Priscilla!

• You may already know Priscilla Cory-Stubblefield from her TV-shows, movies, and recordings. With the making of the movie, "NBS WiTEL®™©" coming up in the near future, you'll get to know more about her talent in "Ask Priscilla."
••• Priscilla debuts in web-print as a story teller of the Wireless Telephone®™©, answering questions about who are the SMART DAAF boys, and who were the bad boys.
••• Wireless Telephone®™© and the effects of RF questions are hard enough to answer without having to deal with the historical problems created by the U.S. government against the SMART DAAF boys.
••• For example, Click to see how the Sketch of the ship to shore Wireless Telephone®™© drawn by Nathan Stubblefield in 1903, became a reality in today's use of VoIP in landline telephone connection, along with VATS, and the Internet. Similar Drawings were used in his 1907 Trademark, copyright, and Patent filings. This same sketch, could be used to described, Wi-Fi Internet connections.

Why FireWire and Watermelon Patches? Because it was the green patches where Nathan placed his aeriol rods around his 86 acres to create the WiFi and WiMAX 187 Teléph-on-délgreen phenominum. • Photo: Nikola Tesla & Nathan - 1902.

Search Results Icehouse
Stubblefield Pages on Nathan Stubblefield and earth batteries. ... Next Page. E-Mail john1@ icehouse.net Cached - Similar pages

Stubblefield Cell
We do not know the secret of the earth charge as Nathan Stubblefield determined it. Others since his time have observed fluctuations at certain times of the ...
Cached - Similar pages More results from www.icehouse.net

Nathan Stubblefield Patent Lived Kentucky Murray Wireless / Economic Expert; Haslam, Garth, "Stubblefield's Wireless". Anomalies, Mysteries, or Curiosities. "Nathan Stubblefield.".Find A Grave; "Stubblefield Cell," Icehouse.net. ... Cached - Similar pages

Nathan Stubblefield (inventor) - Biography Research Guide Stubblefield Cell Stubblefield Radio Trust Nathan Stubblefield ... Cached - Similar pages

Earth Magnetic Current, Stubblefield - About Astronomy and Space
For those of you that are interested in Physic. Chew on this for a while. Also John goes into faster that ... -Cached - Similar pages

Bambooweb: Nathan Stubblefield Nathan B. Stubblefield (1860 - March 28, 1928) was a American inventor and ... Icehouse.net. summation. Patents. US600457 Patent - "" - May 8, 1898. ... Cached - Similar pages

Draper Journal - Classifieds, News, Business and Events in Draper ... / It was built in the 1920s and was originally an icehouse. Stubblefield, a lifelong Draper resident and former president of the Draper Chamber of Commerce, ... Cached - Similar pages

Directory: Nathan Stubblefield - PESWiki / Apr 12, 2007 ... In 1898 Nathan Stubblefield received a U.S. Patent 600457 (G.patent; .... John Hopi of icehouse.net. *(See Footnote.) * and * . ... Cached - Similar pages

Yes90 tviNews S90 109 TVInews 109 - Nathan B. Stubblefield (1860 ... Stubblefield is the Inventor of the Wireless Telephone and RF Antenna system, ..... Ice House. 1892 - The first permanent wireless telephone ... Cached - Similar pages

Stubblefield 100th Year
Wireless Radio Broadcast
Celebrations - The $30 Billion Kickoff

Gov. Wallace Wilkinson, 60 Dies
Kentucky Governor - 1987 to 1991
It was Wilkinson Who Proclaimed the Year 1992 for
Nathan B. Stubblefield, The True Inventor of Modern-day Radio
Stubblefield 100th Year Wireless Radio Broadcast Celebrations
Click Here United States Patent No. 600,457,
Granted May 8, 1898. Review
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NBS Wireless Patent
NBS Scholarships
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Rinse.com / On The Web / Prove To Yourself That Stubblefield Invented the Earth Battery "Firewire" -- that made it possible to transmit continuos streams of voice and music without wires.
Google Video Troy Cory Show - The Nathan Stubblefield Story - End Credits ...VRA450106 "ENDING CREDITS" - Troy Cory Show WNBS100 Nathan Stubblefield, the inventor and patent holder of the Wireless Telephone ...


Nathan Stubblefield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Chemistry - Nathan Stubblefield
2. Chemistry - Nathan Stubblefield. ... Nathan B. Stubblefield was the son of a lawyer, Capt Billy Stubblefield, and he was an educator. ...
3. www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Nathan_Stubblefield - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
4. Troy Cory Show "SecretKeepers of Nathan Stubblefield"- Murray, Cory Show "The SecretKeepers of the Nathan Stubblefield Trunks." Radio Boy - Story told by Scott Stubblefield, Priscilla Stubblefield, and Josie Cory ...

YouTube - Nathan Stubblefield Speaks 4 min 8 sec - May 21, 2008 - The finale of the year long celebration of Nathan Stubblefield. www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jsXFfa9DVY
5. Jan 27, 2009 ... From 1907 to 1911, Stubblefield operated a home school called "The Nathan Stubblefield Industrial School," or "Teleph-on-delgreen Industrial School ...
6. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Stubblefield - 46k - Cached - Similar pages
7. Nathan Stubblefield, Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone ...
8. Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone, but was it radio , facts and folklore about nathan stubblefield by Bob Lochte.
9. www.nathanstubblefield.com/ - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
10. Nathan Stubblefield, Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone ...
11. Early Life - The Stubblefields arrive in west Kentucky to claim a large Revolutionary War land grant. Nathan Stubblefield, the child of a prosperous lawyer,
12. www.nathanstubblefield.com/contents.html - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
13. More results from www.nathanstubblefield.com
14. Stubblefield
15. Bob Lochte has done an enormous amount of work uncovering papers, notes and pictures, and quotes on Nathan Stubblefield. There is one puzzling thing to me
16. www.icehouse.net/john34/stubblefield.html - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
17. Nathan Stubblefield
18. We do not know the secret of the earth charge as Nathan Stubblefield determined it. Others since his time have observed fluctuations at certain times of the
19. www.icehouse.net/john34/stublefield1.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
20. Directory:Nathan Stubblefield - PESWiki -10/18/07
21. Apr 12, 2007 ... In 1898 Nathan Stubblefield received a U.S. Patent 600457 (G.patent; PDF) for a cell made of cloth-insulated copper wire and iron wire wound
22. peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Nathan_Stubblefield - 51k - Cached
23. Nathan Stubblefield - Forgotten Genius Of Wireless Phones
24. The full-page feature article described the remarkable natural-conduction device invented by Nathan Stubblefield, a 42-year-old melon farmer who'd devoted
25. www.rense.com/general34/rew.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
26. Earth Energy and Vocal Radio - Nathan Stubblefield
27. A self-educated experimenter and avid reader of every kind of scientific literature, Nathan Stubblefield supplemented his living with farming.
28. www.hbci.com/~wenonah/history/nathan-s.htm - Similar pages
29. Yes90 tviNews S90 - Did Nathan B. Stubblefield, really invent the ...
30. ----Prove to yourself that Nathan B. Stubblefield invented the Wireless Radio Telephone that made it possible to broadcast and receive voice and music.
31. smart90.com/nathanstubblefield - 119k - Cached - Similar pages
32. Nathan Stubblefield (inventor) - Biography Research Guide
33. Jan 1, 2009 ... Nathan Stubblefield - Nathan B. Stubblefield was an American inventor and Kentucky melon farmer; (November 22, 1860 - March 28, 1928.

34. www.123exp-biographies.com/t/00034215835/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages
'Mobile' phone enjoys centenery - Telegraph.
35. May 11, 2008 ... Nathan Stubblefield tests his 'portable' phone in 1908 - a precursor ... Invented by Nathan Stubblefield in 1908, the device came complete.
36. www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1947168/'Mobile'-phone-enjoys- centenery.html - Similar pages
06. Kentucky Inventor Solves Problem of Wireless Telephony (1902)
37. Nathan Stubblefield, the inventor, is, according to his own description, a " practical farmer, fruit grower and electrician." He owns valuable farming
38. earlyradiohistory.us/1902ken.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages
08. Applied Biophysics Aether Research Laboratory: Nathan Stubblefield ...
39. 1 (77). 7.06.2008. Nathan Stubblefield Speaks: WNBS Kentucky. The finale of the year long celebration of Nathan Stubblefield. Newer Post Older Post Home.
40. biogenesislab.blogspot.com/2008/07/nathan-stubblefield-speaks.html - 84k - Cached - Similar pages
10. Who invented the wireless phone? Nathan Stubblefield, in 1908 ...
41. Jul 9, 2008 ... nathan-stubblefield_670184e.jpg A parent award to Nathan B. Stubblefield in May 12, 1908, details a "wireless telephone" able to transmit.
42. gadgets.boingboing.net/2008/07/09/who-invented-the-wir.html - 43k - Cached - Similar pages
13. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: Nathan Stubblefield
43. Nathan B. Stubblefield was the son of a lawyer, Capt Billy Stubblefield, and he was an educator. Stubblefield lived in Murray, Kentucky.
44. www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Nathan-Stubblefield - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
16. Yes90 tviNews S90 109 - Nathan B. Stubblefield (1860-1928) of the ...
45. Mar 20, 2002 ... Yes90 -- Your Easy Search -- Smart90 Plus Anchors Your Name Where Consumers are Searching -- into the world of tvinews, soulfind, LookRadio.
46. www.nbstubblefield.com/ - 121k - Cached - Similar pages
19. Nathan Stubblefield. Who is Nathan Stubblefield? What is Nathan ...
47. Definition of Nathan Stubblefield in an online ecyclopedia or dictionary.

48. knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Nathan_Stubblefield/ - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
22. Nathan Stubblefield : Resource detail
49. Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte. ... We have many more links similar to Nathan Stubblefield in our Operating Aids/History
Part 02h NBS-HelloRainey
Photo 07: CLICK PHOTO FOR MORE At Virgin Mobile and Virgin Media we want to say well done Nathan and happy 100th anniversary!
50.www.dxzone.com/dx5346/nathan-stubblefield.html - 30k - Cached - Similar pages
nathan stubblefield - Article and Reference from OnPedia.com

Nathan B. Stubblefield was the son of a lawyer, Capt. Billy Stubblefield, and he was an educator: Nath. www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/Nathan-Stubblefield - 20k - Cached - Similar pagesVRA450102 Segment 02 "The Dance" - Troy Cory-Stubblefield Celebrates the 100th Birthday of Wireless Telephone - April 5, 1907 to April 5, 2007 ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0W3_E2p8cM
/Images04/stubTesla3x2bw.gifPhoto: Tesla Stubblefield
51. Nathan Stubblefield Earth battery/Self Generating Induction Coil ...
52. Nathan Stubblefield Earth battery/Self Generating Induction Coil Replications.


53. www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3500.msg154515 - 133k - Cached - Similar pages
54. Bambooweb: Nathan Stubblefield
55. Nathan B. Stubblefield (1860 - March 28, 1928) was a American inventor and Kentucky melon farmer. It has been claimed that St.

/ImagesNBSvirginmobile01_files/branson-with-moto.jpg Branson on1985 Mobile Phone

56. www.bambooweb.com/articles/n/a/Nathan_Stubblefield.html - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
57. Overheard But Overlooked: The Story of Nathan B. Stubblefield ...
58. ED123683 - Overheard But Overlooked: The Story of Nathan B. Stubblefield, Pioneer Wireless Experimenter.
59. eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED123683 - 25k - Cached - Similar pages
60. by TO Morgan - 1976 - All 2 versions
61. Wapedia - Wiki: Nathan Stubblefield
62. From 1907 to 1911, Stubblefield operated a home school called "The Nathan Stubblefield Industrial School," or "Telph-on-delgreen Industrial School" built.
63. wapedia.mobi/en/Nathan_Stubblefield - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
64. Nathan Stubblefield Patent Lived Kentucky Murray Wireless
65. Nathan Stubblefield Patent Lived Kentucky Murray Wireless Economy. ... "Did Nathan B. Stubblefield, really invent the wireless telephone?"
66. www.economicexpert.com/a/Nathan:Stubblefield.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
67. Nathan Stubblefield makes 1st public demonstration of radio, Penn ...
68. January 1, 1902 in History. Event: Nathan Stubblefield makes 1st public demonstration of radio, Penn, Related Topics: demonstration - Nathan
69. www.brainyhistory.com/events/1902/january_1_1902_68375.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
70. Nathan Stubblefield | Earth Battery | Wireless Telephone
71. The purpose of this thread is for discussion about Nathan Stubblefield's work on Earth Batteries, Wireless Telephone and other Earth-Powered devices.
72. www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3313-nathan-stubblefield-earth- battery-wireless-telephone.html - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
73. Compare Troy VRA4502 - Radio Boy - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the ...
74. Discover sale prices and lowest shipping deals on Troy VRA4502 - Radio Boy Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Original; TelePlay Webcast Titles: Firewire and Watermelon.
75. www.mysimon.com/9015-11596_8-58204225.html - 63k - Cached - Similar pages
76. The Real Father of Radio
77. Somewhere in the shadows of the early history of radio looms the mysterious figure of Nathan B. Stubblefield. Nathan B. Stubblefield? Nora Blatch?
78. www.wfmu.org/LCD/GreatDJ/Stubble.html - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
79. Nathan B Stubblefield.
80. Nathan Beverley Stubblefield was born in Murray, Kentucky, on November 22, 1860. The second of seven sons of William "Capt. Billy" Jefferson Stubblefield
81. highfields-arc.6te.net/biogs/nbstubblefield.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
82. Amazon.com: VRA4501 - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Early Years ...
83. Amazon.com: VRA4501 - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Early Years"; TelePlay Webcast Title: NBS100; The Troy Cory Show; Terry Bulger - The First Dance; Capt. Billy
84. www.amazon.com/VRA4501- Nathan-Stubblefield-TelePlay-Webcast/dp/ B00080C6CM - 205k - Cached - Similar pages
85. Nathan Stubblefield by dxzone.com
86. Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte. click here to follow the link; if you want to rate Nathan Stubblefield use this special rating
87. www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=5346 - 2k - Cached - Similar pages
88. Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary - Nathan Stubblefield
89. Online Encyclopedia and Dictionary - Nathan Stubblefield. ... Nathan B. Stubblefield was the son of a lawyer, Capt Billy Stubblefield,
90. www.fact-archive.com/encyclopedia/Nathan_Stubblefield - 18k - Cached Similar pages
91. Nathan Stubblefield, Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone ...
92. Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone, but was it radio , facts and folklore about nathan stubblefield by bob robert lochte.
93. www.einet.net/review/.../Nathan_Stubblefield_Kentucky_Farmer_Invents_ Wireless_Telephone_Radio_by_Bob_Robert_locht... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
94. Yes90 tviNews S90 People, NATHAN B. STUBBLEFIELD, INVENTOR AND ...
95. Yes90 -- Your Easy Search -- will link you into the world of Smart90, tvinews, soulfind, LookRadio, and into the NBS Teléph-on-délgreen Wi-Fi Hand Book.

96. smart90.com/people/nathanstubblefield.htm - 184k - Cached - Similar pages
98. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
99. Sep 20, 2008 ... THE NATHAN B. STUBBLEFIELD FOUNDATION. Station:. WMNF (FM-ED). Community of License: Tampa, FL. Reporting Period:
2010/ImagesStub/StubDrawShiptoShore1903W345.jpgPart 03h Part 03 /
100. www.wmnf.org/files/2008_WMNF_EEO.pdf - Similar pages
101. Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation WMNF Community Radio 88.5 FM ...
102. Louis D. Putney of Tampa was elected board vice president of the Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation WMNF Community Radio 88.5 FM.
103. goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-3565981/Nathan-B-Stubblefield- Foundation-WMNF.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
104. Earth Energy and Vocal Radio - Nathan Stubblefield - StumbleUpon
105. Website review of Earth Energy and Vocal Radio - Nathan Stubblefield in Science/ Tech.
106. www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.hbci.com/~wenonah/history/nathan-s.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
107. Early Radio History
108. The story of early radio and nathan b. stubblefield. ... Nathan B Stubblefield, the magician with the black box and all the lights, the man who could make
109. www.ralphmag.org/stubblefieldU.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
110. Nathan Stubblefield - Instablogs
111. Nathan Stubblefield created a telephone with a large.. Related Stories. Most Recent Most Popular Most Commented. 1. Star It
112. www.instablogs.com/nathan-stubblefield/ - 82k - Cached - Similar pages
113. WikiAnswers - How did Nathan Stubblefield construct the polished ...
114. Inventions question: How did Nathan Stubblefield construct the polished metal plate heater? Please help us answer this question.
115. wiki.answers.com/Q/How_did_Nathan_Stubblefield_construct_the_polished_ metal_plate_heater - 42k - Cached - Similar pages
116. Nathan Stubblefield Earth battery/Self Generating Induction Coil ...
117. 17 posts - Nov 2, 2007
118. Nathan Stubblefield Earth battery/Self Generating Induction Coil ... on the metal directly to try Stubblefield stuff I wanted to start basic ...
119. www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3500.msg55403 - 152k - Cached - Similar pages
120. Keely Net Mail List: Re: Nathan Stubblefield
121. Re: Nathan Stubblefield. Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) ) Fri, 23 Jan 1998 05:31: 13 -0800. Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author
122. keelynet.com/interact/arc_1_98-7_98/00000084.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
123. Wireless Radio Broadcasting is patented by Nathan B. Stubblefield ...
124. May 12, 1908 in History. Event: Wireless Radio Broadcasting is patented by Nathan B. Stubblefield, Related Topics: broadcasting - Nathan
125. www.brainyhistory.com/events/1908/may_12_1908_72209.html - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
126. Amazon.com: VRA4502 - Radio Boy - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the ...
127. Amazon.com: VRA4502 - ¬øRadio Boy¬ø - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Original; TelePlay Webcast Titles: Firewire and Watermelons; NBS100; The Troy Cory Show;
128. www.amazon.com/VRA4502-Stubblefield-Cory-Stubblefield-Telph-on- delgreenCached - Similar pages
129. Privateline.com: Morse Invents the Wireless Telegraph by Bob Lochte
130. FACTS AND FOLKLORE ABOUT NATHAN STUBBLEFIELDby Bob Lochte In August Bob Lochte will release an important work on early radio pioneer Nathan Stubblefield.
131. privateline.com/PCS/morse.htm - 30k - Cached - Similar pages
132. Troy Cory Show The Nathan Stubblefield Story End Credits - Google ...
133. Troy Cory Nathan Stubblefield By Terry Bulger Vra4501-02 ... Troy Cory Show Terry Bulger Profiles Nathan Stubblefield
134. noolmusic.com/google_videos/troy_cory_show___the_nathan_stubblefield_ story___end_credits_.php - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
135. Troy VRA4502 - Radio Boy - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the ...
136. Detailed specs for Troy VRA4502 - ̂¿Radio Boŷ¿ - Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Original; TelePlay Webcast Titles: Firewire an... (B00080C6CW) Network Adapter
137. www.mysimon.com/9025-11596_8-58204225.html - 45k - Cached - Similar pages
138. Nathan Stubblefield
139. Abount Nathan Stubblefield, ... Nathan Stubblefield. Tel:. Fax:. Instant Messenger:. Industry:. ( www.nathanstubblefield.com ). Enter your search terms.
140. www.list-company.com/company-info/ 4028809a13dd74c80113dd7642781a22/Nathan-S... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
141. Nathan Stubblefield - Link Details
142. Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone in 1892! But was it radio? Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte.
143. readylivemedia.com/links/link/n-85276/Nathan-Stubblefield.html - 69k - Cached - Similar pages
144. The Guide to United States Popular Culture - Google Books Result
145. by Pat Browne - 2001 - Social Science - 1010 pages
146. Mark K. Fulk Stubblefield, Nathan B. (1859-1928). Every year, the city of Murray , KY, issues a wheel tax sticker emblazoned with the motto "Birthplace of Radio.
147. books.google.com/books?isbn=0879728213...
148. Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone, Nathan Stubblefield By ...
149. Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless Telephone! But was it radio?
Part 04h / Headline
150. www.universal-radio.com/CATALOG/books/2262.html - 3k - Cached - Similar pages
151. SMART-DAAF BOYS Rediscovering Radio & Television & Nathan B ...
152. Such is the case surrounding the hidden secrets and never before revealed truths about Radio and Nathan Beverly Stubblefield, the first individual in the
153. www.amazon.ca/SMART-DAAF-Rediscovering-Television-Nathan- Stubblefield/dp/1883644046 - 121k - Cached - Similar pages
154. Adventures in Cybers Sound: Nathan B. Stubblefield
155. Similar pages
156. Native Tennessean: Nathan Stubblefield
157. Nathan Stubblefield, born in 1860, was an eccentric melon farmer from Murray, KY . He was a voracious reader and styled himself as a self-taught scientist
158. nativetennessean.blogspot.com/2007/03/nathan-stubblefield.html - 94k - Cached - Similar pages
159. WikiAnswers - Who is nathan stubblefield
160. Inventions question: Who is nathan stubblefield? Nathan stubblefield is my great great great grandfather's bestfriend's great grand father.
161. wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_is_nathan_stubblefield - 43k - Cached - Similar pages
162. Nathan B Stubblefield - board messages report | BoardReader
163. 1 post Nov 7, 2008
164. Nathan B Stubblefield - Online discussion summary by BoardReader. Aggregated data from online sources for the term "Nathan B Stubblefield."
165. boardreader.com/tp/Nathan+B.+Stubblefield.html - 39k - Cached - Similar pages
166. Nathan Stubblefield (Meaning/definition)
167. Nathan Stubblefield - Bringing definitions together to make searching a lot easier.
168. www.encyclo.co.uk/define/Nathan%20Stubblefield - 22k - Cached - Similar pages
169. uClue - Who invented the wireless phone? Nathan Stubblefield, in 1908
170. Who invented the wireless phone? Nathan Stubblefield, in 1908. ... A parent award to Nathan B. Stubblefield in May 12, 1908, details a "wireless telephone"
171. us.uclue.de/6798941.html - 43k - Cached - Similar pages
172. Anomalies Article: Stubblefield's Wireless
173. Nathan Stubblefield". The Post Dispatch reporter arrived at the farm in the second week of January, 1902. In the article written after the demonstration.
174. anomalyinfo.com/articles/sa00005.php - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
175. SMART-DAAF BOYS Rediscovering Radio & Television & Nathan B ...
176. The code name, <StuN> denotes that the document refers to Nathan Stubblefield. < StuT> refers to Troy Stubblefield. <StBB> refers to Bernard Stubblefield.
177. www.goodreads.com/book/show/679589.SMART_DAAF_BOYS_ Rediscovering_Radio_Television_Nathan_B_Stub... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages
178. Nathan Stubblefield | Facebook
179. Nathan Stubblefield is on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Millions of people use Facebook
180. www.facebook.com/people/Nathan_Stubblefield/743750715 - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
181. Troy Cory Show And Quotsecretkeepers Of Nathan Stubblefield And ...
182. Troy Cory Show And Quotsecretkeepers Of Nathan Stubblefield And Quot Murray - Google Videos - Noolmusic.com.
183. noolmusic.com/google_videos/troy_cory_show_and_quotsecretkeepers_of_ nathan_stubblefield_and_quot__murray_.php - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
184. Southern Roots Genealogy
185. Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte. A member of Southern Roots Genealogy since 08/19/2001. Look for this "navbar" when visiting
186. www.webring.com/hub?ring=southernusgen&id=6&prvw - 28k - Cached - Similar pages
187. Kentucky Korner
188. Previewing: Nathan Stubblefield Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone! But was it radio? Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte.
189. www.topiccraze.com/topic?topic=kentucky_korner;id=3;prvw;w=_r - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
190. Stubblefield Earth Cell Battery Demonstration - Truveo Video Search
191. This is a demonstration of Nathan Stubblefield's invention, the Earth Cell Battery, patented in 1898 (patent no 600457). It is a coil that when immersed in ...
192. www.truveo.com/Stubblefield-Earth-Cell-Battery-Demonstration/id/ 704641600 - 76k - Cached - Similar pages
193. Rewardable.com: Shopping: VHS: DDM2020 - Nathan B. Stubblefield ...
194. DDM2020 - Nathan B. Stubblefield and His Wireless Telephone; Nathan Stubblefield and His Radio Station; Murray, Kentucky; Murray State University; MSU;
195. www.rewardable.com/VHS-404272-B00005203A-DDM2020_Nathan_B_ Stubblefield_and_His_Wireless_Telephone_Natha... - 24k - Cached - Similar pages
196. Bob Lochte
197. For nearly 70 years, they claimed that Nathan Stubblefield's invention made ... Since 1990, Dr. Lochte has been learning about Nathan Stubblefield and other
198. www.hickmancoarts.com/id27.html - 36k - Cached - Similar pages
199. Telegraph: Net wars, Nathan Stubblefield, Telegraph: You Have to ...
200. Wendy M. Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone. Article focusing on her response to the death of her mother.
201. www.airnyc.org/list/267617/1/telegraph.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
202. [PDF] Is He the Father of the Wireless Telephone or Radio?
203. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
204. Nathan Stubblefield started the. year out by demonstrating his. wireless telephone to the town. He had half a dozen listening ...
205. www.clickandlearn.cc/Documents/ReadingPassages/6thIsHeTheFather.pdf - Similar pages
206. Nathan Stubblefield facts - Freebase
207. Facts and figures about Nathan Stubblefield, taken from Freebase, the world's database.
208. www.freebase.com/view/en/nathan_stubblefield - 76k - Cached - Similar pages
209. Nathan Stubblefield Speaks (2008) | LocateTV
210. Find out when the TV special, Nathan Stubblefield Speaks, is next on TV. Robert Valentine stars in a dramatic monologue about Nathan Stubblefield, the man ...
211. www.locatetv.com/tv/nathan-stubblefield-speaks/5697743 - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
212. SMART-DAAF BOYS Rediscovering Radio & Television & Nathan B ...
213. SMART-DAAF BOYS Rediscovering Radio & Television & Nathan B. Stubblefield: Troy Stubblefield-Cory, Troy Cory, Josie Cory: Amazon.co.uk: Books.
214. www.amazon.co.uk/SMART-DAAF-Rediscovering-Television-Nathan- Stubblefield/dp/1883644046 - 183k - Cached - Similar pages
215. WMNF 88.5 FM Community Radio, Tampa
216. shall be bequeathed to the Nathan B. Stubblefield Foundation, Inc. for the benefit of WMNF through my estate. As of today's date, I estimate that the value ...
217. www.wmnf.org/planned_giving_pages/view?page=estate_intention_form - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
219. Stubblefield Earth Cell Battery Demonstration - AOL Video
220. Troy Cory Show 4501-02 Terry Bulger Nathan Stubblefield ... From:NETLOG. Troy Cory Show "SecretKeepers of Nathan Stubblefield"- Murray State U VRA4012
221. video.aol.com/video-detail/stubblefield-earth-cell-battery-demonstration/ 704641600 - 67k - Cached - Similar pages
222. Nathan Stubblefield - Sajun.org[Translate this page ]
223. Nathan Stubblefield - All About Wireless. 2001. ... ''Did Nathan B. Stubblefield, really invent the wireless telephone?'" The TeleKey Group.
224. sajun.org/index.php/Nathan_Stubblefield - 18k - Cached - Similar pages
225. The WPA Guide to Kentucky: A Guide to the Bluegrass State - Google Books Result
226. by Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects ... - 1996 - History - 608 pages
227. In 1902 Stubblefield went by invitation to Washington, ... Nathan B. Stubblefield, the farmer inventor of Kentucky, has accurately discovered the principle ...
228. books.google.com/books?isbn=0813108659...
229. Endless Transformation by Nathan Stubblefield - Poetry.com
230. Endless Transformation by Nathan Stubblefield - The most comprehensive poetry website, poetry resources: Poetry.com
231. www.poetry.com/dotnet/P7729840/999/1/display.aspx - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
232. About Us1/26/08
233. "Nathan Beverly Stubblefield did Broadcast The Human Voice- Without the benefit of wires, using wireless telephony, which he invented and, he did accomplish
234. www.radio-telephone.net/aboutus.html - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
235. Site info : Nathan Stubblefield , Kentucky Farmer Invents Wireless ...
236. Chelepa site information for your site. Add your site to our web directory.
237. directory.chelepa.com/site_info?urlid=69961&hl=en&cat=2/Arts/Radio/ History/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
238. S90tv, WebTV VRA TelePlay Preview WebTV 402105 / Murray, Kentucky ...
239. About Nathan B. Stubblefield; Bernard Stubblefield. Young Stubblefield demonstrates radio on Fence. Josie/Scott Wireless Theory Narration.
240. www.s90tv.com/webtv/402105sh1992ChrisWoodsWnbs.htm - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
241. nathan stubblefield | Facebook
242. nathan stubblefield is on Facebook, a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. nathan stubblefield
243. www.facebook.com/people/nathan_stubblefield/6842798 - 21k - Cached - Similar pages
244. Discover Kentucky Genealogy WebRing
245. Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte. A member of Discover Kentucky Genealogy WebRing since 08/19/2001.
246. t.webring.com/hub?ring=accky;id=23;prvw - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
247. Scenic Driving Kentucky - Google Books Result
248. by Cora Kappele - 2000 - Travel - 256 pages
249. Who was Nathan B. Stubblefield? Well here in Murray, Kentucky, in the town square, on January 1, 1902, this poor farmer, with no formal
250. books.google.com/books?isbn=1560447338...
251. ExtraOrdinary Technology: Volume 5 Number 1
252. Nathan Stubblefield was a Kentucky farmer who some say invented radio. However, his underground delivery system had unresolved problems.
253. www.teslatech.info/ttmagazine/v5n1/v5n1toc.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

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Books To Read:

SMART DAAF BOYS - The history of radio and tevision and the life and style of Nathan B. Stubblefield. A Four-Volume-Set written by Troy Cory-Stubblefield and Josie Cory, Desktop Dictionary: Research: Co-Author: Mark Sova. Includes the Cory/Woods/Harris Washington D.C. demonstrations in 1992 at the Smithsonian. Elliot Sivowitch in attendance.

Edwards, Frank 1959 - "Neglected Genius," Stranger Than Science, Lyle Stuart, Inc., pgs. 9-11 [NOTE: I've found that most of the stories that Edwards presents in Stranger Than Science are originally from accounts in FATE Magazine, for which he wrote several articles and was apparently a regular reader. So, it seems likely there is an account of Stubblefield's wireless somewhere within the pages of FATE, which I will check on.]

Hoffer, Thomas W. 1971 - "Nathan B. Stubblefield and His Wireless Telephone," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. XV, No.3, Summer 1971, pg. 317-329.

Horten, L.J. - 1937 - "Another 'Inventor of Radio," Broadcasting and Broadcast Advertising, January 1, 1937, pg. 32 [NOTE: The entire text of a radio broadcast made by Horton is quoted within the text of this article, and this is what is referenced here.] Kane, Joseph Nathan.

1933 - "Radio Broadcast," Famous First Facts, 1933, pg. 423 Lambert, Edward C.

1970 - "Let's hear it for Bernard Stubblefield!", TV Guide, October 10, 1970, pg. 18-20 Monument (author unknown).

1930 - Text from the Stubblefield monument on the campus of the Murray State College in Murray, Kentucky. It reads thus: HERE IN 1902 NATHAN B. STUBBLEFIELD 1860 - 1928 INVENTOR OF RADIO -- BROADCAST AND RECEIVED THE HUMAN VOICE BY WIRELESS. HE MADE EXPERIMENTS 10 YEARS EARLIER. HIS HOME WAS 100 FEET WEST.

Sivowitch, Elliot N. 1970 - "A Technological Survey of Broadcasting's 'Pre-History,' 1876-1920," Journal of Broadcasting, Vol. XV, No.1, Winter 970-1971, pg. 1-20.

World Book:
1961a - "Induction, Electric," World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 9, 1961, pg. 178
1961b - "Radio, History," World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 15, 1961, pg. 87.

Selected Episodes, of the Stubblefield Story, with limited TelePlay rights, can be purchased for $39.95 on Amazon.com in the VHS, DVD category.
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Amazon.com, Search VHS, then type in TelePlay Preview, then click GO.
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