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115- Digital Video Expo, Sept. 25-27
101- Italian film "Sacro GRA" wins top prize
101- Venice Film Festival: Eying the "Golden Lion."
106- The Secretkeepers of Patent Trolls
115- Toronto Int'l Film Festival - Sept. 5 - 15
108- Amazon's Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post
101- Winners - TCA Critics Awards
•108- Newsweek acquired by IBT
101- Burbank Int'l Film Festival kicks off at Warner Bros.
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106- The Secretkeepers of Patent Trolls
115- Toronto Int'l Film Festival - Sept. 5 - 15
106- The Secretkeepers of Patent Trolls
101- Italian film "Sacro GRA,wins top prize
101- Venice Film Festival: Eying the "Golden Lion."
115- Venice Film Festival - Aug. 28 - Sept. 7

108- Amazon's Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post
101- TCA Critics Awards Winners -
101- TCA Top Honors go to "Breaking Bad"
101- Winners - TCA Critics Award
108- Newsweek acquired by IBT
101-Television Critics Awards 2013
107- Oprah: Looking Back; Looking Forward
101- The 5th Annual Burbank Int'l Film Festival- Sept 4-8
101- Burbank Int'l Film Festival kicks off at Warner Bros.
101- Emmy Award Nominees 2013
108- News Corp Split
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101- Kenny G, at TVI-Rosemont Estate, Pasadena
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106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- Supreme Court rejects gene patents
115- Award Winners - Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
• The Troy Cory Show •
/ • 101- Kenny G at the Rose Bowl, 4th of July 2013
101- Kenny G, at TVI-Rosemont Estate, Pasadena
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115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
115- CineMerit Award for Michael Caine
115- 15 Films in Competition for the CineVision Award
106- From Seeds To EMW WiTEL®™© Serialized Signals- 1902
106- From Germs, and Genes- Comes Patents Ruling. Supreme Court -June 13th
106- Monsanto vs Seed Patent vs Farmer Bowman,
102- The Inventor of the WIRELESS TELEPHONE - 1898? ®™© -
116- How tviCatBox Parts Work

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115- Digital Video Expo, LA Convention Ctr. Sept. 25-27
115- Venice Film Festival - Aug. 28 - Sept. 7
115- Toronto Int'l Film Festival - Sept. 5 - 15
101- The 5th Annual Burbank Int'l Film Festival- Sept 4-8
115- 29th Annual TCA Awards, Beverly Hills, Aug 3
115- Indie Entertainment Summit, NoHo, August 7-11
115- Montreal World Film Festival - Aug. 22 - Sept. 2
115- Le Rendez-Vous, Biaritz, France - Sept. 8 - 12
115- Prix Italia, Turin, Italy, Sept. 2, - 28
115- MIPCOM, Cannes, France - Oct. 7-10
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106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- Supreme Court rejects gene patents -
115- Award Winners:Munich Film Fest, Jun 28-July 7
The Troy Cory Show •
101- Kenny G, at TVI-Rosemont Estate, Pasadena
101- SEE Kenny G at the TVI-Rosemont Estate
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115- Munich Filmfest, June 28-July 7
115- Best Summer Movies at Munich Film Fest
115- CineMerit Award for Michael Caine
115- 15 Films Competing for the CineVision Award
106- From Seeds To EMW WiTEL®™© Serialized Signals 106- From Germs, and Genes- Comes Patents Ruling.
Supreme Court -June 13th
106- Monsanto vs Seed Patent vs Farmer Bowman,
102- The Inventor of the
116- How tviCatBox Parts Work

106- Who owns the "Happy Birthday" tune?
101- Los Angeles Int'l Airport showcased
107- Branson In The News of Late
107- Virgin Group founder on decriminalizing drugs
107- Branson collaborates with Charitybuzz
107- Bieber books space flight with Virgin Galactic
114- Bob Thompson made music with audacious sound
115- Los Angeles Film Fest, June 13-26
115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
115- Spielberg heads jury at Cannes Film Festival
101- Summer Season Kick-off - Disneyland,
101- Mickey and the Magical Map
102- Publishing Component Sales
106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
106- ReSeller Copyright Ruling
106- The limits of copyright law
108- Charity Investment Tradeout
115- Cannes Film Festival May 15 - 26
115- Ahh. . . Springtime in Cannes
115- Palm D'Or goes to the French

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Kenny G at the Rose Bowl, 4th of July 2013
Kenny G at
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TODAY'S Headline

106- The Secretkeepers of Patent Trolls
101- Italian film "Sacro GRA,wins top prize
101- Venice Film Festival: Eying the "Golden Lion."
115- Toronto Int'l Film Festival - Sept. 5 - 15
115- Venice Film Festival - Aug. 28 - Sept. 7
108- Amazon's Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post
101- Winners - TCA Critics Award
101- TCA Top Honors go to "Breaking Bad"
108- Newsweek acquired by IBT
101- Television Critics Awards 2013
107- Oprah: Looking Back; Looking Forward
101- The 5th Annual Burbank Int'l Film Festival- Sept 4-8
101- Emmy Award Nominees 2013
108- News Corp Split - Media Conglomerates' new trend
• 101- Kenny G at the Rose Bowl, 4th of July 2013
101- Kenny G, at TVI-Rosemont Estate, Pasadena
101- The Troy Cory Show •
101- MORE TVI-Rosemont Estate
106- Supreme Court rejects gene patents --
106- Who Owns the "Happy Birthday" tune?
115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
115- CineMerit Award for Michael Caine
115- Best Summer Movies at Munich Filmfest
115- 15 Films in Competition for the CineVision Award

106- The Secretkeepers of Patent Trolls
•••• Sooner or later a major webplayer has to give us something we will never forget." www.Google.com . . . was that something in 1997 . . . it was the NBSWirelessTelephone- in 190.2.
•••• The SmartPhone is the: • www.thedealtosteal.com • www.nbs100.com • www.speedollars.com • www.lookradio.com • www.smartPhone90.com • www.witel.org • www.smart90.com • www.patent887.com • www.kudoad.com • www.secretkeepers.com • www.webusersguild.com • www.chinaexpo2000.com • www.troycoryshow.com • wirelesstelephone.org.
• MORE- Trolling Secrets
•••• Beyond its intended aims, patents are being abused to benefit the few.
•••• Patent trolls are a widely reported problem for technology makers and big business. They are companies that exist primarily to buy up patents and then collect money, in the form of licenses or lawsuit settlements, from alleged infringers of those patents. Trolls take advantage of a patent system with serious flaws, and their abuse of the system is creating, as a White House fact sheet recently put it, a "drain on the American economy."
•••• And, as it turns out, a drain on you, the ordinary consumer.
•••• Let's assume you're a technology consumer -- and these days, that's almost all of us. Patent abuse can cut off your access to the latest and greatest products and services. When a troll waves the specter of a lawsuit or an overly broad patent in front of a tech startup, it is not uncommon for the startup to drop features from products, drop products altogether or even fold up shop; this was the key finding of a 2012 study, from Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley, on startups and patent trolls. Big companies have millions to fight a patent battle; small businesses must give in or give up.
•••• The other way that patents affect you is more complicated. It begins with the realization that you are not just a consumer, but as a user of technology, you are a player in the patent system.
•••• •••• Have you connected computers to a wireless network? There are patents on doing that. Have you scanned a document and emailed it? There are patents on that too. Have you used a smartphone app to purchase something? Then there are a few more patents you should look at.
•••• These are no mere hypotheticals. All three examples represent real cases in which consumers of technology -- albeit small businesses, not individuals -- have been caught up in patent fights just because they used a product as it was designed to be used. In fact, the patent owners have turned from attacking big companies to threatening mom-and-pop stores, Internet cafes and hobbyist app developers too small to put up the requisite million-dollar defense, and that are likely to cave in and pay on demand.
•••• As new technologies develop, the problem only worsens . Simpler programming languages, open-source hardware and 3D printing will enable individuals to tinker, invent, create and manufacture -- and suffer at the mercy of a confounding and costly world of patent law.
•••• To be clear, the patent system is intended to reward inventors and incentivize invention, bringing new technologies to you, the consumer. To that extent, the patent system is to be applauded.
•••• But when questionable patents are granted and then used, not to vindicate rights but to extract nuisance settlements; when a company called Innovatio IP Ventures can threaten 8,000 cafes and bed-and-breakfasts offering Wi-Fi to customers; when Dallas businessman Erich Spangenberg can take the patent system and, as he told the New York Times, "exploit its ambiguities and pokiness" to the tune of $25 million a year, it should tell you that the system is being stretched beyond its intended aims, that patents are being abused to benefit the few.
•••• When envisioning the promise of future technology, you can imagine a world where you have access to the newest products and services; where you can use those new innovations to creatively solve your problems and improve your life, whether that involves connecting with friends on the latest social network, fixing things around the house with 3D-printed parts, organizing your photos on your newest phone or even something you can't even dream of today.
•••• And imagine a world where you can do all that without the looming fear of becoming a victim to patents.
•••• Abuses of the patent system threaten the way of the path to accessible, available, usable technology for all. As consumers, we must demand patent reform to protect that promise of the future.
Click for More tviStory 106s90- Patent Trolls

101- Venice Film Festival: Eying the "Golden Lion."
Update: Italian Film wins
top prize. The Golden Lion, is surprisingly awarded to Gianfranco Rosi's "Sacro GRA." The film screened on the final Thursday morning of the Mostra, when most critics had already migrated to Toronto.
••••The documentary is about life along the highway that circles Rome by director Gianfranco Rosi.
••••It was the first time an Italian film has won the top prize at Venice in 15 years, when Gianni Amelio won for "The Way We Laughed" in 1998. "Sacro GRA" won a standing ovation during its official world premiere, but mixed international reviews.
•••• Rosi called the award a breakthrough for documentaries, which were included this year for the first time in the main competition.
••••"I didn't expect to win such an important prize with a documentary," Rosi said. "It was truly an act of courage, a barrier has been broken. Now finally documentaries are being seen alongside fiction, therefore documentary is cinema."
VENICE, Italy - The Venice Film Festival got under way with a little help from George Clooney, Sandra Bullock and their new film "Gravity."
•••• The Hollywood duo were joined by the film's Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron as the space thriller opened the 70th annual festival with its world premiere in the prestigious opening night slot.
•••• The film, a nerve-shredding suspenser, was shot in 3D. In "Gravity," Bullock and Clooney play two astronauts stranded in space. It doesn't open in theaters until Oct. 4, but it's already drawing rave reviews from critics.
•••• Nicolas Cage, Matt Damon, Zac Efron and Scarlett Johansson are among the other stars expected over the next 10 days.
•••• Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci heads this year's competition jury.
•••• Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher and British film-maker Andrea Arnold are among those helping decide which of the 20 titles in contention should win this year's Golden Lion award.
•••• They include Terry Gilliam's dark fantasy "The Zero Theorem," in which Damon appears alongside double Oscar-winner Christoph Waltz, and Johansson's Scotland-set sci-fi tale "Under the Skin."
••••David Gordon Green'ss"Joe," starring Cage as a violent ex-convict, is also in the competition line-up, as is "Parkland," a historical drama set on the day President John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963
•••• "This year's festival favorites pack a powerful punch."
•••• Special awards will be presented this year to US director William Friedkin, Polish filmmaker Andrzej Wajda and the Italian writer-director Ettore Scola.
•••• The Venice Film Festival runs through Sept. 7.
Click For More tviStory 101s90- Venice Film Festival
Click Direct 115- Venice Film Festival - Aug. 28 - Sept. 7

108- Washington Post Has New Owner
Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos has agreed to buy the Washington Post Co. for $250 million.
•••• The deal is being made by Bezos alone, and is not being done with involvement from Seattle-based Amazon. It's an unexpected move for Bezos, a self-made billionaire whose far-flung interests -- among them unearthing old rocket engines from the bottom of the ocean and inventing a futuristic clock -- haven't included traditional print media.
•••• Donald Graham, chairman and CEO of the Washington Post Co., said the board of directors decided to sell "only after years of familiar newspaper-industry challenges made us wonder if there might be another owner who would be better for the Post." The transaction covers The Washington Post and other publishing businesses, but not Slate magazine, TheRoot.com or Foreign Policy.
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Jeff Bezos Buys Washington Post

101-TCA Critics Award Winners
BEVERLY HILLS -- AMC's Breaking Bad and  FX's The Americans earned top honors at the Television Critics Association's 29th annual TCA Awards Saturday evening. Netflix's House of Cards that had been up for Outstanding New Program and Program of the Year, found itself shut out.
••••The awards, selected by the 220 members of the critics' organization, honors the best in television, including shows and performances not always recognized by Emmy voters.
••••Other winners included HBO's "Game of Thrones," CBS' "The Big Bang Theory," NBC's "Parks and Recreation," and ABC Family's now-canceled "Bunheads."
••••Actress Tatiana Maslany, who stars on the BBC America drama "Orphan Black," was honored for individual achievement in drama, while Louis C.K. won for individual achievement in comedy.
••••The invitation-only event, hosted by Comedy Central comedians Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, took place at The Beverly Hilton, home to the TCA's summer press tour, currently underway.
•••• "These were not easy choices for our membership because there were so many deserving nominees," said TCA president Candace Havens, adding: "In a year that saw a lot of great television, the TCA Awards winners represent the best of the best."
••••Barbara Walters was granted the career achievement award, an honor given to CBS late-night host David Letterman at last year's ceremony. News veteran, Walters who has been on TV for more than 50 years, is set to retire next year. ere presented in a non-televised ceremony hosted by Comedy Central's Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele.

• The 2013 TCA Award Winners

Individual Achievement in Drama
Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black -- BBC

Individual Achievement in Comedy
Louis C.K., Louie -- FX

Best News/Information Show
Ken Burns, The Central Park Five -- PBS

Best Youth Program
Bunheads -- ABC Family

Best Reality Programming
Shark Tank -- ABC

Outstanding New Program
The Americans -- FX


Outstanding Achievement in Movies, Miniseries or Special
Behind the Candelabra -- HBO

Best Drama Series
Game Of Thrones -- HBO

Best Comedy Series -- TIE
CBS's The Big Bang Theory and NBC's Parks and Recreation

Career Achievement Award
Barbara Walters

Heritage Award
Norman Lear's All in the Family

Program of the Year
Breaking Bad, AMC

Click For More tviStory 101s90- TCA Critics Award Winners

101- Television Critics Awards 2013
The 29th Annual Television Critics Awards, (nominees announced during the July press tour) honoring directors, producers and actors for outstanding programming, will take place on August 3, at the Beverly Hilton.
•••• The invitation-only event from TCA, gathers a media group of over 200 critics and reporters from the US and Canada.
•••• "Mad Men," "The Daily Show," "Game of Thrones," and "The Big Bang Theory" are making returns this year along with "The Glee Project" and "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood," as first time nominees,
•••• This year's event will be co-hosted by Comedy Central stars Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele.
Click Direct - Television Critics Assn.

•108 Newsweek acquired by IBT
IAC is selling Newsweek to publisher of International Business Times less than a year after it ended publication of its weekly print magazine and went all digital. The companies did not disclose financial terms. But they said that IBT Media has agreed to buy Newsweek's brand and online operations, not including The Daily Beast.
••• The transaction is expected to close in the coming days, after which Barry Diller's company, which bought Newsweek in 2010, will manage the publication for the transition period of up to 60 days
•••• IBT co-founder and CEO Etienne Uzac, said, "We believe in the Newsweek brand and look forward to growing it, fully transformed to the digital age." IBT, founded in 2006, also publishes Medical Daily, Latin Time. •••
Newsweek, will return to the URL http://www.newsweek.com in the coming weeks, will add to IBT Media's portfolio of 10 international online news properties. 
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Newsweek Sold to IBT

107- Oprah "Where Are They Now?" Looking Back; Looking Forward
••• The second season of Oprah: "Where Are They Now?" on July 28th, returned to OWN, with the special guest Winfrey says she is asked about more than any other -- her half sister Patricia Lee, whom she met in 2010 after discovering a well hidden family secret that her sibling was put up for adoption at birth. A year later she revealed to news to the world on The Oprah Show.
•••• In this new episode, Winfrey returns to her half-sister's hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to visit her sibling's new home, celebrate their sisterhood and host a 50th birthday party in Lee's honor.

101- Annual Burbank International Film Festival kicks off its Opening Night at Wraner Bros.
The 5th Annual Burbank International Film Festival (BIFF) will take place Sept. 4-8 in beautiful Downtown Burbank. The festival will kick off its Opening Night at Warner Bros. to celebrate their 90th Anniversary with a screening of the documentary film, The Brothers Warner. Written and directed by Cass Warner Sperling (granddaughter of Harry Warner), the film is an intimate and touching portrait of the four film pioneers who founded and ran Warner Bros. for over 50 years.
•••• The evening will begin with celebrity arrivals, media red carpet, and opening night screening, followed by the Gala Reception in Downtown Burbank at the Gordon Biersch Brewery Restaurant. There will be a special performance by Emmy award-winning writer and stand-up comedian Brian Kiley (staff writer for Conan O'Brien).
••••• Over 70 independent films from around the world will be screened in five days,. The festival also honors films with socially conscious themes with awards for "Diversity" and "Awareness." This year, BIFF added a "Faith-based" category as well the "Los Angeles County Student Filmmakers Award" for local middle and high school students.
•••• Last year's awards winners and success stories include actress and first-time director Bryce Dallas Howard, whose film When You Find Me went on to be a semi-finalist for an Academy Award. Executive producer and actress Daryl Hannah's film Greedy, Lying, Bastards won "Best Documentary" and was released theatrically. In addition, sixteen-year-old Ian Timothy won "Best Animated Short Film" and is now developing a show for Cartoon Network as a direct result of contacts made at the festival.
• NBC weathercaster and comedian Fritz Coleman will host the Closing Night Dinner and Gala Awards Show at Castaways.
••••• The festival will conclude with the Closing Night Dinner and Gala Awards Show at Castaways, with NBC weathercaster and comedian Fritz Coleman once again hosting the event. In addition to the filmmakers' awards, several Industry Icons will receive special recognition. These include, award winning composer Marco Beltrami (World War Z, The Wolverine), and Academy Award and Emmy-winning special effects make-up artist Michael Westmore (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise). A complete list of industry honorees and celebrity awards presenters will be announced soon.
•••• BIFF Festival Director and President Jeff Rector is no stranger to Toluca Lake having served on the neighborhood council for five years. Rector said, "I couldn't be more excited to be partnering with the studios this year, with special thanks to Danny Kahn, executive director of the Warner Bros. VIP Studio Tour for helping to coordinate the opening night event.
Click For More tviStory 101s90- 5th Annual Burbank International Film Festival Sept 4-8
FOR MORE Burbank Film Fest Direct

101- Emmy Nominations 2013 - Winners to be announced September 22.
Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced this year's nominees. The nominees for the year's best in television offer a healthy dose of surprises and snubs. The Emmy 2013 winners will be announced on Sunday, September 22. Below is a list of this year's Emmy nominees. The full list, which includes dozens and dozens of categories, can be found on the ATAS website.

Best Actor in a Drama Series
Hugh Bonneville, Downton Abbey
Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Jeff Daniels, The Newsroom
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Kevin Spacey, House of Cards
Damian Lewis, Homeland

Best Actress in a Drama Series
Connie Britton, Nashville
Claire Danes, Homeland
Vera Farmiga, Bates Motel
Kerry Washington, Scandal
Robin Wright, House of Cards

Click For More tviStory 101s90- Emmy Awards Nomination 2013

108- Media Conglomerates' new trend: Slim down! - News Corp Split.
New News Corp might bid for the Los Angeles Times.
As expected at the end of June Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation split in two. Most of its television and film assets were scooped up into a new company, 21st Century Fox. Over 100 newspapers (including the Times of London and the Wall Street Journal), educational businesses and other assets were left to form a new company with the old name of News Corp. That begs the question, "Why is the company splitting in two?"
•••• In essence, the News Corp split reflects a broader industry trend. In recent years difficult to manage media conglomerates have been slimming down and becoming more focused.
•••• Viacom, which split off its broadcast-television business as CBS Corporation in 2006, will sell off, advertising division, Outdoor, sometime this year.
•••• Time Warner announced in March that it plans to spin off Time Inc, its magazines unit.
•••• Thomson Reuters sold off its education business in 2007 and its health-care division in 2012.
•••• Pearson, a part-owner of The Economist, has sold or merged various properties to concentrate on education.
•••• French media group Vivendi, is expected to sell its telecoms assets in order to focus on entertainment. It has taken media companies a while to catch up with the shift away from the conglomerate model, which fell out of favor in other industries in the 1980s.
•••• Investors are hard to convince that there is any benefit in housing newspapers, television networks and film studios under the same roof, and prefer companies with a sharper focus. And some parts of the industry are healthier than others: the sluggish publishing industry is in marked contrast to the far brighter prospects of the television business, so it makes little sense to keep them together. At the same time a new generation of media bosses has emerged who are more pragmatic than the flamboyant, empire-building media moguls of time past.
••••A break-up in particular makes sense for News Corp, which has spent the past two years trying to ovecome the scandal relating to allegations of phone-hacking and police bribery at the British newspaper, News of the World, that News Corp shut down in 2011. Separating the "good co" (as analysts are calling 21st Century Fox) from the newspaper business (dubbed "crap co") insulates the profitable television divisions from the repercussions of the scandal. The scandal so far has cost News Corp $389m in legal and other costs.
•••• Also, the split may allow 21st Century Fox to renew its bid for the 61% of lucrative British satellite broadcaster BSkyB. News Corp's previous attempt to take control of BSkyB was derailed by the phone-hacking allegations. Although Rupertr Murdoch will serve as chief executive and chairman of 21st Century Fox, it will be run by Chase Carey, News Corp's current chief operating officer.
••• At the time rumors emerged a year ago that Murdoch was thinking of splitting up News Corp, investors were thrilled. In the past two years News Corp's share price has reached all-time highs.
••• Businesses, that benefit from scale of the media industry's sprawling conglomerates set the stage for a period of consolidation. Businesses that would benefit, such as American cable operators, Time Warner Cable and Charter Communications, are rumored to be discussing a merger.
•••• Having recently bought Virgin Media, a British cable firm, Liberty Global of America--which already owns Germany's second-largest cable operator--is competing with Vodafone to buy Kabel Deutschland, Germany's largest.
•••• Mr. Murdoch has said that he might buy more newspapers if the price is right, and there is speculation that the new News Corp might bid for the Los Angeles Times. Expect more deals on the horizon asmedia companies, egged on by investors, slim down and get into shape.
Click For More tviStory 108s90- Murdoch's News Corp Split

106- Supreme Court rejects gene patents --
•••• In unanimous ruling, justices declare that human genes are a product of nature and cannot be patented and held for profit. a decision that medical experts said will lead to more genetic testing for cancers and other diseases and to lower costs for patients.
•••• In a unanimous ruling, the nine justices declared that human genes are not an invention, so they cannot be claimed as a type of private property.
•••• The decision invalidates Utah company Myriad Genetics Inc's patents on two genes that are linked to breast and ovarian cancer, and the ruling is likely to lead to several thousand other gene patents being tossed as well.
•••• "This is a landmark decision," said Dr. Stanley Robboy, president of the College of American Pathologists. "Genomic medicine has the potential to be a cornerstone of medical testing, treatment and clinical integration, but the question of who owns your genes needed a definitive answer. Now we have it." •••• The broad reach of the court's decision goes well beyond genetic testing for cancer.
•••• Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the court, left little room for doubt about the justices' view.
•••• "Myriad did not create anything," he wrote. "To be sure, it found an important and useful gene, but separating that gene from its surrounding genetic material is not an act of invention."
•••• "This will drive down the costs of genetic testing. It should open up the competition and improve the quality of testing," said Ostrer, a professor of pathology and genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
•••• Ostrer sued to challenge Myriad's gene patents when the company tried to block him from testing patients who had the genetic mutation that put them at high risk for breast or ovarian cancer. Myriad said patients could use only its test --at a cost of more than $3,000.
•••• The court's decision also came as a relief to much of the biotech industry. While the justices agreed a "naturally occurring DNA segment" cannot be patented, they also said DNA "synthetically created" in a lab is an invention that can be patented.
•••• Industry lawyers had worried the court could issue a sweeping decision that would wipe out patents for genetically engineered drugs or farm products, on the theory they were derived from or copied from natural genes.
•••• The worst fears of the biotechnology industry have not been realized, and inventions in the field of molecular genetics remain patent eligible,
•••• Striking down gene patents had become a rallying cry for cancer patients and their doctors. The nation's major medical groups had urged the court to rein in the patent office and free doctors and researchers from the hold placed on so-called patented genes.
•••• The ruling is the latest to reflect the high court's growing skepticism about the nation's patent system. Patents are supposed to spur innovation by giving inventors an exclusive license to profit for up to 20 years from what they have created.
•••• Critics have said that granting too many patents in a fast-changing area of technology can discourage innovation if one company has legal control over an area and can charge monopoly profits and keep out competion.
•••• The U.S. justices during the last decade have taken up the issue and issued a series of unanimous rulings rejecting the views of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the federal courts that handle patent claims.
•••• The justices have said that supposed "inventors" cannot obtain patents for claimed innovations that are obvious or rely on natural laws such as gravity or natural processes such as chemical reactions in the body.

•••• They said that parts of the human body --whether a kidney or a tiny gene --cannot be patented even if it takes great skill to isolate this body part.
•••• In a one-paragraph concurring opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia said he could not vouch for the "fine details of molecular biology" set out in Thomas's opinion, but agreed with the conclusion that DNA "in its natural state" cannot be patented
Click For More tviStory 106s90- U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Gene Patents

106-"Happy Birthday to You" has a history dating back 120 years. A Lawsuit seeks to put "Happy Birthday " in Public Domain.
••A filmmaker filed a class-action lawsuit to make the song "Happy Birthday to You" free for everyone to use.
••• The plaintiff, Good Morning to You Productions Corp., a New York-based company that is making a documentary about the song, said it belongs in the public domain. 
••The publishing arm of Warner Music Group, Warner/Chappell Music Inc., owns "Happy Birthday to You," and copyrights extend them exclusive rights over the song's reproduction, distribution and public performances.
••• According to the plaintiff's lawsuit, filed in New York, the company had to pay Warner/Chappell $1,500 for a license to use the song.
••• As the 26-page court document notes, the song has a history dating back 120 years. 
••• The tune's origins date back to the 1893 song "Good Morning to All" by sisters Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill.
••• The lyrics were: "Good morning to you / Good morning to you / Good morning dear children / Good morning to all;
••• That song eventually evolved into "Happy Birthday." 
••• The legal filing aims to return "millions of dollars" in licensing fees from Warner/Chappell to thousands of people and groups that have paid the company to use the song.
• Click For More tviStory 106s90-A Lawsuit seeks to put "Happy Birthday " in Public Domain.

115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7 - Award Winners
ARRI/OSRAM Award: "HELI" by Amat Escalante
German Cinema New Talent Award: "LOVE STEAKS by Jakob Lass
CineVision Award: "HALLEY and MY DOG KILLER"
Bernd Burgemeister TV Movie Prize: "PASS GUT AUF IHN AUF
Bayern 3 Audience Award: "FREEDOM BUS"
Kinderfilmfest Audience Award: "ERN"EST & CELESTINE"
One Future Preis for "FREEDOM BUS and "DANCING IN JAFFA"
The Kinderfilmfest Audience Award went to"ERNEST & CÉLESTINE" by Benjamin Renner, Vincent Patar and Stéphane Aubier.

The 31ST INTERNATIONAL FILMFEST MÜNCHEN is presenting 174 films from 48 countries. Films by and starring women make up a significant part of this year's program.
•••• Germany's biggest summer film festival will be showing the best new films from around the world. They are all German premieres. There are also two specials, one on outstanding TV series - The New Epics - and another entitled Films and Games. The Homage section is showing classic movies with British actor Sir Michael Caine, the recipient of Filmfest München's CineMerit Award this year. Retrospectives will be honoring Italian director Paolo Sorrentino and Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky. Both will be on hand at the festival to present their latest films. 32 films will be having their world premieres at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN - 13 their European premieres.
••• "2013 will be a festival in which women play an unusually strong role," said Diana Iljine, Festival Director of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN. "Many of this year's films focus on courageous women. The many great actress and directors are one of this year's highlights."
•••• Altogether there are 37 female directors at this year's Filmfest. The opening night film Exit Marrakech (June 28) is by Oscar winner Caroline Link (Nowhere in Africa) and is a world premiere. Sandra Nettelbeck's film Mr. Morgan's Last Love starring Michael Caine and Clémence Poésy is a European premiere. Saudi Arabian filmmaker Haifaa al-Mansour is presenting Wadjda, the first Saudi Arabian film to be directed by a woman. Acclaimed French film and stage director Ariane Mnouchkine will be in Munich for the world premiere of her latest film Les Naufragés Du Fol Espoir.
••••There are the new films by award winning Indian director Mira Nair, the filmmakers Agnès Jaoui and Marion Vernoux from France as well as Lynn Shelton and Lise Raven from the USA. There are also many young, emerging directors, among them Sophie Fiennes from the UK, Eliza Hittman from the USA, Sarah Polley from Canada, Marcela Said from Chile, and Alice Winocour from France. Fatima Geza Abdollahyan, Nana Neul, Lola Randl and Frauke Finsterwalder are presenting world premieres from Germany.
•••• The many great actresses on the screen this year include the legendary Fanny Ardant, Nathalie Baye and Claudia Cardinale. There are also new movies with Winona Ryder, Juliane Moore, Marion Cotillard, Emmanuelle Devos, Kate Hudson, Bérenice Bejo and young stars such as Léa Seydoux, Soko, Brit Marling and Rooney Mara. The German actresses include Christiane Paul, Veronica Ferres, Julia Koschitz, Barbara Auer, Katja Riemann, Hannelore Hoger and Claudia Michelsen.
••••Women who make it despite all odds are big topic at this year's festival. Like the supermarket cashiers who discover women's wrestling in Les Reines du Ring. In Everyday, the new film by British director Michael Winterbottom, the wife of a prison convict manages to master the trials and tribulations of raising 4 children by herself. The Immigrant deals with a Polish woman who emmigrates to the US in the 1920s. In Le Noir (Te) Vous Va Si Bien the daughter of Muslim immigrants to France bucks her father's traditional thinking. The stronger sex also shines in films about romance.
•••• In Les Beaux Jours, a retired dentist (Fanny Ardant) is attracted to the computer teacher in her senior citizen club. In Mr. Morgan's Last Love a young, impulsive woman (Clémence Poésy) rekindles the love of life in a melancholy American widower and reminds him of the importance of friendship. The German Love Steaks focuses on a young woman who is a cook at a wellness hotel and becomes passionately involved with the shy new masseur there. In the Chinese romantic comedy The Love Songs of Tiedan, a young man is infatuated with the three daughters of a former neighbor he was in love with as a child. In the French drama La Vie D'Adèle, winner of this year's Golden Palm, a young girl finds strength in a passionate love affair with another young woman.
•••• There are also many films from the Near and Middle East about courageous women in different phases of their lives who break out of the traditional moulds they have been forced into and who want to determine what they want out of life. In Wadjda, the title character, a young girl in Saudi Arabia, is not going to let anyone rob her of her dream of having a bicycle. In the Russian film The Empty Home a fearless girl sets out from Kirgizstan in search of a better life. And in THE PATIENCE STONE, an Afghani wife confronts her comatose husband with what is going on behind her veil and in her mind about their marriage.
Julie Christie as well as directors Michael Haneke, Barry Levinson and Milos Forman.

Click For More tviStory 115s90-Best Movies at Munich Filmfest More- tvi-Munich Filmfest

115- CineMerit Award for Michael Caine
The internationally acclaimed British actor is being honored at this year's festival with its CineMerit Award
••••The actor, who is being honored for his extraordinary contributions to the motion pictures as an art form, has played more than 150 roles throughout his career. "Michael Caine is a legend. Not many actors have had long lasting, wide-ranging and remarkable careers such as his," says festival director Diana Iljine. "We're incredibly proud that he is coming to Munich to accept our award."
•••• Sir Michael Caine will receive the 2013 CineMerit Award at a gala on July 1. Writer-director Sherry Hormann ("Desert Flower," "3096 Days") will be the speaker. FILMFEST MÜNCHEN will be screening five Michael Caine films in its homage to him, among them Woody Allen's "Hannah And Her Sisters" and Lasse Hallström's "The Cider House Rules." Caine was awarded an Oscar for his performances in these two films.
••• Michael Caine will also be on hand for the European premiere of his latest film, "Mr. Morgan's Last Love" by Sandra Nettelbeck ("Bella Martha"). Caine plays a lonely American widower in Paris who meets a young Parisian woman who changes his life.
•••• Sir Michael Caine, born in 1933 as Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, Jr., grew up in London. Using the stage name Michael Caine he worked his way up to become one of the most respected and sought after actors of his generation - on both sides of the Atlantic.
•••• His breakthrough came in the mid-sixties with "Zulu" and later "Alfie," which brought him an Oscar nomination. He has also won numerous other major international awards. In 2000, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
•••• The list of actors and directors with whom Michael Caine has worked reads like a Who's Who of Hollywood: Sean Connery, Anthony Quinn, Omar Sharif, Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley McLaine, Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale, to name just a few.
•••• Since 1997, Filmfest München has honored outstanding personalities in the international film community for extraordinary contributions to motion pictures as an art form. Previous recipients include John Malkovich, Julie Christie as well as directors Michael Haneke, Barry Levinson and Milos Forman.
Click For More tviStory 115s90- Michael Caine Receives CineMerit AwardMore- tvi-Munich Filmfest

The BMW Group and FILMFEST MÜNCHEN are renewing their long-time partnership for the 31st edition of the festival. The BMW Group will be an official partner of the 31ST INTERNATIONAL FILMFEST MÜNCHEN (June 28 - July 6). The world-famous automobile manufacturer and the festival will be restarting a partnership that dates back to the early years of FILMFEST MÜNCHEN.
•••• "Filmfest and BMW go way back together", commented Filmfest Director Diana Iljine. "BMW supported the festival more than twenty years ago. That makes me all the happier that the BMW Group is once again our strong partner."
••• The BMW Group will provide a fleet of limousines to shuttle festival VIPs to important events including the opening night, gala premieres, award ceremonies and other festival functions.
•••• In addition, BMW will be hosting two major events at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN. This year's CineMerit Award ceremony honoring an outstanding personality in the international film community will take place in BMW Welt. Furthermore, the BMW Museum will be the venue for the award ceremony of the German Cinema New Talent Award, one of the most prestigious prizes for emerging German filmmakers.
•••• "BMW has a long tradition as far as films are concerned. Munich is the most important hub of the German film industry and it is also where our company headquarters are located", added Maximilian Schöberl, Director of Company Communications and Policy of the BMW Group. "So I'm especially pleased that we are,
once again, committed to supporting Filmfest München - Germany's most significant summer film fe
•••• The 2013 CineVision Award ceremony takes place on Friday, July 5, in the Bavarian Parliament.
• Click For More tviStory 115s90- BMW Sponsors Munich Filmfest More- tvi-Munich Filmfest

115- 15 Films in Competition for the CineVision Award
A high-caliber jury will select the winner of the CineVision Award for Best International Newcomer Film at this year's FILMFEST MÜNCHEN.
•••• 15 films from Europe, North and South America, Afghanistan and China are competing for the CineVision Award for Best International Newcomer Film by a director with a first or second feature film in this year's CineVision section, films that go in new artistic directions.
••• 2013 marks the seventh consecutive year for the CineVision Award and its ¤12,000 prize money. Berlin-based Senator Entertainment AG is its donator. Greek actress Aggeliki Papoulia, French-American actor-director Jean-Marc Barr and Spanish producer-director Luis Miñarro make up the jury that will decide this year's winner.
•••• "Who could recognize artistic innovation better than international pros who have made names for themselves in precisely this sector," commented Diana Iljine, FILMFEST MÜNCHEN Festival Director. "We're very happy that we have three such stars of the European Indie scene to decide who deserves this important award."
•••• Aggeliki Papoulia is one of the most acclaimed veterans of the Greek film scene. The theater group she co-founded, 'blitz', is famous throughout Europe for its innovative stage productions. She is a much sought after actress and has starred in such award winning films "Dogtooth" and "Alpen" by Greek director Giorgos Lanthimos.
•••• Jean-Marc Barr has been an international star since his lead role in Luc Besson's Drama "The Bog Blue". He has often acted in the films of Danish director Lars von Trier. He began directing in 1999 with "Lovers" which won the High Hopes Award that year at Filmfest München. Jean-Marc Barr can also be seen in a leading role at this year's festival in the adaptation of Jack-Kerouac's "Big Sur."
•••• Luis Miñarro is one of Europe's most important independent producers. His co-production, of Apichatpong "Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives" won the Golden Palm in Cannes in 2010. In 2009, Luis Miñarro made his directing debut. This year, Filmfest is showing his latest production "El Muerto Y Ser Feliz" in the International Independents section.
•••• This year's CineVision section includes a new interpretation of Snow White ("Blancanieves"), a Mexican zombie film ("Halley"), a film from New York about a first love that turns into an obsession ("It Felt Like Love"), a Slovakian-Czech co-production about a skinhead trying to come to terms with his identity ("My Dog Killer") and a Chinese love story before, during and after the Cultural Revolution ("The Love Songs of Tiedan").
•••• Sponsor and donator of the CineVision Award and its ¤12,000 prize money since 2012 is Berlin-based Senator Film. The award goes to the Best International Newcomer Film. Helge Sasse, Chairman of the Board of Senator Entertainment AG: "We look forward once again to giving exciting young directors a platform that showcases their outstanding and innovative work."
•••• The 2013 CineVision Award ceremony takes place on Friday, July 5, in the Bavarian Parliament.
Click For More tviStory 115s90- Films n Competition for the CineVision AwardMore- tvi-Munich Filmfest
/// 106- From Seeds To EMW WiTEL®™© Serialized Signals- 1902 - Coming next week.

106- From Germs, and Genes- Comes Patent. Natural Genetic from The US Supreme Court ruled on June 13th that DNA is a natural generic phenomenon, and cannot be Patented. Unless the DNA has been produced synethetically in a lab, it is not a patentable invention. It was in 1980, the high court helped trigger the biotech revolution in medicine and agriculture-- when it ruled for the first time that a living organism could be patented. That decision upheld a patent for a bacteria that could break down crude oil.

106-Monsanto vs Seed Patent vs Farmer Bowman, it was in mid-May (13th) - that a Farmer lost his seed patent legal action against the big corporation. The USA Supreme Court sides with Monsanto over use of genetically modified soybeans.
••• Monsanto Co. and other companies that patent seeds may prohibit farmers from growing a second crop from their genetically modified seeds, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously 9 to 0 for the new P&A for seed patents.
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• 2013 - June 1st to 30th
00ThisWeekofMonth Preface | =

• Los Angeles Int'l Airport showcased By Gary Sunkin
On Saturday morning, June 22, officials, joined by Tom Bradley family members, will rededicate the newly refurbished 10-foot-tall Tom Bradley bronze bust that welcomes departing passengers as part of a remodeled terminal entry; and nearly 12,000 Angelenos will participate in LAX Appreciation Day, a community open house.
•••• Mayor Villaraigosa and LAX officials unveiled new aircraft gates in the Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT). The gates feature laser-based docking technology and computerized boarding bridges to accomodate larger aircraft like the Boeing 747-8 and Airbus 380.
•••• Antonio R. Villaraigosa, in one of his last functions as mayor of LA, was joined by airport officials, business leaders, local celebrity chefs, and media from around the world to launch a series of unique events designed to showcase Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and create global excitement for the New Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) before construction is completed later this year. 
•••• Thursday night Westfield hosted a Preview Gala where media, industry leaders, travel and tourism stakeholders, and the many project partners and individuals that helped bringing the new terminal to fruition gathered. 
d•••• The preview events provided a sneak peek of the South Concourse Aircraft Gate Areas and 150,000-square-foot Great Hall, which will soon impress passengers from around the world with more than 60 premier dining and luxury retail shops &endash; including 22 local L.A. brands &endash; and world-class amenities.  A highlight of the New TBIT is one of the most advanced multimedia Integrated Environmental Media Systems (IEMS) at a North American airport, designed to create an unprecedented passenger experience and a non-aeronautical revenue source for LAX.
•••• The Preview Gala featured the grand premiere of the 72-foot-tall digital Time Tower, a soaring interactive media structure with changing clock faces that is one of the most significant elements of the state-of-the-art IEMS.  The Hollywood Scoring Orchestra will provide a once-in-a-lifetime musical experience with the debut of an original symphonic overture, Portale &endash; A Symphonic Poem, especially composed by Emmanuel Fratianni and Laurie Robinson and commissioned by Westfield.  The piece celebrates the New TBIT and will be dedicated to the people of Los Angeles.  The performing ensemble of 70 will feature special performances by the International Children's Choir, multi-ethnic percussionists, and world-renowned soloists.  
•••• The New TBIT is considered the crown jewel of the $4.1-billion LAX Capital Improvements Program-Phase 1, the largest public works project in the history of the City of Los Angeles. 
•••• The New TBIT Project is creating nearly 4,000 construction-related jobs during the project's five-year schedule and nearly 2,000 permanent concession jobs when the terminal begins operations.  The facilities previewed today are expected to become operational later this year following comprehensive systems testing throughout the terminal, as well as training and certification of thousands of airport and airline employees in operating some of the new, state-of-the-art systems, such as the new laser-based, automated passenger boarding bridges and aircraft docking systems.
•••• While renowned for being a hub of high technology, and for the glamour associated with Hollywood, Los Angeles &endash; named for the Queen of Angels &endash; established itself on California's southwest coast, grew and prospered because of its strategic geography and captivating seascape.
•••• With increased passenger volumes expected at Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), along with city officials, selected Fentress Architects in association with HNTB to develop a design concept for the modernization of LAX &endash; transforming the airport with a design that both dramatically enhances the passenger experience and re-establishes it as a modern U.S. gateway in a competitive global market.
•••• The dynamic new design for LAX is inspired by the Pacific Ocean on LAX's west side, with roof tops flowing as rhythmic waves breaking on the shore. Flat-seam stainless steel stretches over the column-free structure, creating an architectural vocabulary that unifies the entire airport with a cohesive theme.
•••• The design also honors the iconic Theme Building which ushered in the Jet Age at LAX when designed in 1961. The long association of LAX with the historic building and its parabolic arches would gracefully celebrated with two arched bridges that increase in size toward the West, just as planes take off and gain altitude over the Pacific Ocean»
Click For More tviStory 101s90- Los Angeles Int'l Airport New Design showcased

114- Bob Thompson made music with audacious sound. The composer and arranger passed away May 21 in a Los Angeles. (1924-2013)
••• Thompson was one of the foremost composers and arrangers and is most famous for what came to be known as the arranger for the Sonny Bono-Troy Cory Speciatly Record Lable Productions. His Space Age pop, or "Space Age bachelor pad" music &endash; tunes that allowed hi-fi buffs to turn the lights down low, mix the perfect martini and set the mood.
•••But his music was more than mood music. The writer and arranger provided the hi-fi soundtrack for a swinging-bachelor lifestyle coming of age in the late1950s. His one-of-a-kind discs feature a singular sound that evokes cocktail glasses, swingin' guys and gals, and all-night mischief. His music was often a spin on old jazz standards, equipping them with hip choral sounds and ping-ponging stereo sound effects. Thompson's 1960 album, "The Sound of Speed," was a tribute to fast living, with orchestral riffs inspired by jet engines, race cars.
••••Bob's career spanned 40 years and garnered a Grammy Nomination, with 100s of TV commercials plus stints as composer or arranger for Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Ruth Olay, and Judy Garland to name a few. Along the way he created Just for Kicks, On the Rocks, MMM Nice! and The Sound of Speed.
•••••Troy Cory (TVI's iPublisher) looking back at his time at Specialty Records remembers Bob Thompson as one of the best. Thompson was the arranger and conductor on Troy Cory's recordings, Down on the Beach and Just One More Chance.
Cick for More- Troy Cory Show
Click For More tviStory 107s90- Bob Thompson MusicBob Thompson Life Story

107- Branson In The News of Late
Virgin Group Boss on decriminalizing drugs. Would it be a vote loser? He says, No!
Sir Richard Branson, founder and chairman of Virgin Group, has called on politicians to "be braver" on drugs policy, saying they are wrong to believe decriminalization would be a vote-loser. His to do video address at the opening of the International Harm Reduction Conference (IHRC) in Vilnius, Lithuania.
•••• • Speaking on the eve of a major international drugs conference, Branson said that, if politicians acted on what they really believed rather than following a Daily Mail agenda, they could reduce a "ballooning" prison population exacerbated by excessive numbers of convictions for low-level drugs offenses.
•••• • Branson, said recent comments from Latin American leaders that the "war on drugs" had failed marked a "sea change" among politicians in that region and should spur those in the UK and elsewhere into action. He is to give a video address at the opening of the International Harm Reduction Conference (IHRC) in Vilnius, Lithuania.
•••• • Stepping up his outspoken campaign since becoming a member of the Global Commission on Drugs more than two years ago, Branson said: "People are languishing in prisons and lives are wasted. When I speak to politicians individually, I've found no one who disagrees. I would say that, if a party really took on the decriminalization issue and went for it, they would not lose votes. There is an economic case for investment in harm reduction. It has been proven in other countries that treating drug addiction as a health issue, not criminalizing it, benefits society as a whole."
01_files/logo-virgin-media.gif•••• • Branson's remarks come just days before a UK charity and national centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law, is to publish a report detailing the disproportionate impact of policing policies on black and ethnic minority communities. Initial findings from the report, seen by the Observer, show that in 2009-10 nearly 550,000 people in England and Wales were stopped and searched by police for drugs, but just 7% of them were arrested. It also reveals that black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched for a drugs offense than white people.
•••• • With signs of drugs policy reform gaining momentum, Branson was a co-signatory to an open letter from a coalition of scientists, celebrities and politicians calling for the government to overhaul drugs legislation. Branson and other signatories said the government's approach to drugs policy "does little to address the root causes of addiction and pointlessly criminalizes people." The group called for an independent review of the effectiveness of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
••• However, many drugs experts, including a number attending the International Harm Reduction Conference, argue that, amid the recent high-profile calls for drugs liberalization and reform to criminal justice, it is essential that the broader implications of current drugs policies on public health should also be a top priority. Executive director of the International Drug Policy Consortium, Ann Fordham pointed out, that where drugs policies are most draconian public health risks are greatest.
•••• • Fordham emphasized that governments could not afford to be complacent. In the UK, where harm-reduction strategies such as needle exchanges have helped to reduce rates of HIV infection among injecting drug users to 1%, the continued "criminalization" of people for personal use undermined the successes, she said.
•••• "The fact is that, if we look at the people most affected by a punitive approach to drugs, it is the most marginalized and the poor; it is people from ethnic minority groups. They are the ones who end up going to prison."
Click For More tviStory 107s90- Branson on Decriminalizing Drug
CLICK FOR MORE- Richard Branson
2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpg102- Nathan B. Stubblefield- of Murray, Kentucky, was the Inventor of theWIRELESS TELEPHONE- and the . . . WiFi-187®™© antenna. See Nathan Stubbblefield on Virgin Media WiTEL®™


107- Bieber books space flight with Virgin Galactic
Justin Bieber is the latest to sign up to go into space on Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic mission. Bieber has paid $250,000 to be part of Branson's space-project, which will see flights to the edge of the earth's atmosphere where the civvie passengers get to experience weightlessness.
Click For More tviStory 107s90- Bieber Books on Virgin Galactic

107- Branson and his philanthropy - Collaboration with Charitybuzz
Check out a day in the life of Richard Branson. Now, business like-minded humanitarians can get a taste of the nightlife alongside the trendsetting entrepreneur -- all in support of charity.
•••• The UK's fourth richest person is auctioning off a night of partying at a surprise location through Charitybuzz, which will benefit DoSomething.org./ImageskudoSB300x665/00SideBar00201306Bz108w.jpg
••Branson's collaboration with Charitybuzz and DoSomething marks a continuation of his ongoing philanthropic involvement with nonprofits, which is the motivating force behind his business dealings, he says. In May, Branson told the Montreal Gazette that, "money in itself is not that interesting." What is interesting about money, he told the news outlet, is how it allows people to "make a difference in the world."
•••• Early this year, the business tycoon joined the Giving Pledge, through which he will donate half of his $4.6 billion fortune to charity. His offer to party with the highest bidder is not surprising given his previous eccentric methods of philanthropy, such as his recent stint dressing up as an air hostess on AirAsia. The effort helped raise money for an Australian foundation for hospitalized children, the Associated Press reported.
•••Branson joins several other celebrities in support of Charitybuzz's efforts, including President Clinton, Michael Jordan, Seth MacFarlane, Eddie Vedder, Paul McCartney, and Ozzy Osbourne. Charitybuzz has recently carried out notable philanthropic campaigns, including an auction to get coffee with Apple CEO, Tim Cook.
•••• In April, Cook partnered up with Charitybuzz to raise money for the RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights in an auction where participants bid over an opportunity to grab coffee with him. Last month, Cook's efforts raised $610,000.
•••• Bidding for the Branson auction closed June 11.
• Click for - a Day in the Life of Richard Branson
• CLICK FOR MORE- Richard Branson
• Click For More tviStory 107-s90- Branson's Stint with Charitybuzz

 115- Steven Spielberg heads jury at Cannes Film Festival
CANNES, May 15, 2013 -- Once a year, "the entire world comes together at Cannes."
Steven Spielberg introducing this year's nine-person Cannes Film Festival jury at the opening press conference said, "We're always sitting in personal private judgment of the films we see."
••• Therefore it was time, to take it public and accept the film festival's offer to serve as the main competition jury president, an offer made several times in the past, though his work schedule never permitted it, he said.
••• Also serving as jurors are actors Nicole Kidman, Christoph Waltz, Daniel Auteuil, Vidaya Balan and directors Cristian Mungiu, Naomi Kawasi, Lynn Ramsey and twice Academy Award Winner Ang Lee. The jury selects the winners for acting, screenplay, direction and, honored with the Palme d'Or, the award given the film of the year. Last year's Palme winner was Michael Haneke's "Amour."
••• Spielberg noted that it's apples and oranges to assess movies designed to get "as many people into the theaters as possible" by the same criteria as films compelled by more adventurous impulses. "Honesty" and "courage": those will be the key attributes in the competition titles as viewed by Spielberg's fellow juror, director Cristian Mungiu, who won the Palme in 2007, for "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days."
••• Spielberg last came to the Croisette in 2008 for the world premier of "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." Released to generally positive reviews, it it was also a financial success, grossing over $786 million worldwide.
Click For More tviStory 115s90- •115-SpielbergHeadsCannesJury

CANNES, France-- Palm D'Or goes to the French
The hometown favorite won big time at the Festival de Cannes as France's Blue Is the Warmest Color walked off with the Palme d'Or. Jury president Steven Spielberg announced in a highly unusual step, that the prize was given not only to director Abdellatif Kechiche, as considered traditional, but to co-stars Adèle Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux as well. Both actresses were in tears by the time they reached the stage.
•••• The sexually explicit story of a young woman discovering desire and herself, Blue was the great favorite of French critics but divided English speakers, who called it everything from voyeuristic to a three-hour Sundance movie in French.
•••• The film, whose French title is La Vie d'Adèle, will be distributed in the US by IFC's Sundance Selects.
•••• Kechiche's movie displays that same degree of intimacy with his actresses in the scenes when they have their clothes on. For the younger, fragile teen at the center of the plot -- also named Adéle -- blue-haired art student Emma (Seydoux) provides a gateway to experiences far beyond the limitations of her conservative social circle. Some of the tender moments make the explicit scenes especially noteworthy:
•••• Kechiche's film plays to the possibilities of uncensored storytelling that ignores traditional boundaries without playing for shock value. It's a tender romance and undoubtedly one of the best movies about nascent adulthood in recent years.
Not Playing it Safe
Spielberg himself makes no apologies about directing movies aimed at the largest audiences possible, but as a unit, the Cannes jurors did a fine job highlighting the merits of not playing it safe. This was evident not only in the selection of the winners but the snubs: -- Steven Soderbergh's Liberace biopic "Behind the Candelabra" won plenty of accolades for Michael Douglas' performance, but ultimately amounted to a giddy by-the-numbers treatment of the show-biz icon -- however, a skillfully made one.
Click For More tviStory 115s90- •115-Palm D'Or for "Blue is the Warmest Color "
- French Title: La Vie d'Adèle
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115- Cannes Film Festival - May 15 - 26th
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115- Cannes in the Springtime
By Josie Cory
A h h h . . . Springtime in Cannes…where mild breezes blow as the warm Mediterranean sun smiles over this beautiful spot on the Cote d'Azur. There you can feel a timeless sensuality, assuaging a nostalgia for the Mediterranean which since as far back as the 16th century has been a constant theme in many a Northern European's life.
• • "Now give us lands where the olives grow," Cried the North to the South, "Where the sun with a golden mouth can blow blue bubbles of grapes down the vineyard row!" Cried the North to the South. (to borrow a phrase from the English writer Elizabeth Barret Browning).
• •"Cannes," wrote Charles Lentheric, the indispensable and erudite historian of maritime Provence, in 1880, "is a town where you feel no need to work," and "where the inhabitants were not interested in the world that lay beyond their shady gardens, or the sheltered balconies of their hotels."
• • Now the world has come to Cannes, chosen it to be their Mediterranean queen for its annual events, and when you stroll along the Croisette on some warm April day you will hardly share Mr. Lenteric's sentiments. Voila! Cannes! It has emerged truly cosmopolitan.
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115- Los Angeles Film Fest, June 13 - 26
The L.A. Film Fest in its 19th year is orgainzed by Film Indepndent, and takes place June 12-23, in the entertainment capital of the world, mostly downtown Los Angeles with its main venue, the 14-screen Regal cinemas at L.A. LIVE.
••• The Los Angeles Fest comes after the annual festival rounds of Sundance, Berlin, and Cannes but before the fall events that include Telluride, Venice, Toronto, New York and the local AFI Fest.
••• With a pre-fest screening of 'Man of Steel' followed by Pedro Almodóvar's airplane farce 'I'm So Excited,' the event opens this week with a broad selection of films. Over 200 feature films, shorts and music videos from over 40 countries will be shown.
••• This year LAFF has a strong selection of films from the Middle East, including a number directed by women, as well as a more local focus of films set in Los Angeles.
••• The festival also has a particularly strong selection of conversations, panels and events that take audiences beyond just watching movies.
••• "Both for the filmmakers and for the audience it makes for a richer experience," said David Ansen, artistic director of the festival. "It's not just going to the movies. You're really getting a taste of what the filmmaking process is like."
• Click Direct LA Film Fest
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101- DisneylandMickeyMagicalMap
116- How tviCatBox Parts Work

101- Summer Season Opens at Disneyland Park,
May 25, 2013 with dazzling new live show.
By Gary Sunkin
54waltdisneyPOW108w.jpgWalt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort will kick off a Monstrous Summer by keeping three theme parks open for 24 hours nonstop on Memorial Day Weekend, the traditional start of the family travel season.
ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Mickey Mouse and a cast of beloved Disney characters will embark on a series of musical adventures through the magical powers of a sorcerer's map in "Mickey and the Magical Map," the all-new live show coming to the Fantasyland Theatre in Disneyland Park May 25, scheduled for five daily performances.
•••• Created by Disney Creative Entertainment, "Mickey and the Magical Map" was conceived for children of all ages and represents the return of Disney storytelling to the newly refurbished Fantasyland Theatre, a venue that merges the tradition of live outdoor performances with theatrical technology. Performed in the most magical of lands, Fantasyland, the new show reveals a mischievous Mickey Mouse, in his timeless role as the sorcerer's apprentice.
•••• Fantasyland Theatre, a classic Disneyland venue, was inspired by the original Fantasyland Theater (former spelling) which showed Disney cartoons and Mouseketeer footage from 1955 to 1964.  The current theatre debuted in 1985 as Videopolis, a dance location, which quickly drew crowds for stage productions including "One Man's Dream," "Dick Tracy Starring in Diamond Double Cross," "Mickey's Nutcracker," and one of Disney's first stage productions of "Beauty and the Beast."
•••• In 1995, the venue was renamed Fantasyland Theatre with the debut of "The Spirit of Pocahontas." "Animazement -- The Musical" enjoyed a popular three-year run and "Snow White--An Enchanting Musical" played for two years. The theatre was then converted to an area where guests could meet Disney Princesses.
•••• President of the Disneyland Resort, Michael Colglazier, said "We're thrilled to debut our captivating new show 'Mickey and the Magical Map' and to invite guests to experience Fantasy Faire, a new themed area with Disney Princess encounters and two live shows based on favorite princess stories," The show also sends Mickey Mouse on a theatrical adventure and takes the audience to India, China, Virginia, New Orleans, Hawaii, and "Under the Sea."
•••• "Mickey and the Magical Map" has writing by Carolyn Gardner and is directed by Tracy Halas.  The production designer is Steve Bass; the creative director is Sylvia Hase; the music is produced by Bruce Healey, supervised and arranged by Timothy Williams and supervised by Matt Walker.  The show producer is Ray Coble.
•••• "Mickey and the Magical Map, will be a highlight of 2013 at the Disneyland Resort, which also features recent additions such as princess encounters in the new Fantasy Faire in Disneyland, and the spectacular new Cars Land and Buena Vista Street in the expanded Disney California Adventure Park.
Click For More tviStory 101-s90- Mickey & the Magic Map- Disneyland Summer Kick-off
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Click For More May - tviNewsStories In Review "B"

Politics, Taxes, Security, Shelter, Education, Telecommunication and the Department of Defense are directly linked to Arts and Science's lobbying influences. The mechanics of lobbying and its link to big business and telecommunications are featured in this section, along with features about Criminal and Civil Justice.
••• It was TVI Magazine's 1990 issue, that first published the prediction that Government will get smaller, but police agencies will get bigger. The powers relinquished to Home Security and Police agencies will make the Gestapo group look like pikers. Hollywood is here to stay. It's good for politics and a good war movie or two!
••• Consumer and manufacturing advocates have sparked actions against copyright protections laws and holders, on the grounds that:
••• (1) - if the copyright leads to reduce competition;
••• (2) - the copyright creates higher prices to the consumer, and if;
••• (3) - the copyright advances laws that criminalizes the consumer and competition. Experts say that both Copyright and Trademark regulations should parallel the Patent laws in that -- U.S. antitrust officials should be given the power to oppose and bring antitrust actions against violators.
•• Today's Puzzle: Is it true that a new federal health program is going to be operated and financed by the Department of Defense? Secondly, is it true that the FCC, USPO and/or the CIA are financing the Internet and WiTEL?
• FOR MORE CLICK http://www.smart90.com/106-s90/ 106

106 The Book --"A Deal to Steal - Wireless TelePhone®™© - the Movie" -- (Library of Congress: Catalog# 2012906001) -- was featured at the Hollywood Digital, Ritz Carlton, May 1st; and the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, USC Campus - April 21st - 2012 • also click to "109- The Deal to Steal." 106- PUC-AT&T vs Magic Jack; Skype & /-Sorte-HotSavesMasHD750g/%20%20_%C3%C3-01SMART90-DEC26-tcHD150/Images-00kudoad+/_BookCov680DealSteal108w.jpgVONAGE?
••• The best way to predict the future is ... "TO INVENT IT ! . . . We all want everything to be free," says any student of reality. "But for any business, like any household to be successful, income has to be higher than the monthly iPhone bill."
102birthplaceoftheWiTEL-1902 Demonstrations
102g -
The Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©, and its NBS Wireless Telephone®™© registered service marks were invented, developed, in Murray, Kentucky, commencing in 1892, and granted patent in 1908.
••• The NBS Wireless Telephone®™© organization, founded in Murray, Kentucky, by Nathan B. Stubblefield doesn't manufacture the present-day Wireless Telephone®™© . . . "We've passed that onto the iPhone and CellPhones organizations," says Troy Cory-Stubblefield. GoTo •102 birthplace of the WiTEL -1902 Demonstrations 106 TVI- The NBS Wireless:

••• • It was just recently that the NBS Trust organization, (wirelesstelephone.org), negotiated with a Universal City firm to lease a segment of its Area Code numbers -- for an undisclosed sum. See 115- Digital Hollywood - April 30 - May 3, Marina Del Rey.
••• The NBS Wired-Wireless Telephone®™© organization -- has been a moniker to the Wireless industry for over ten decades. With Wireless Telephone®™© namesakes like, WiTEL®™©, iPhone®™©, and the cellPhone®™©, how could you lose. It's been a deal to steal since its first demonstrations and ®™© registrations by members of the NBS-TCS family -- commencing in 1892, 1898, 1902, 1907 through 2012.
••• "People do what they want," said Wikipedia's founder, at a 2010 Digital Hollywood Spring keynote address. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can Wiki partner with people to who have a symbiotic realationship. Look at the Wiki model for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Stubblefield.

< Layer#01= 10+590= 600 >

2nd- •• Laye tviNews - 20-20 "B"
tviNews - 20-20 "Briefs"


2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpg20-20 106- tviNews Briefs 106 | 20-20 B-Pictorial Stories =
• 000 Today's tviNews Headlines-
Wireless Telephone- 106 | Legal-P&A-Gov-SmartPhone

••• 2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpgMay - tviNewsStories In Review "B"
May- 2013-SmartBriefs & Stories-B-100-s90

2013- GoTo:Todays GovNews -106 =

• July - 20/20 "B" ••

101- Kenny G, at TVI-Rosemont Estate, Pasadena
MORE TVI-Rosemont Estate
106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- Supreme Court rejects gene patents
115- Award Winners - Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
The Troy Cory Show •
• 101- Kenny G at the Rose Bowl, 4th of July 2013
115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
115- CineMerit Award for Michael Caine
115- 15 Films in Competition for the CineVision Award
106- From Seeds To EMW WiTEL®™© Serialized Signals- 1902
106- From Germs, and Genes- Comes Patents Ruling. Supreme Court -June 13th
106- Monsanto vs Seed Patent vs Farmer Bowman,
102- The Inventor of the WIRELESS TELEPHONE - 1898? ®™©

• June - 20/20 "B" ••

106- Who owns the "Happy Birthday" tune?
101- Los Angeles Int'l Airport showcased
107- Branson In The News of Late
107- Virgin Group founder on decriminalizing drugs
107- Branson collaborates with Charitybuzz
107- Bieber books space flight with Virgin Galactic
114- Bob Thompson made music with audacious sound
115- Los Angeles Film Fest, June 13-26
115- Munich Film Fest, June 28-July 7
101- Mickey and the Magical Map
102- Publishing Component Sales.
106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom

• May - 20/20 "B" ••
101- Summer Season Kick-off - Disneyland
101- Mickey and the Magical Map
102- Who Invented the WIRELESS TELEPHONE - 1898? ®™© -
106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- ReSeller Copyright Ruling
102- Publishing Component Sales
106- The limits of copyright law
108- Charity Investment Tradeout
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
115- Palm D'Or goes to the French
115- Spielberg heads jury at Cannes Film Festival
115- Ahh. . . Spring in Cannes

116- How tviCatBox Sections Works
102g- stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg
102- Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©,

2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpg 20-20- tviNews UpDates =
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106g- ^SMARTKnowledgeSearch^
106- The Book --"A Deal to Steal - TheSmartPhone®™© - the Movie"
102- birthplaceoftheWiTEL-1902 Demonstrations
102- Who Invented the WIRELESS TELEPHONE?®™©
101- It was just last week, (Nov 3rd, 2011) --
106- TVI- The NBS Wireless TelePhone®™© Trust"
106- TheWiTEL-ID-phoneNumber
• 106- NBSWiTEL Bailout For Its EMW Wireless Carriers

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• WebUsersGuild.com - Reports

116 -How tviCatBox Sections Works
101- Summer Season Kick-off - Disneyland, May 25, 2013
101- Mickey and the Magical Map.
115- Palm D'Or goes to the French
115- Spielberg heads jury at Cannes Film Festival
115- Ahh. . . Spring in Cannes
115- Cannes Film Festival May 15 - 26
106- The Safe Harbor LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom
106- ReSeller Copyright Ruling
• 102-Publishing Component Sales.
• 106- The limits of copyright law.
• 108-Charity Investment Tradeout.
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
102- Who Invented the WIRELESS TELEPHONE - 1898? ®™© -

• 106- The Safe Harbor Legal LoopHole: YouTube vs Viacom.
••• A federal New York federal judge ruled on April 18, 2013, that: YouTube had not violated Viacom's copyright even though users of the popular online site were allowed to post unauthorized video clips from some of Viacom's most popular shows, including Comedy Central's "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and Nickelodeon's "SpongeBob SquarePants."
••• After winning the big YouTube vs Viacom copyright legal action between search engine Google, its video website YouTube has scored another huge victory in the long-running claims over copyright infringement brought by television giant Viacom Inc.
••• After the judgement, Viacom vowed to appeal once again.
FOR MORE CLICK -- wug4.com/news#106-YouTube-ViacomSafeHarbor / or
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WebUsersGuild.com - Report
Supreme Court sides with book reseller in copyright ruling
•• The Supreme Court gave foreign buyers of books, video discs and other copyrighted works a right to resell them in the United States, without permission of the copyright owner, giving discount retailers a victory and the entertainment industry a setback.
••• The 6-3 decision Tuesday came in the case of Supap Kirtsaeng, a USC graduate student from Thailand who figured he could earn money for his education by buying low-cost textbooks in his native country and reselling them in the United States.
••• John Wiley & Sons, a textbook publisher, sued him over copyright infringement and won $600,000 in damages from a New York jury. Kirtsaeng was ordered to turn over his golf clubs, computer and printer as partial payment.
••• But in Tuesday's decision, the Supreme Court found the Thai student's view of U.S. copyright law "more persuasive" than the publishing industry's, and it threw out the verdict against him.
••• In doing so, the justices adopted a version of ebay's motto: "If you bought it, you own it, and you have a right to sell it."
Judges had been divided over whether --
copyright protection extended to works that were lawfully made and sold abroad, but were imported for resale in the United States. One part of the law says the U.S. copyright holder has an "exclusive right to distribute copies" in the U.S.
••••• It is unclear how the movie, music or video game industries will be affected by the high court's decision, as more entertainment content is sold digitally. • CLICK FOR MORE @/wug4.com/news#106-ResellerCopyrightRuling -- OR Click For More tviStory 106-s90- Reseller Copyright Ruling

2006/Imageskudoad/linkadtpoint04logo.gifWebUsersGuild.com Report
• 102-PublishingComponentSale.
WUG4-Smart90 reported that Yahoo Inc in talks to buy YouTube-like video site "Dailymotion" -- is in talks with France Telecom to buy a majority stake in Dailymotion, an online video site popular in Europe that has been scouting for a U.S. partner to take on Google Inc.'s YouTube.
Google reports that the YouTube deal represents a major growth opportunity for the Internet gian••• Google has said YouTube represents a major growth opportunity for the Internet giant.
••• Executive Marissa Maye reported that if the deal is excepted, it would be first major acquisition since taking over Yahoo last summer.
••• Under the ownership structure being discussed, Yahoo could buy as much as 75% of Dailymotion with the possibility of buying the rest of the site at a later date, the Wall Street Journal reported. The deal would value Dailymotion at around $300 million.
••• Spokespeople for Yahoo and France Telecom declined to comment.
• CLICK FOR MORE news#106-PublishingComponentSale -- OR
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WebUsersGuild.com Report
• 106- The limits of copyright law. -- The Supreme Court has forcefully declared --
that copyright law does not extend to prohibit
ing the resale of books bought overseas.
• March - 2013 was the month that --
Supap Kirtsaeng was a Thai student in the United States who helped finance his education (and then some) by reselling textbooks that family members bought for a low price in Thailand. Textbook publisher John Wiley & Sons sued Kirtsaeng for copyright infringement in 2008, citing a federal ban on importing copyrighted goods without the copyright holder's permission. Lower courts agreed with Wiley, opining that the "first sale" doctrine -- a buyer's right to sell, lend, rent or give away a lawfully purchased copy of a copyrighted work.
But that did not apply to foreign-made products --
even if they'd been manufactured under contract with the copyright holder.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court overturned --
those decisions in a forceful declaration of the limits of copyright law.
••• The justices ruled, 6 to 3, that the first-sale doctrine applies no matter where a copy is made, as long as it's done in accordance with U.S. law. The decision in Kirtsaeng vs. John Wiley & Sons provides a welcome clarification that Americans are free to redistribute the copies they own that were legally made and sold overseas, just as they are with the copies they buy in the United States.
• CLICK FOR MORE @ wug4.com/news#106-Thelimitsofcopyrightlaw -- OR • 106-s90/#
Click For More tviStory 106-s90- Component Sale

WebUsersGuild.com Report
• 108-Charity Investment Tradeout. The book itself looks beyond the glossy appeals.
••• As tax deadline looms, ex-NPR chief Ken Stern looks at how little donors understand about the needs and the operations of even the most prominent charities 'With Charity for All' looks beyond the glossy appeals.
••• Americans just love feeling philanthropic. In any debate over cutting tax breaks in the income tax system, the deduction for charitable donations is always held sacred -- even more than that other sacred cow, the mortgage deduction.
••• It's a rare political leader who doesn't bow to the role played by charitable foundations in filling gaps left by government services to the indigent, the sick and the elderly, here in the United States and around the globe. The globe-trotting, tent-dwelling relief worker, the doctor without borders, the logistics expert getting food and medicine to camps of war refugees -- all elicit unique reverence from us armchair empathizers in civilized lands.
••• So why, asks Ken Stern in his new book, "With Charity for All," do we spend so little time thinking about the charities we give our billions to?
• Stern is a veteran of the nonprofit world --
having spent nine years running National Public Radio, the nonprofit organization with which most of us are more familiar than any other. Thanks to his experience and a wealth of further research, "With Charity for All" makes many important points about how little we understand about the needs and the operations of even the most prominent global philanthropies. The book opens with a telling anecdote about the American Red Cross and its response to the disaster of 9/11.
•• • CLICK FOR MORE @ wug4.com/news#108-CharityInvestmentTradeout -- OR Click For More tviStory 106-s90- CCharity Investment Tradeout

WebUsersGuild.com Report
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
WASHINGTON -- After nearly four years on the job Julius Genachowski, a former venture capitalist and technology executive will step down in the coming weeks as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
•••• Part of that strategy included expanding access to wireless spectrum, and the agency has worked to try to lure broadcasters to give up someof their airwaves in exchange for money from the government's auction of rights to use them to telecom companies
•••• Genachowski stated his biggest accomplishment was focusing the agency on expanding high-speed Internet access. For example, he pushed the FCC to make more public airwaves available to deliver the Internet over smartphones and other mobile devices.
Speculation about Genachowski's replacement --
••••Among them so far are Democratic FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel; Catherine J.K. Sandoval, a member of the California Public Utilities Commission; Karen Kornbluh, the U.S. ambassador to the international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Lawrence Strickling, head of the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration; and Washington, D.C., venture/ capitalist Tom Wheeler.
• CLICK FOR MORE @wug4.com/news#FCCsGenachowskiResigns -- OR
Click For More tviStory 106-s90- FCC's Genachowski to step down
Click FCC Direct


vra4025xmas150w.jpg 101- It was just last week, (Nov 3rd, 2011) --
that Josie Cory & Margit Seelos discussed the contributions of their respective husbands musical talents to the world. It was in the late 1970s that found the two women pushing both grown men to play Santa Claus, elves, and create the musical scores for the German/USA production film "Merry Christmas;" and YouTube.com sequels: "Just in the Nick of Time," starring Priscilla Cory, as "Little Miss Santa," and featuring the late German singer, Manuela. The Movie itself was Produced by VRA TelePlay Picture's, Josie Cory; Bohemia Film's Williams Janovsky; and ARD's Gábor Wagner.
• The Feature Movie was filmed in -- and around the city of Munich, Nymphenburg and Castle Neuschwanstein, Germany and in Oberndorf, Austria, the small village and church where the Christmas carol "Silent Night" was performed for the first time on December 25, 1818.

• 101 St. Nicholas, the Castle Neuschwanstein,
and the music of Troy Cory and Ambros Seelos
The vocals, sound tracks and string section on the Munich Sound recordings were provided by Troy Cory, Ambros Seelos, and "The Munich Philharmonics." The piano and musical arrangements were conducted by Ambros Seelos and Sylvester Levay. Several years later it was Levay who garnered a Grammy Award for "Fly, Robin, Fly," and wrote the music scores for the film "Howard the Duck" and the Vienna musical "Elisabeth."

106 TVI- The NBS Wireless TelePhone®™© Trust" -- In another move to beef up its Worldwide rights to its NBS Radio intellectual property rights . . . offerings, NbsWitel.com has contracted with the WebUsersGuild.com to unify VoIP and WiTEL mobile users.
••• "Of course, that includes any/and all existing WiTEL TeleKey Area codes system®™© users," says Mark Anderson of PSI International. "Today, we're happy to announce that our PSI team is joining the WebUsersGuild.com group where we'll have the opportunity to build amazing consumer contacts for over 5-Billion mobile users around the globe." The WebUsersGuild.com has become a global problem of sorts with the TeleCom industry.
••• The various copyrights, trademarks, and drawings used within its May 12, 1908 Patent . . . Wireless Telephone®™© experience, have all become a father of sorts for the shorthand text that has created product names like, WiTEL®™©, iPhone®™©; cellPhone®™©.

0-PSI-LogoLinkOval-108w-.jpgThe www.webusersguild.com, announced the acquisition to buy sections of its PSI collections. (See 106- NBSWiTEL Bailout For Its EMW Wireless Carriers, below). The Guild said the deal will allow it to put the iconic "NBS Radio Trust" Witel logo on goods, products, and services as well as build "NBS Radio Trust" information clouds around the world.
images00wi5ylogs01top_files/5000-02tcs187bequest120w.jpg Click on the image Rights -- Watch YouTube _ "The Troy Cory Show -- the Wireless Telephone™ Bequest73"
•• Not included in the deal are its NBS Asian TeleCom telephonic properties.
••• "This is a brand of Anti-ID Theft benefits with a lot of equity, not just in China, but around the world," said Troy Cory-Stubblefield, president and CEO of NBS. Our ChinaExo2000/com affiliates will be responsible for expanding the brand. He declined to reveal the price tag, but said, "I think we will see north of $300 million in revenue over the next three years." http://www.webusersguild.com. http://www.chinaexpo2000.com. Webusersguild.com is a media firm that has a webusers membership division.
NBSPatent02AutoDraw108w.jpg"What "NBS Radio Trust" and his family have done is maintain the Wireless Telephone Company of America enterprise that has always been about technology and innovation and providing something unique to the savvy wireless telephone customer," said Mark Anderson, of pacificsunrise.org. " So we have an opportunity to take the "NBS Radio Trust" brands worldwide."
••• Anderson said that although possible new commercial uses for our new patent pending Anti-ID Theft program would reflect local software developers and wireless nbsWiTEL.com merchandise, the established international country code system, will keep with what Troy Cory calls "a kind of a Kentucky southern comfort feeling." "That's what NBS smart90.com is all about -- concept. You can go into any smart90.com kudoad link Click a GoogleAd, or Amazon, and you can buy everything from shoes to diamonds."
••• Cory-Stubblefield, founded the family-run Hollywood-based "NBS Radio Trust" - and the Signet Credit Card Group in 1968.
••• Troy, who heads the Trust, said: "We've have maintained WiTEL®™© connections for over 100 years, so it was the right time to start our NBS100.com collection efforts. We weren't out searching for Wireless Telephone®™©" users, it just worked out that way."mmaarrttsitemaster2006/kudoadstore/Imageskudoad/linkad106logos.gif"We're in good hands," says Cory. "I'm extremely excited about the FCC's efforts in setting the record straight, and the possibilities are endless." • 102g Stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg September, 2009. 102g - The Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©, Click For More tviStory 106-s90- 106 TVI-"NBS Radio Trust"
106- TheWiTEL-ID-phoneNumber
In a threat to the 4th Amendment, law enforcement is using location data as a crime-fighting tool.
Concern over mobile phone networks becoming surveillance tools, the American Civil Liberties Union recently asked hundreds of local law enforcement agencies whether they've tracked people's movements through their cellphones. Most of those that responded said they had, usually obtaining the information from mobile phone companies without a warrant. The practice has become so routine, the ACLU found, that phone companies are sending out catalogs of monitoring services with detailed price lists to police agencies. The alarming findings should persuade Congress to clarify that the government can't follow someone electronically without showing probable cause and obtaining a warrants.
••• The Supreme Court has long held that the 4th Amendment guarantee against unreasonable searches and seizures requires police to obtain a warrant if the intrusion would violate a target's "reasonable expectation of privacy."
Mobile phone networks collect another -
type of data that wire-line networks don't: They register a phone's location continuously as long as it's turned on, even when it's not in use. Those records can be exceptionally revealing; as the ACLU put it, the potential insights range "from which friends you're seeing to where you go to the doctor to how often you go to church."
The fact that phone companies are collecting fees --
for providing this information raises the additional question of whether their financial interests trump their customers' privacy interests. Looking for an answer, Rep. Edward J. Markey recently asked the major wireless carriers how much money they've collected from law enforcement agencies and whether they actively market their information-gathering services.
•••A growing number of courts have been pushing
back against the Justice Department's permissive approach, but the rulings haven't been uniform. Nor are there clear rules to distinguish emergencies from routine investigations, live tracking from the examination of stored data, or mmaarrttsitemaster2006/kudoadstore/Imageskudoad/linkad106logos.gifany of the many other complexities. Rather than trusting judges to sort it all out, Congress should make it clear that the protections that apply to phone conversations also apply to location data. No warrant, no tracking. • Click For More tviStory 106-s90- 106- TheWiTEL-ID-phoneNumber

• 106- NBSWiTEL Bailout For Its EMW Wireless Carriers
• Like a bank, we make loans.
•••But unlike a bank, we're part of nbsWiTEL.com. Before it became a DotCom company we were, and still are that same NBS Wireless Telephone Company of America, established in 1902, that invented and delveloped the EMW technology that helps move, cure, power and link the world with its nbsWiTEL phone numbers.
•••So not only can we provide smart financing, we can also offer access to the insights and bet practices of nbsWiTEL.com to make that financing work harder. Chances are we have the expertise you need to make your company more competitive - and we're happy to share. Stop just banking. And start building. NbsWiTEL.com works.
• NBS bailout of a few of "nbsWiTEL.com Users --
may net an estimated $20.1-billion profit for its Collection Group, PSI.
The estimate depends on the timing - of the monthly payment of the debt owed by each U.S.A. and FCC approved carrier. nbsWiTEL.com said the profit projection did not factor in the nbsWiTEL.com cost to subsidize each Carrier's "WiTEL debt during the last few years; that cost was not calculated.
• The nbsWiTEL.com -
•••forecast followed the nbsWiTEL.com decision to further reduce its ownership stake in its Account Receivable Assets.
•••The report came as nbsWiTEL.com this week continued to wind down its stake in WiTEL phone numbers handling its own Collection deal it has with PSI, and its Speedollars.com system.
• Financial execs have a forward-thinking strategy
/Imageslogos/0-SpeedolarsLogoLink108w.jpg• WiTEL.com's arrangement with PSI's Speedollars.com program will help kick off the TeleKey Code systems multimillion-dollar effort to iBond its affiliates. The iBond concept is dubbed "the Global Creative Investment Program" -- to form ventures with its TeleCom carriers, and other tech-savvy entrepreneurs in the WiTEL.com business.
••••• Pacific Sunrise International officials propose to convert their Account Receivables into iBonds, according to the documents, which are included in the agenda materials.
••• The proposal would allow the Franchised Carriers to take a loan of up to 80% of any and all cost for its $5.00 per month per nbsWiTEL phone number assigned to its WiTEL users . . . to help cover expenses. It's unclear how the nbsWiTEL.com Franchised Carrier would pay it back -- if the loan and interest could not be repaid within 10 years -- would nbsWiTEL.com or the FCC be able to resell the Franchise by Auction?
••• The iBond proposal is separate from the $5.00 per monthly Invoice for each WiTEL®™© TeleKey area Code phone number assigned to users. TeleCom industry experts following the iBond concept will give virtually all the benefits to the WiTEL®™© TeleKey area Code user, with the blessings of the FCC. The value of of each NBS WiTEL franchise assigned 1-Million WiTEL®™© TeleKey area Code phone number -- is valued at $5-Billion each, according to PSI.
••• Under the proposed lease, PSI's financial backer would fund about $45-Billion in Bank Guarantees. PSI is seeking control of the U.S.A. operations for a total of 99 years.
•••The iBond sale would reduce the nbsWiTEL.com debt holdings to about $45 billion, with another financial group holding an additional $5 billion in complicated loans secured by a bank guarantee.
http://smart90.com/pacificsunrise.org/ Cick For More tviStory 106-s90- 106- NBSWiTEL Bailout For Its EMW Wireless Carriers
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106- The Book --"A Deal to Steal - TheSmartPhone®™© - the Movie" --
102- birthplaceoftheWiTEL-1902 Demonstrations
101- It was just last week, (Nov 3rd, 2011) --
106- TVI- The NBS Wireless TelePhone®™© Trust"
106- TheWiTEL-ID-phoneNumber
• 106- NBSWiTEL Bailout For Its EMW Wireless Carriers
102- Who Invented the WIRELESS TELEPHONE?®™©


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| •
tvimagadvantage108w.jpg | • tvimagBackIssues108w.jpg |

Television Internatinal Magazine Founder, Al Preiss.
Born in Waseca, Minnesota, Preiss began his career in the newsroom at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis as a sportscaster. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he began teaching television courses at the University of Southern California.
••• It was there, in 1955 when Al Preiss had a vision -- a vision that materialized in 1956, when he and his colleague Sam Donaldson launched TELEvisionFilm Magazine.
••• Both Al and Sam had an honest conviction that, "the television film industry had reached a stage where it needed a national publication that would analyze and put into focus -- the news, issues and problems which particularly concern the production and distribution of film for television.
••• When Al Preiss died in August 1986, the television industry lost an untiring advocate and a giant of a good friend. The tall, wonderfully amiable publisher truly seemed to do it all -- attending nearly every press conference, speech, convention and reception, and was never seen without his trademark clear plastic briefcase. You turned around at these functions and there was Preiss, taking notes, talking animatedly, telling stories, doing his job. One that he not only loved, but felt was necessary and important. He did it all with the help of his charming wife of 25 years, Sylvia, who was editor of the magazine during the years of 1985 and 1986.
••• The controlling interest of the magazine, with all of its archival history was purchased in 1987 by Television International, Inc., headed by Josie Cory.

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JosieCory.com108w.jpg | • TroyCory.com108w.jpg | • SamDonaldson108w.jpg |
| •
AlPreiss108w.jpg | • AlPreisSamDonaldson108w.jpg | • 00000tvimagratecard |
| •
tvimagadvantage108w.jpg | • tvimagBackIssues108w.jpg |

Television Internatinal Magazine Founder, Al Preiss.
Born in Waseca, Minnesota, Preiss began his career in the newsroom at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis as a sportscaster. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he began teaching television courses at the University of Southern California.
••• It was there, in 1955 when Al Preiss had a vision -- a vision that materialized in 1956, when he and his colleague Sam Donaldson launched TELEvisionFilm Magazine.
••• Both Al and Sam had an honest conviction that, "the television film industry had reached a stage where it needed a national publication that would analyze and put into focus -- the news, issues and problems which particularly concern the production and distribution of film for television.
••• When Al Preiss died in August 1986, the television industry lost an untiring advocate and a giant of a good friend. The tall, wonderfully amiable publisher truly seemed to do it all -- attending nearly every press conference, speech, convention and reception, and was never seen without his trademark clear plastic briefcase. You turned around at these functions and there was Preiss, taking notes, talking animatedly, telling stories, doing his job. One that he not only loved, but felt was necessary and important. He did it all with the help of his charming wife of 25 years, Sylvia, who was editor of the magazine during the years of 1985 and 1986.
••• The controlling interest of the magazine, with all of its archival history was purchased in 1987 by Television International, Inc., headed by Josie Cory.

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106- ReSeller Copyright Ruling
102- Publishing Component Sales
106- The limits of copyright law
108- Charity Investment Tradeout
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
102- Who Invented the Wireless Telephone - 1898

2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpg20-20- B-000
• <102g - stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg
102- Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©,
106- Safe Harbor Twist: YouTube vs Viacom
106- ReSeller Copyright Ruling
102- Publishing Component Sales
106- The limits of copyright law
106- FCC's Genachowski Steps Down
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The WirelessTelephone Industria School-
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102b - stubtelep hondelgreen108w.jpg | • 102c- Birthplace of the Wireless
102a The WirelessTelephone Industria School

%5E%3D%A5SMART90MAY-%40mac150/ImagesStub/stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg2010/ImagesTVITopClicks/at-arrowR.jpg102- Nathan B. Stubblefield- of Murray, Kentucky, was the Inventor of theWIRELESS TELEPHONE- and the . . . WiFi-187®™© antenna.
TelephonDelGreen was where the EMW Seeds were planted in pitch blend enhanced soil -- to Produce Voice Transmission &Area Codes..
The Phone Number Conection NB Stubblefield . . .
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For The Record: Before any tvNews story is released and distributed to Google KnowledgeRush planners, all Smart90 partners including: Google, Yahoo, LookSmart, Teoma, MSN, AltaVista, DogPile, and hundreds of other Internet providers, several news reports from major news sources are scientifically scrutinized to stamp the date, reason and purpose of the news release and to the monetary / political issues surrounding the event.
••• TVInews is the journalistic component of Television International Magazine, founded in 1956 by Sam Donaldson, and Al Preiss.
••• TVI Publications not only allows its global Web users to blog and share their own news with tviNews, but also the tviNews events listed above in Sections 101 to 121. CLICK Google Search FOR MORE TVInews STORIES.

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Web Gallery
102- Nathan B. Stubblefield-
the Inventor of theWIRELESS TELEPHONE-WiFi®™©
TelephonDelGreen • is the location where . . .
"The Seed That Produced Voice Transmission &Area Codes that realized WiTEL Phone Number Conection by operators located at the home office.

Join the Web Users Guild, and learn more.
102- Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©,
< See Nathan Stubbblefield on
See- Virgin Media®™©. >
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• 108s - Q&A To and From the Editors about WiTEL®™©, and vContent:

 %5E%3D%A5SMART90MAY-%40mac150/ImagesStub/stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg102aWirelessTelephoneIndustrialSchool 102- Nathan B. Stubblefield-<102b - stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpg | • 102c- Birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©, and its NBS Wireless Telephone®™© registered service marks.
•• The NBS Wireless Telephone®™© organization, founded in Murray, Kentucky, doesn't manufacture the present-day Wireless Telephone®™© . . . "BUT DOES MAKE the iPhone and CellPhones of today WORK," says Troy Cory-Stubblefield.
••• As chief executive of the NBS WiTEL®™© organization, Troy Cory-Stubblefield closely watches over the way the effects and elements of his NBS WiTEL®™© organization are used and paid for by Telco providers, and users.
••• Underlining each and every Wireless Telephone®™© sold today . . . is a NBS WiTEL®™© service mark utilized by iPhone, and Cellphone provider/users. Charging high-tech batteries by its NBS EMW induction system, or being assigned a WiTEL®™© phone number to connect each WiTEL®™© user together are just a couple of the elements. The NBS Wireless Telephone®™© was invented and developed at Teléph-on-délgreen Industrial School, Murray, Kentucky, commencing in 1892.
stubtelephondelgreen300w.jpg••• The once upon a time Kentucky industrial school . . . is once again star-crossed. But this time, with a happy ending. Murray, Kentucky touts itself as the birthplace of the Wireless Telephone®™©, and with ample reason. Taking a throwback to 1907, the Nathan B. Stubblefield Industrial School was renamed to Teléph-on-délgreen, and again several decades later to emerge at same location as Murray State University.
••• Still a humbling sense of history so deep-seated that residents often rattle off dates: 1892, 1898, 1902, then 1908. That year symbolizes the granting of all of the Service Marks needed for Murray's monopoly of the Wireless Telephone®™©. 1910, was the year NBS' Teléph-on-délgreen WiTel construction began in a big way. The years 1910 through 1914 also marks the time of great change in American RF WiTEL®™© industry. The managerial side of industry was growing and American corporations were reorganizing and becoming more efficient with the help of the U.S. government,.
NBSPatent02AutoDraw108w.jpg•• 1914, the NBSWireless Telephone®™© manufacturing ends, and one-way listening devices Radios, begins. With the enachment of Government regulatory RF seizures. Teléph-on-délgreen's NBS WiTel®™© EMW etherwave pipeline is replaced with a new word -- "RF," and "RADIO." (see Mann-Elkins Act of 1910, and the 1913 "Kingsbury Commitment).
••• The years 1907, 1929, and 2008 are all asscociated with the great depressions, followed by years of growth of the fabled Murray State University, NBS WiTEL®™©, AT&T, GE, and now -- the free for all Internet user.
••• No mater how you look at it, many obserers believe it's just a matter of time before lawmakers step in to decide once and for all who calls the shots for the "freebie" EMWs provided by the 1907 Wireless Telephone®™© service marks. Will the winner be the Telco operator, online users, or the rules of laws set forth in writting to protect service mark owners?

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<116 - AboutUs: The Founders of tviNews
• Television International Magazine (TVI) • NBSWiTEL
VRA • Smart90.com >

Television International Magazine™ • It's Who You Attract That Counts!
  • History: Founded in 1956 by ABC's Sam Donaldson and his partner Al Preiss and acquired by the Cory's in 1987.

    In March, 1963, TVI hosted the first "Annual Festival of World TV Classics Award " at the Huntington Hartford Theater. By 1987, it grew to command the readership of television network executives in 142 countries on six continents, covering the industry of television, film, telecommunication and WiTEL.

  • Publisher/Editor: JosieCory.com • iPublisher: TroyCory.com

• • "People do what they want," says tviNews. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can we partner with people to have a symbiotic realationship? See Nathan Stubbblefield on Virgin WiTEL®™©.

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tviNews Segment- • 04- Ttitles-04- Headline- Stories
Television International Magazine™
It's Who You Attract That Counts!


  • History: Founded in 1956 by ABC's Sam Donaldson and his partner Al Preiss and acquired by the Cory's in 1987.

    In March, 1963, TVI hosted the first "Annual Festival of World TV Classics Award " at the Huntington Hartford Theater. It grew to command the readership of television network executives in 142 countries on six continents, covering the industry of television, film, telecommunication and WiTEL. In the middle 90s TVI Magazine went online.

Publisher/Editor: JosieCory.com • iPublisher: TroyCory.com


• • "People read what they want," says tviNews. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can we partner with people to have a symbiotic realationship?

Click for Virgin Media - NBS WiTEL®™© virginwitel.com

/ The Web / / UK only /
•••end of 03 •••

See Nathan Stubbblefield on
Virgin WiTEL®™©.

See- Virgin WiTEL®™©.

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