l to r - John Wayne, Troy Cory,
Troy Cory Jr., Troy and Rene Hall
at Record Session, Troy,
Sylvester Levay, Ambros Seelos,
Josie Cory, Troy and Melvin
Belli. Permission to use for News
Media and PR purposes) Feature
from Troy Cory Interview, about
his early days in Hollywood as a
recording artist, and song writer
- 107 - Celebrity Scene
with Pete Allman. Excerpts from
Troy Cory Interview, about his
early days in Hollywood as a
recording artist, and song
my Celebrity Scene Disney cover
story interview with TVI
iPublisher / entertainer, Troy
Cory . . . he had a lot to say
about . . . and then some,
regarding the historical aspects
of Walt Disney's contributions to
telecommunications and the career
push Disney had given the Sherman
Brothers that helped launch their
talent to Hollywood Musical
stardom. My first question to
Troy was: What got you started
in Hollywood? TVInews
course it was my father and
mother, Oliver and Priscilla
Alden", stated Troy. The show biz
stories my mother told me about
her life as a Kansas City show
girl, were truly intriguing. But
the best of them all, was the sad
story about my grandfather,
Nathan B. Stubblefield, the
inventor and patent holder of the
wireless telephone, that brought
me galloping to SHOW BIZ, says
Troy, it was a story that had a
beginning, but no
of all, I am truly grateful that
I have been able for four decades
to participate in this fantastic
industry, to work with exciting
and distinguished men and women
in the recording, television,
stage, and movie business. I
loved mixing my Long Beach high
school and Pepperdine University
studies with record sessions and
writing songs with the best of
them, like Jimmy Messina, (of
Login & Messina Fame), -- and
"You've Got To Come Back." I
loved performing at Safeway store
openings and doing 11 A.M.
TV-shows with Chef Milani shows
at ABC, while collaborating with
Sonny Bono and Larry Williams,
putting lyrics together for songs
like: "Short Fat Fanny, she got
what Uncle John needs, oh . . .
baby!" and "Lost Balls in High
decade working in Hollywood and
doing my night act with Tip Tobin
was punctuated as much by the
birth of my three sons and
daughter with Dorothy Swafford,
as it was the birth of the song -
"Little Pink Toe", she
co-authored with Bob Roberts. I
loved working with Sonny Bono and
Art Rupe, the owner of Specialty
Records, which brought me
galloping into and loving the
record business as I worked for
and partnered with
songwriter/publisher, Bob
of course, continued Troy, the
most gratifying experience in my
life has been my 31 years working
with my wife, Josie Sigl-Cory --
to establish the Vine Street
Video Center, Video Record Albums
of America, VRA TelePlay
Pictures, ChinaExpo and the
SMART-DAAF-NBS100 foundation.
These companies are now part of
the greatest www.group of English
and non-English speaking people
in the world. "We call them our
network of "living to work,
xingTV Internet crowd." The
culture developed by each of the
companies can be defined within
each name, now existing on the
land-line Wi-Fi established way
back when, in 1908.
"But before
entering the 1908 era," said
Troy, "I better explain a little
bit about my early song writing
days in Hollywood. I first met
hit song writers/record
producers, Bob Roberts, and Bob
and Dick Sherman, of Disney
Studio fame, with "Mary Poppins",
and their hit singles: "Tall
"There's No
Fool Like A Young Fool" and
"Jo-Jo The Dog Faced
that time," continued Troy, "I
was a recording artist with Art
Rupe's Specialty Records, and
collaborating with my comedy team
partner, song writer, Tip Tobin,
Sonny Bono, and Dorothy Swafford
in the production of my next
record album.
day I met Bob Roberts was at a
recording studio on Sunset
Boulevard, Hollywood. I was
working with Sonny and my
arranger, trying to perfect a
singing style with my voice that
would go along with the
rock-a-billy band, Sonny had
hired to back me up.
a few takes, our team hopelessly
conceded, that the sound would
not fit my Crosby stylings into
the Fabian, Ricky Nelson sound
Sonny was attempting to get.
the break, Sonny introduced me to
song writer Bob Roberts, who said
he had just the song I needed to
give me the hit sound we were
reaching for, and to postpone the
session. Handing me the address
of his music publisher-partner
Bob Sherman's office, he left
saying, "see ya later."
the record session, we walked
across the street to meet the two
Bobs, Bob Roberts and Bob Sherman
at the Sherman Publishing office,
located on the 2nd or 3rd floor
of the Sunset and Gower Building.
"The rest is history," said Troy,
"Bob and Dick Sherman explain as
to what happened after that in
their book, "Walt's Time",
1954-1958, on pages 126 through
131, pictured above."
was on my own," writes Robert. .
. these were the salad days. With
our college years behind us and
Dick off in the Army, we quite
naturally went our separate ways
. . . but most of all, I did a
lot of song writing, with a
talented fellow named Bob Roberts
. . . It was an exciting road to
travel, filled with twists and
turns -- one of which,
fortuitously, would at last
reunite me with my brother Dick .
. . so early in 1958, (we) set up
a publishing house in a little
hole-in-the-wall office . . .
(we) -- planned to publish
anything commercial he or other
writers came up with.
Dick, states, "in the late 1950s,
many pop hits were boys singing
about girls of all shapes and
sizes, from "Skinny Minnie" to
"Short Fat Fanny" to "Long Tall
Sally." Dick was thinking it
might be fun to turn the fad on
its head and write a song a girl
could sing about a boy . . . thus
it was Dick -- who came up with
the song title. "Tall
is where I must have come in,"
says Troy, "I must have arrived
at Sherman's office about the
same time Dick did. I found
Richard, and the man I just met
at the studio, Bob Roberts
working on a song called "Chalk
On The Sidewalk." Dick was
mentioning his idea for "Tall
Paul." We were all talking about
gimmick catchy titles, especially
the ones Sonny and Larry Williams
had just written, recorded and
produced for Specialty Records,
"You Bug Me Baby", "Skinny
Minnie" and "Short Fat Fanny".
This was the real thing, they
were hashing out lyrics and
tunes, in the Roberts style,
meaning, sing lyrics as fast as
the words were fed to them. By
December of 1958, "Tall Paul" hit
the charts with the 15-year-old
Mouseketeer, Annette
the cliche from the Shermans'
book," 'it was a true case of
serendipity,' "Tall Paul" became
the first smash hit out of the
Sunset-Gower office," says Troy
-- and the first of 36 songs
written for Annette. "It was the
little ditty gimmick titles -
that came out of that office,
that did it," says
for 'Tall Paul,' -- and 'Chalk on
the sidewalk' combo," says Troy,
"as the story goes, before 'Tall
Paul" became a hit by the Disney
Mouseketeer, Bob Roberts, became
discouraged with the three-way
partnership and walked
the break-up," says Troy, "I
worked very close with the three
former partners, as well as with
Ralph Freed, collaborating with
them on: "There's No Fool Like A
Young Fool", "Torture", Rinky Roo
Rah", "Little Pink Toe", "Tender
Are The Ties", "Suzy McGregor for
Warner Bros., Bingo, Mercury
Records and Cinema
this same period of time, some of
the Sherman/Roberts hit tunes
include: "Money Mad Man", Three
Hundred and Sixty-Five Days",
"Jo-Jo The Dog Faced Boy" and
"Beach Time."
Sherman, on stage at a recent
October, Magic Castle celebrity
event remarked, that Troy was
still around during the time our
Johnny Burnett hit, "You're
Sixteen" -- became number
years later, after being part of
the Sunset/Gower song writer /
recording artist scenario laid
out by Bob Roberts, I saw the
Shermans rise to fame and fortune
with Disney, and was always part
of the Bob Roberts musical
scenario with his wife Sharon.
Bob died with a song in his
was Bob Roberts who first hinted
to me at Rosemont, in Pasadena
that; "the rulers are
forgotten unless they have had
the forethought to surround
themselves with singers and
agents, poets and thinkers. The
arts make the longest reach
toward permanence, create the
most enduring monuments, project
the farthest, widest, deepest
influence of which human
prescience and effort are
was just recently that I
discovered the quote that came
from Maxwell Anderson piece
called "Whatever Hope We Have."
He wrote, "What hope there is for
us lies in our nascent arts, for
if we are to be remembered as
more than a mass of people who
lived and fought wars and died,
it is for our arts that we will
be remembered."
"As you can see
Pete," before ending this subject
matter, I must remind you that
the people I have been honored to
work with, have brought to me, an
art form that has undeniable
produced works that will likely
to last for the ages, if we start
to talk about it on the Internet
through our Smart90 portals."
This is something
in which I can take great pride
as an entertainer, and as member
of the scholarly academics I was
trained for, the legal and
medical professions. And, we
should both soberly keep in mind
that physicist, Albert Einstein's
mathematical formula for Energy,
E=mc2, could be the mathematical
formula to explain entertainment
business fads. Entertainment =
Money and Cash times 2.
But getting back
to TVI's person of the week, Walt
Disney, and the Sherman Brothers,
the art form they have created in
the past, was at one time - just
"a concept", now the concept is a
finished product, a content with
so much value, that the names,
"Mickey Mouse", and "Mary
Poppins" -- have in themselves,
become works of value.
To IDMb data base for ROBERT
B. SHERMAN, Composer -
filmography - The
pop song written in the 1960s and
1970 with Bob Roberts/Troy Cory
Record Sessions are mentioned in
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s)
(1970s) (1960s)
Bewitched (2005) (song "'Bout
2. War of
the Worlds (2005) (song "Hushabye
Mountain" from film "Chitty
Chitty Bang Bang") (as Richard
Disneyland: The First 50 Magical
Years (2005)
4. Pooh's
Heffalump Movie (2005) (song
"Winnie the
5. Around
the World in 80 Days (2004) (song
"It's A Small
Piglet's Big Movie (2003) (song
"Winnie the
7. Kingdom
Hearts (2002) (VG) (song "Winnie
the Pooh") (uncredited) -- aka
Kingudamu hâtsu
8. The
Tigger Movie (2000) (songs) --
aka Tigger: The
9. Winnie
the Pooh: Seasons of Giving
(1999) (V) (songs) -- aka
Disney's Winnie the Pooh: Seasons
of Giving (USA: complete
Michelle Kwan Skates to Disney's
Greatest Hits (1999) (TV)
11. The
Mighty Kong (1998) (V)
12. My
Interactive Pooh (1998) (VG)
Sherman Filmography
as: Composer,
Miscellaneous Crew,
Writer, Actor, Producer,
Miscellaneous Crew -
(1980s) (1970s)
1. Winnie
the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore
-- aka A
Day for Eeyore (USA: short
2. The
Many Adventures of Winnie the
Pooh (1977)
3. Snoopy
Come Home (1972)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
-- aka
Bedknobs and Broomsticks: 25th
Anniversary Special Edition (USA:
5. A Boy
Called Nuthin' (1967) (TV)
6. Mary
Poppins (1964)
Preserve The Moment Yes90
tviNews S90 Profiles4
- 1107 - Celebrity Scene with
Pete Allman. Excerpts from Troy
Cory Interview, about his early
days in Hollywood as a recording
artist, and song
Images665 Casey Kasem, Troy Cory,
Tip Tobin, Sonny Bono, Rene Hall,
Jerry Wallace, Bob Roberts, Josie
International Magazine's Person
Of The Week POWeek
- /
Convergence - 43rd Week of 2005
Story 4. Bylines / Troy Cory -
Pete Allman
Story /
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Ddiaries, Soulfind, nbs100, nb
stubblefield, nbstubblefield,
chinaexpo, vralogo, Look Radio,
China Expo, Soul Find, s90tv,
wifi90, dv90, nbs 100, Troy Cory,
Troy Cory-Stubblefield, Josie
Photo Image665, Movies: Google
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Troy Cory Show
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