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TALENT CASTING: Lynn Mann, Mike Lipman, Jim Beatty.

1. Feature Story / The Blending of Film and Video images into today's WiFi Digital Age was one thing . . . and LookRadio was another.
••- Streaming movies over the Internet to aWireless Telephone™ and vPhones, took Google, Yahoo, Smart90 and NBS100's Evergreen and Rosemont Land-line and WiFi Server Farms, 10 years to perfect. MORE Server Farms STORY
••-After the 17-year development of Vine Street Video Center and Rosemont Studios in Hollywood and Pasadena, California, respectfully, entertainer / publishers, Troy & Josie Cory -- played host to the 1990, 26th Pasadena Annual Showcase House of Design, -- to show-off their WiFi residential computer broadcasting studio facilities.
••- The early 90s also marked the beginnings of the Internet search engine and computer webcasting. The need for server farms to run and operate Internet information directories like GoTo.com, Smart90, Lookradio, Amazon, Yahoo and Google was perfected in Pasadena.
••- Pasadena is still the place to be remembered for LookRadio, NBS100, Idealab and GoTo.com. Idealab and GoTo.com was founded in March, 1996 by Wm Gross. Vine Street Video, Rosemont, NBS100, Smart90, and LookRadio were founded by Troy and Josie Cory in 1974, 1978, 1990 and 1996 respectfully.
••- The original Rosemont 10-acre proprty site near the Rose Bowl was built in 1916 for the Chicago family of Jack and Gertrude Daniels, who had spent previous winters in Pasadena and eventually decided to put down roots there.
••-To design their home, the couple hired the Los Angeles firm of Allison & Allison, architects best known for award-winning designs of public buildings, churches and schools (including UCLA's Royce Hall and Kerchoff Hall). Landscape architect Paul Thiene, who worked on San Diego's Balboa Park for the 1915-16 Panama-California Exposition, was hired to design the grounds of the Daniels' new home.

Part 02 / History about Jack Daniels
Mr. Daniels had been disabled by a stroke in 1912, and, after their move to Pasadena in 1916, it was Mrs. Daniels who was quite active, working with a local California historical group, writing various articles and other publications, and supporting the World War I effort, in which two sons served overseas. After the war, Mrs. Daniels remained in the house for a few years, and enjoyed time with her grandchildren.
••--In 1923, the Daniels home was sold to David Blankenhorn, whose capital had recently grown enormously, after Blankenhorn's sale of Catalina Island to William Wrigley, Jr. Since then, the house has been owned by the Callaghans, who in 1952 added the pool to the backyard; and Troy and Josie Cory, who have converted the rambling estate into a television production facility and private studio.
••-- As was typical of houses built during the early part of the century, the Daniels home is a combination of architectural styles. The dormers, steep roof and somewhat simple horizontally oriented facade resemble c.1918 those of French chateaux during the Renaissance. The 9,OOO-square-foot interior is American Colonial (more specifically, of the post-Revolutionary Federalist period), with crown moldings, carved columns and large fireplaces. Except for the large formal drawing room and dining room, the other areas of the five-bedroom house are cozier and relatively modest in size.
••-- The front of the house, originally designed to be formal yet open, retains that look, with manicured trees and shrubs close to the facade and a paved front drive that encircles a working fountain. The more private back and side yards overlook the picturesque Arroyo Seco, a now-dry brook bed turned park adjacent to the Rose Bowl. More wild than the grand and simple front area, the yards are framed by trees set back from the house, partially screening it from the Arroyo.
••-- Over the years, since 1979, Troy & Josie Cory have taken the biggest pride in taking care of its rambling gardens, and the settings are used for filming and video taping weddings and large Hollywood gatherings. Some of the historically based films, produced on the long-winding Rosemont Estate, include "Captains and the Kings," "The Amelia Erhart Story" and "Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years," and since the early 1980s, "The Troy Cory Show," and "R& B Plus" have been filmed and video taped at the near two acre estate.
••-- Some of the companies, guests and artist performers at Rosemont, and the TV shows that have been produced, filmed, edited and distributed at and from Rosemont Studios via VRA TelePlay Pictures, include the following:

Part 03 / The Television Shows and Films Produced at Vine Street Video Center and Rosemont Studios -- for VRA TelePlay Pictures, LookRadio, YouTube and Google Video.

The Who's -- Who of D-Diaries / R&B Plus / the Troy Cory Show and / China Television Webcast. - Television With No Borders

Traum Productions of Germany,
STV Productions of China, VRA TelePlay Pictures, Video Record Albums, U.S.A., and LookRadio.
•-•-Major Actors and Actresses, some of whom were unknown at the time of their performances with Troy Cory, like: The Brooke Sisters, Joey Adams, Angelica Bridges, Tina Kincaid, Lori Engel, Brooke Kenvin, Valerie Maddox, and Co-hostess of "the Troy Cory Evening Show," Priscilla Cory-Stubblefield.
•-•-The Brooke Sisters - include: movie star, Joey Lauren Adams; Priscilla Cory; Tina Kincaid; Angelica Bridges; Beth Stare; Dagmar Mitzkus; Jeanne Yoou; Ginger Adams; Emmy Lu; Natacha Ouisse; Jossi Sigl; Nonny; Carol Lee; Kalia Salangron; Christy Mattola; Marve'; Lynn Stepney; Alicia Caballero and Brooke Kenvin.
•-•-- Live bands include: The "Ambros Seelos Orchestra";"Bonhomie Baby," Sam Montelle Stavros; Smokey Allan Stover; John Mraz; Ritchie Thomas; Rick Turner; the "West End Boys," Bardowell Philip Anthony, John Cowsill, Gary Griffin, Randell Kirsch, Mark Ward, and Robby Scharf; the "California Goodtime Band": John Mraz; Sam Montelle Stavros; Smokey Allen Stover; Rick Turner; and Arnold Martinez, bass guitarist/vocal; Bob Wills Jr. & his Texas Playboys, featuring, Bob Wills Jr., actor, singer; the "Pheromones"; and "Sam Butera."
•-•-- Guest Stars include: Priscilla Cory, Richard Hatch; Bruce Davison; Mel Carter,; Alan Hale, Sugar Ray Robinson, Nick Lucas, Sammy Fain; Florence Marly; John Perkins Barrymore; Benny Hill; Scott Stubblefield, Bob Wills, Jr; Foster Brooks, Clint Walker,Wanda Hendrix; Byron Matson; Tiny Tim; Linda Ronstadt; Dennis Weaver; Elke Sommer; Sam Butera; Ron Rice; D'Arcy LaPier; Hawaiian Tropic; Priscilla Alden; (Troy's Mother); Lynn Mann; Joseph Sigl, (Josie's Father); Jackie Corrigan; Nancie White; Mike Lipman; Thomas Simmons; Larry Leverett; Donna Jeffries; Judy Henderson; Walter Brown; Ginger Adams; Pearl Lipman; Alden Stubblefield; Keith (Whitey) Stubblefield; Rick Wood; Chris Harris; Dino DeLorean; Keith Stubblefield; Steven Stubblefield; David Nathan Stubblefield; and the now famous legendary tribute to Samuel Goldwyn and Hollywood's Golden Years told by Jack Foreman and Troy Cory.
•-•--Produced by: Troy Cory. Executive Producers: Mike Lipman, Josie Cory, with various On-line Producers / Director , including video/filmmakers Richard Greninger, Gábor Wagner, ARD, John Harris, Martin Green, Wm. Janovsky, Scott B. Stubblefield; Gary Sunkin and Larry Leverett for Hollywood Beat; Ron Rice and Tom Meservey (Hawaiian Tropic), and Barry Seybert. Computer Editors: Victor Caballero, Tim Wilcox and Alden Keith Stubblefield.
•-•-- Hollywood Shows - KCOP and KTLA: "The Troy Cory Evening Show": Starring Troy Cory; Priscilla Cory; John Perkins Barrymore; Inge-Maria Pinsor.
•-•-- KTLA - Warner Bros. Shows: The Passionettes: Carolyn Nering; Jacqueline Lombard; Susan Jackson, Evelyn Cortes, Marvé; Debie Midget; Jeep Ranshaw.
•-•-- Vine Street Video Centre Performers: Troy Cory; Rod Stewart; Nicolette Larson; Jackson Browne; Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Randy Meisner, James Coburn, Rachel Welch, Joni Mitchell, Priscilla Cory; Billy Hayes, Dicky Lerner, and Victor Dunlap.
•-•-- Music Production: Ambros Seelos, Syd Dale, Muff Merfin, John-Ross Barnard, John Billingham, Mike Harding, Joe Bamberger, Josie Cory and Sylvester Levy (Fly Robin Fly). The "hit makers" that produced Troy's first musical recordings, include Sonny Bono, Art Rupe, Rene Hall, Bob Sherman and Dick Sherman, (Mary Poppins, Disney), Bob Roberts - Tall Paul, Tip Tobin, Dorothy Swafford, Ralph Freed - (1907-1973), brother of Arthur Freed., Lester Sills and Nat Goodman, the manager of the Paramours and the Diamonds. Nat produced Troy's Mercury Records, "Little Pink Toe" and "Suzy McGregor", the three Bill Medley tracks on the Sonny & Cher & Friends album "Baby Don't Go" on Reprise RS 6177 in 1965.

4. Related Stories / The Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
("PSHA") is a non-profit California corporation. The Pasadena Showcase House of Design ("Showcase") is produced as the annual benefit, combining the efforts of PSHA members with over 50 designers who transform the interior and grounds of an estate selected by PSHA.

The success of Showcase has resulted in cumulative donations in excess of $11 million to the Los Angeles Philharmonic and other local non-profit organizations.

PSHA members volunteer their time: 

  • to support and further the work of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and other local public benefit symphonic associations. (PSHA is the largest single donor to the Los Angeles Philharmonic by donating over $10 million to this world class orchestra including $1 million to the Walt Disney Concert Hall, scheduled to be completed in spring 2003.)
  • to foster public interest in and appreciation for symphony; and
  • to support symphonic, cultural and education programs for young people in the greater Pasadena area of California.

Other PSHA programs funded from Showcase proceeds include the Music MobileTM Program, the Pasadena Showcase House Youth Concert for children, and the Pasadena Showcase House Instrumental Competition for young musicians.

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