During the courtship of Ada, it was easy for Nathan
to energize the world around him. They as a team
shared the process of remixing his watermelon hot
spots patches, with energy related earth
loadstones, cave crystals, Calcite and Travertine
minerals, salt, and iron ore particles. In 1890 he
was mixing his WiFi hot spots with the three radio
active Pitchblende metals first discovered by the
German chemist Martin Klaproth in 1789. Tobacco,
watermelons and potato plants were of particular
value to him..-
to Continue 01
When applied
within the framework of his acquired induction coil
knowledge he had picked up during the Dolbear
lectures, and from his science engineering
magazines, he was able to grow 200 lbs watermelons.
- See Radium or Pitchblende FOR
Near the end of Nathan and Ada's first anniversary
of their marriage in 1881, the husband and wife
team was ready for their first public wireless
demonstration. Thanks to Nathan's compass, and the
soil mixture, the 1882 Court House Square wireless
signal display kicked off a scientific development
career with his 17-year-old bride that spanned
almost 3 decades.
It was a mix of success and heartaches between the
years of 1881 and 1915 for the couple. Their
life-style was highlighted by 9 Stubblefield
children, 26 years of scientific experiments, and
travails, that are spelled out in the poems, and
within the scientific writings that were united
into the legal documents needed to perfect
perdurable patents, trademarks, and copyrights. His
Carrie lamp lighter patent in 1885, and Nathan's
three major telephone and wireless telephony
patents in 1888, 1898 and 1908 respectfully, --
were never challenged in a court of law for
infringement. SEE: Nathan - 1906-1915 - Electricity
created by Earth Batteries and generators. Wi-Fi
Before Italian inventor, Antonio Meucci's
"Telectrophone" (1871) patent expired in 1888,
Nathan filed for his Mechanical Telephone patent on
Feb 10, 1887. It was granted on Feb 21, 1888.
Nathan's land-line Telephone could operate with or
without metallic wires. Translation: If electricity
was not available, as in most cases in the South,
the NBS Telephone would operated with special
coated hemp cable. CLICK
Nathan, In 1896, filed for patent for his coil-soil
energy Batteries for the whole electrical world to
examine, and they did. The patent would become the
premise for the exact, distinct and separate EMW
soil science for his Wireless Telephone
system, and if I may, WiFi. It was his theory that
if he could create several small green valleys of
WiFi hot spots within his 85 acre
Teléph-on-délgreen, each hot spot
could become a static electricity storage bin that
would produce enough undampened EMW currents to
charge his electrolytic batteries.
The cause of the EMW force was found to cause a
virtual aerial effect underground that would then
create enough electricity to electrify both, a
land-line telephony system, as well as his mobile
wireless telephony system.
When his "All purpose Wireless Telephone"
patent, copyright and trademark was granted, in
1908, the year not only kick-started the radio
trust monopoly, but it was the justification for
U.S. regulatory agencies to seize the wireless
radio telephone RF frequencies owned by NBS and the
other Smart-Daaf Boys. The Radio Communication Acts
included the Radio Acts of 1910, 1912, 1918, and
1927. The two major stock market crashes that
followed were tied to the regulatory RF seizures.
This was also the cause for the bleaching any
profits on all of the frequency licensing and
hardware franchise agreements his various NBS
affiliate companies sold to GE, Bell, AT&T and
the U.S. Army Signal Corps.
The years between 1906 and 1915, speak for
themselves. To lapse the tragic death of his
17-month-old son, Wm Tesla Stubblefield, (b. May 7,
1905, d. Oct. 14, 1906), Nathan became headlong,
contemptuous for life, and unstoppable in his legal
filings for his final U.S. Wireless Telephone
Each drawing designated exactly what the Wireless
Telephone was designed for. Ada wrote that
nothing could break Nathan's desire to move his
family to Washington, D.C. He seemed to be blaming
himself for the death of their son. It was shortly
after Tesla was found "teething" on a raw potato
from the mixed energized WiFi hotsoil patches, that
Tesla grew fatally ill on Oct. 14, 1906.
Six months after the death of Wm Tesla, Nathan and
Bernard left for Washington, D.C. to file his
patent, for the Wireless Telephone, One year
later, on May 12th 1908, the 48 year old Nathan was
granted the "All-in-One" patent monopoly, his
youngest son would have been 3 years old.
The long train ride from his successful years in
Washington, D.C., in 1911, gave Nathan the moments
needed to reflect on his own childhood and his
father's untimely death in 1873. Nathan, like his
father, Capt. Billy, had a premonition that his
life was ending. To protect his family's future,
Nathan commoditized all of his cash holdings and
assets, to create a formal family trust for his
family to draw upon or even sell periodically, --
as they saw fit. He saw his dreams of the NBS
Broadcasting system completed and his name offered
for a Nobel Peace Prize, like Marconi. The
NBS Trust
The NBS Family Trust of 1912, cleared the way to
protect the Stubblefield State franchised school
legacy, which included his 85 acre School property,
his various Patents, and the Corporate property
liens he owned jointly with members of his Kentucky
"Big Six" partners. The NBS Family Trust could now
would be enabled to finance his National
Broadcasting system.
The trust included attorneys, Rainey T. Wells, A.
Thompson, and named his wife, Ada Mae and his
children, Victoria - (30), Bernard - (27), Pattie -
(22), Franklin - (17), Oliver - (15), and Helen -
(11) -- as beneficiaries. Rainey, If you remember
right, was the 17 year-old student attending N.B.
Stubblefield Industrial School who became famous by
the "Hello Rainey - "Hello Rainey"" wireless
broadcast in 1892.
Bernard was named by the NBS Family Trust, as the
sole inventor of the Flying Machine Patent granted
Dec 10th 1912 for seven years. Bernard was to
partner with A. Collins and Gen. Squire to
kick-start a Government contract. The gasoline
engine Flyer was designed to operate both as a
helicopter for radio surveillance, and as a
portable high voltage generator. CLICK
Contrary to his premonition, Nathan didn't die, he
lived on for another 16 years to 1928. What
bothered the 51-year-old Nathan most about his NBS
Family Trust, was anything that threatened the
Codes of trust he created -- was something Ada and
his children should be paying attention to, 24
hours a day. See The Philosophy of the South Rainey
T. Wells
Where was his Clarissa, the step mother that guided
the teenager after Capt. Billy died? He saw his
dreams of the NBS Broadcasting system, and his
Nobel Peace Prize going up in smoke.
Nathan had personally persuaded his skeptical "BIG
SIX" partners to invest $2 million in the high-tech
start-up for radio for aircraft. Now his son
Bernard comes with the news that their partner, A.
Frederick Collins, of Collins Wireless, 1869-1922),
hit some snags in developing in the Radio for the
Flying Machine, and they'll need at least another
million to bring it to market. Do you write the
Rainey, now the attorney for the Woodmen of the
World, lead the group that purchased the 85 acres
Teléph-on-délgreen Institute from NBS
Family Trust in 1913. By 1922, the
Teléph-on-délgreen Campus (85 acres)
became Murray State Normal School. The college
since that time didn't change it's name just once,
not twice, but three times. The original
Teléph-on-délgreen Campus is now
Murray State University, (MSU), with a student body
of over 10,000.
A memorial for Nathan stands 100 yards from the NBS
Industrial School, the world's first Wireless Radio
Telephone station. Each year, on May 12th, a
red rose from Clarissa is placed on the
The peaches, apples, watermelons and other crops
that Nathan Stubblefield grew on
Teléph-on-délgreen, were not only a
source of pride, but they all became part of the
memory that held special a symbolism to the deaths
of Ada and his 3 infant children. Franklin, 1884,
Carrie, 1885, and Wm. Tesla, 1905. CLICK
Teléph-on-délgreen AND
THE MORAL TO THE STORY to those of us who
disdain the deceptiveness and buffoonery of the
early day telephony and the political world is that
as tawdry as they are, Nathan's own obvious and
distinct scientific jargon to describe his wireless
system to the patent examiners, was exactly what
they wanted to hear, before they tacitly motivating
themselves to approve his "All-In-One Wireless
Telephone patent, under the laws of 1887.
New tech terms like, moving vehicles, groundless
loop aerials, mobile wireless telephones powered by
either a dry or electrolytic batteries, deep-rooted
the link to his 1898 induction coil patent. The
gasoline and/or steam engines was used to power
both, the moving vehicle and the alternators used
to recharged batteries, was a plus.
Nathan defined Marconi, De Forest and the others,
as the ushers for electricity generated from a
basic non-continuous spark wallop, powered by a
non-battery high voltage source, -- too dangerous
to be portable enough to be called a "wireless
Their Tesla-type alternator, Nathan explained, was
powered either by a water fall, such as the Niagara
Falls, or by a coal burning steam engine, like the
one used by Marconi in his 1901 first transatlantic
dit-dah transmission of the letter "S." As for the
Phelps and Conly coils patents, Nathan stated,
"they were the fathers of a thought." The thought
being a patent that was paragoned to a "now you see
it . . . and now you don't" magic trick. The patent
described something it could not do, create ground
energy electromagnetic atmospheric
As for the look of his mobile wireless unit, he'd
say, "It's not pretty, and it won't fit in you
pocket, but it's all we've got."CLICK
TO Continued: Go To Book Review Part ONE For MORE
FOR MORE PART 04 / - Electricity created by Earth
Batteries. Wi-Fi borne.