102 - TVInews / Wireless Cemeteries. SoulFind.com and NBS100 plan to establish WiFi "Teléph-on-délgreen" Wireless Video Telephone Systems in Major Cemeteries Around the World. Photo: Upper left pictures the original memorial Stonehead in honor of Nathan B. Stubblefield, 1860-1928, dedicated in 1930 on Teléph-on-délgreen, now the campus of Murray State University. Students of the N.B. Stubblefield Industrial School, and faculty members, are seen in the photo taken on September 4, 1907. Two of NBS's children, Frederic and Wm. Tesla are buried near the Stonehead placed approxiately 100 feet from the school house on the right. -- See William Tesla burial map.
24th Week 2005 / Los Angeles. It was recently announced in Los Angeles, California, that a multi-million dollar project is underway to memorialize the inventors of firewire and the various wireless telephonic WiFi90 devices now being used on the Internet. The sites for the first Wi-Fi, DSL, V.O.I.P activated NBS100 memorial headstone, will be established at major cemeteries in the U.S. and Western Europe. The inventors memorialized will be -- N.B. Stubblefield, Marconi, Ambrose Fleming, Reginald Fessenden, Tesla, DeForest, Armstrong, Alexanderson, and Farnsworth, the respective inventors and patent holders of various Wireless Telephone, telegraphy and television devices, since 1882. Each cemetery will contain a wireless DSL NBS100 Telephon'-del-green Memorial Stonehead, linking the cemetery headstone marking, to the Internet via Soulfind.com. By using a "special" hand held NBS100 designed, iHandy wireless video telephone, each visitor will be able to located those buried in the cemetery, and in some cases, see and hear the celebrity when he/she was once alive. "It is planned", says NBS100 spokeswoman, Priscilla Cory-Stubblefield, "that each cemetery utilizing the NBS100 Memorial Stonehead Transmitter, will be linked to the main SoulFind server, via the Internet to the facilities located near the original NBS100 Telephon'-del-green Memorial on the campus of Murray State University, in Murray, Kentucky. See photo above. Participating cemeteries will be linked to SoulFind servers, via the Internet by wireless or land-line connection, whatever the cemetery administrators prefer. The NBS100 Memorial Stonehead is simple and attractive, similar to the Memoriam pictured above in the inset. It consists of two concrete steles, shaped like perpendicular antennas separated by a four foot raw inscribed concrete slab, that relates to the grounded earth coil batteries, needed to create the continuous electromagnetic waves to send and receive a radio or television broadcast. "It's just part of the haunting 24/7 WiFi tribute to the SMART DAAF Boys," says Priscilla. Consider and picture the slab as the grounded coil transmitter buried in the earth, and the two Stoneheads as the antennas pointed up to some mysterious heavenly force that creates live moving pictures. When a signal from a visitor's wireless telephone is applied to talk to a Stonehead, the electrons in the antennas, commence changing their velocities continuously (i.e. moving up and down very quickly) -- in response to the visitor's applied signal, that's seeking information. Of course, the mysterious heavenly force answers any question about what's featured in the cemetery on their wireless video phone. The inscription on the concrete slab reads: for a TV station that broadcasts at a wavelength of 1500m, the perpendicular antenna needs to be 750m long. This is because the earth beneath you, is a 'virtual horizontal antenna' and when a wireless signal is applied near you, the electrons in the virtual antenna beneath you, commence changing their velocities continuously, and you become the perpendicular aerial being. Have you ever wondered why radio and television aerials are the shape and size that they are? -- NBS The unique NBS100 Memorial Stonehead is designed to operate wirelessly, from electric energy developed from the earth below and from solar energy. There's no electric wire connections. The wireless telephone transmission will operate from the basic antenna theory that radio waves are generated by electrons accelerating in the antenna, or in this case the "Stonehead itself." Hollywood's stark and foreboding permanent memorial to the Wireless Telephone inventor and patent holder will be opened January 1, 2006, ending a 98-year drama in which the followers of Tesla / Stubblefield coils, struggled with atoning for past injustices while informing new generations of users of the Wireless Telephone and the Internet beyond the stain of history. Between Murray, Kentucky and the Pacific Ocean, the Memorial to the inventors of the EMw will be a haunting new aesthetic in the California landscape. People close to the SoulFind organization, say, "it won't be long before you'll be hearing all about cemeteries featuring a unique NBS100 Memorial DSL Stonehead like; Kudocasts, or Podcasting, the wireless video/audio system, that can be viewed on the NBS100 iHandy." It was explained by the originators of the Wi-Fi Telephon-del-green concept, that once the reasons to account for the deceased and their legacy is understood, (D.O.D., celebrity, socio-economics) -- public appeal for wireless cemeteries will take place. After all, the grounds themselves represent a stunning vision of abstract architecture, brought on by those headstones that publish the names of people that once walked on earth. The simple NBS100 Memorial DSL Stonehead will produce the necessary ground energy to broadcast voice and video into the atmosphere, then over the Internet, utilizing a modern-day router that includes a special perpendicular antenna stele. The memorial's architect, Thomax Hick of Los Angeles, said the site, which is the size of two side-by-side grave sites, was designed to "establish a permanent memory" so future generations could study and debate the beginnings of the Electromagnetic grounded wave energy, wireless telephone, radio, television and the Internet. The ceremony's most poignant moment came when Priscilla Cory-Stubblefield, told how she became her family's only female spokesman. "I am the voice of the lucky few," said Priscilla. "I am a witness . . . I have learned that greed breeds greed. I have learned that we must not be silent." She said she does "not believe in snubbing history and respecting those loved ones that brought us into this world," adding that today's youth cannot be blamed for the forgetfulness of their elders. "But," she said, "you can hold them responsible for what they do with the memories they must place in text books, iPods, Kudocasts, and in filmmaking." Numerous battles have erupted over the NBS100 memorial design, scope and as to the purpose of connecting platonic history to the Internet. It's been only recently that cemetery administrators have been convinced that their cost for upkeep, and the recurring cost for maintaining gravesite by families, can be offset by revenues from antennae towers and internet revenue. /// More Articles Converging News 242005 / TeleCom Buy Outs and Asset Seizure Boom Respectfully
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