22<2006/Images/back.gif imagestvinews/Tvi-ToDay-108x30w.jpg MAY 2019 Smart90.com Week- 18- 19-20-21-22 • TVI Vol. 63<

"All By Myself " - Ambros Seelos Orchestra -The Troy Cory Show -tvi-contact75x15w.jpg tvi-Part-0175x15w.jpg<

ToDay's HeadLines
Cannes Film Festival, celebrates its 72nd edition
May marks the 111th Anniversary of the Wireless Telephone Patent
Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Man History Overheard
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TVI's Memorial DayMemorialFlag380w.jpg

TVI's Gary Sunkin poses with Flag at Forest Lawn
Photo By: Nicolai Roska

What we now refer to as Memorial Day began as Decoration Day just after the Civil War in 1868. It was established as a day to remember the war dead by decorating their graves with flowers. The North and The South originally observed Decoration Day on different days until the mid-20th century when the last Monday of the month was chosen to honor all Americans who died while serving in the military.

101- Troy Cory, First American to perform
on Stage in China, PRC
101- Cory's Road to China


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63rd Anniversary




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115- Digital Hollywood Spring, Skirball Center, LA, May 21-23
115- SPACE TECH EXPO, Pasadena, CA, May 21 -22
114- Doris Day (1922 - 2019) dies at 97.
102- The Man History Overheard
111th Anniversary of the Wireless Telephone Patent
The 55th Pasadena Showcase House of Design, April 21 - May 2019
Pasadena Show Case House 1990- the Cory Estate

115- NAB Show, April 6 - 11, Las Vegas
106- Apple and chip maker Qualcomm settle
106- Apple dealt legal blow as jury awards
Qualcomm $31 Million
115- NAB Show, Las Vegas, April 6-11
115- MIP TV ready for Spring in Cannes, April 8-11
• 115- France will be MIPTV 2019's Country of Honor
115- LA Times Festival of Books, April 13-14
115- Tribeca Film Festival, New York City, April 24 - May 5

101- Elisha Barno and Askale Maerachi win the 34th LA Marathon
101- Troy Cory, First American to perform on Stage in China, PRC
101- Cory's Road to China
101- Vine Street Video Center


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TVI News stories

Digital Hollywood Spring, Skirball Center, LA, May 21-23
115- SPACE TECH EXPO, Pasadena, CA, May 21 -22
114- Doris Day (1922 - 2019) dies at 97.
102- The Man History Overheard
111th Anniversary of Wireless Telephone Patent
115- The 55th Pasadena Showcase House of Design, April 21 - May 2019
Pasadena Show Case House 1990- the Cory Estate
101- Troy Cory, First American to perform on Stage in China, PRC
101- Cory's Road to China
Who are the SMART Inventors of
Radio-WITEL 1890-2018 - ®™©




< <•><> Today's News Briefs Section

> <•> Second Quarter

111th Anniversary of the N.B. Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone Patent -
Next week's article to come
Nathan B. Stubblefield's Wireless Telephone Patent
Nathan B. Stubblefield
Click for more- Ground Battery

2006/ImagesPersonOfTheWeek/01NBStubblefieldPOW108w.jpgWarnerNBSPromoLogo108w.jpg 102- Nathan B. Stubblefield, the Man History Overheard
By Harvey Geller
•••• In Life's current Bicentennial issue, radio checks in, at #86 on the hot "100 Events That Shaped America," 19 buttons behind Bell's telephone. Erroneously, Life lists Guglielmo Marcon's dots and dashes as the first wireless broadcast, a fable echoed by the World Almanac and Encyclopedia Britannica. It's a forgivable mumpsimus, since the evidence offered on the following pages has not, until now, appeared in any national publication.
•••• The birth of broadcasting is a bizarre soap opera saga, a lacrymal legend of mystery, machination, ephemeral enshrinement, decline, disillusionment and disaster. It's denouncement dissolves six miles north of Murray, Kentucky, in a two-room shanty constructed of pine and cornstalks, where radio's uncelebrated architect is discovered 48 hours after his death, his records scattered, his equipment destroyed, his brain partly eaten by rats. Even local radio fails to mention his demise. He is Nathan Beverly Stubblefield, the man history over-heard and then overlooked.

"They all laughed at Christopher Columbus
When he said the world
was round:
They all laughed when
Edison recorded sound . . .
Ha, Ha, Ha -- who's got the
last laugh now?"
--Ira Gershwin, 1937

NBSPatent02AutoDraw108w.jpgWhen an inordinately eccentric young farmer suggested that he had invented a portable wireless telephone that could broadcast voice and music up over hight buildings and down through stone walls, most of Calloway County, Kentucky, chuckled. When he revealed his "crazy box, and odd assortment of batteries, rods, coils and kegs, they howled.
•••85 years after, their heirs are writing songs of love, christening radio stations, consecrating libraries and constructing memorial monuments in his infinite honor. The veneration is hardly widespread. 17,000 Murray, Kentucky, tobacco farmers may agree that Nathan B Stubblefield was the first man on earth to transmit and receive the human voice without wires. But most of our world is unacquainted with his improbable name and even his proponents are unaware of the precise date of his private discovery. Evidence points to a period between 1890 and 1892, at least seven years before Marconi sent the first wireless telegraph message across the English Channel.
••• Stubblefield's supporters maintain that telegraphy is far different from telephony; that they are, I fact, diverse discoveries. Wireless telephone is hip-to-shore radio, the walkie-talkie, the citizen band and portable radio, the mobile phone, the audio arm of television, rheostats, rectifying tubes, filaments, dials, microphones, AM and FM radio and every broadcasting booth on earth--not Marconi's Code signals.
•••Marconi's name is linked with Stubblefield's by Trumbull White in a book called The World's Progress, published in 1902. "Of very recent success are the experiments of Marconi with wireless telegraphy, an astounding and important advance over the ordinary system of telegraphy through wires. Now comes the announcement that an American inventor, unheralded and modest, has carried out successful experiments of telephoning and is able to transmit speech for great distances without wires . . the inventor is Nathan B. Stubblefield."
NBSBernardWindowWiFi108w.jpg•• "This Fellow Is Fooling me."
•••"Hello, Rainey," according to Dr. Rainey T. Wells, founder of Murray State College, was the world's first radio message. Testifying before an FCC commission in 1947, Rainey explained that he had personally heard Stubblefield demonstrate his wireless telephone as early as 1892.
•••"He had a shack about four feet square near his house from which he took an ordinary telephone receiver, but entirely without wires. Handing me these, he asked me to walk some distance away and listen. I had hardly reached my post, which happened to be an apple orchard, when I heard 'Hello, Rainey' come booming out of the receiver. I jumped a foot and said to myself, 'This fellow is fooling me. He as wires somewhere.' So I moved to the side some 20 feet but all the while he kept talking to me. I talked back and he answered me as plainly as you please. I asked him to patent the thing but he refused, saying he wanted to continue his research and perfect it."
•••Dr. William Mason, Stubblefield's family physician, described a day during that same year when Stubblefield "handed me a device in what appeared to be a keg with a handle on it. I started walking down the lane . . . from it I could distinctly hear his voice and a harmonica which he was broadcasting to me several years before Marconi made his announcement about wireless telegraphy."
•••••• Stubblefield was born in Murray, Kentucky, 1860 the son of Attorney and Mrs. William Jefferson Stubblefield (Capt. Billy). In his teens he was reportedly an omnivorous student and researched everything available on the new science of electricity. When Alexander Bel phoned Tom Watson on March 10, 1876, to say "Come here, Watson; I want you," Stubblefield was already experimenting with vibrating communication devices. In 1888 (Patent #378,183) he invented a vibrating telephone. The Murray News Weekly carried this item: "Charlie Hamlin has his telephone I fine working order from his store to his home. It is the Nathan Stubblefield patent and is the best I have ever talked through."
•••Stubblefield manufactured and patented batteries which he later described as "the bedrock of all my scientific research in raidio" (his spelling).
•••••• "I have been working on this, the wireless telephone, for 10 or 12 years," he told a St. Louis Post-Dispatch correspondent in January, 1902. "This solution is not the result of an inspiration or the work of a minute. It is the climax of years. The system can be developed until messages by voice can be sent and heard all over the country, even to Europe. The world is it limits."

/Images-00kudoad+/680Cov=Amazon108w.jpg"Diamonds as Large a Your Thumb."
•••With the new industrial and scientific epoch at hand and the first Roosevelt in the White House, Stubblefield built his broadcasting station, a tiny workshop on the front porch of his modest farmhouse. It was barely wide enough to hold the transmitter and one char. The transmitting mechanism was concealed in a box four feet hight,tow and a half feet wide, one and a half feet deep. "In that box," said Stubblefield, "lies the secret of my success." Five hundred yards away was the experimental receiving station, a dry-good box fastened to the foot of a tree stump.
•••The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter noted that Stubblefield's 14-year-old son, Bernard, was left on the porch wile h and the inventor walked to the stump. The writer picked up a receiver and heard spasmodic buzzings and then: "Hello. Can you hear me? Now I will count ten. One-to-three-four-=five-six-seven-eight-nine-ten. Did you hear that? Now I will whisper." Later Bernard whistled and played the mouth organ.
•••"I heard as clearly as if the speaker were only across a 12-foot room" wrote the newsman.
•••When the article appeared on January 10, 1902, Stubblefield was besieged by capitalists, financiers, stock-jugglers, hucksters and hawkers. Dr. Mason recalled seeing a $40,000 check for a part interest in the invention, as titans of industry "wearing diamonds as large as your thumb" scuttled up industry dirt roads to Stubblefield's flinty farm.
•••"You and I will yet add luster to the Stubblefield name," wrote Nathan to his cousin, Vernon.
•••He refused all propositions, including one for half a million dollars. "It is north twice that," he insisted, entrusting only his son, Bernard, with the secret of his mysterious keg. On occasion he repelled over-inquisitive visitors with a shotgun.
•••Invited by leading scientist, he traveled with his trunk of mystery to Washington, D.C., where he demonstrated the practicability of his contrivance from the steamship Bartholdy on the Potomac to crowds along the river bank. On Decoration Day, 1902, he broadcast words and music form the Belmont Mansion and Fairmont Park in Philadelphia to hundreds of statesmen, investors and newsmen. He obtained patents in England, the U.S. and Canada.
•••• In the Canadian patent is a drawing of a "horseless carriage" with a broadcasting set, presaging the auto radio by 30 years. But perhaps even more remarkable are notations that by reversing a switch one could change a broadcasting station into a receiving apparatus.
•••• Articles appeared in major newspapers throughout the world acclaiming him as the distinguished inventor of the wireless telephone and a celebrated scientific genius. At lease one extravagant reporter suggested that Stubblefield ad crated "the world's greatest invention."

%5E%3D%A5SMART90MAY-%40mac150/ImagesStub/stubtelephondelgreen108w.jpgDecline and Fall.
•••• There are three conflicting theories on how this farmer-inventor sowed the wind of immortality and reaped the whirlwind of oblivion. His cousin, Vernon, claimed the invention was stolen

"Will I ever see my trunk again?" Stubblefield scribbled on the back of an old map after he returned from Washington.
•••• "All his valuables were in that trunk," said his cousin.
•••• Perry Meloan, newspaper editor of Edmonton, Kentucky, an ear-witness to the first public demonstration in Murray, declared that Stubblefield was inveigled into a partnership in the Wireless Telephone Company of America, located at Broadway 11, New York. Learning that the firm was not interested in perfecting his creation but merely in selling stock unscrupulously, Stubblefield returned home. "Damn rascals," was his bitter comment to friends, and he advised them to withdraw their investment in his project. Soon after, he renounced his wife, nine (5 surviving) children and all relatives and built his hermitage gut in Almo, six miles from his family farmhouse. That farmhouse later mysteriously burned to the ground.
•••• His son, Bernard, joined the Westinghouse Electrical Corp., the firm that introduced the commercial radio. Did Bernard utilize his father's secrets to produce those early sets?
•••• Wireless lights appeared in the trees and along the fences guarding Stubblefield's crudely constructed shanty and, according to neighbors, voices, apparently coming from the air, were heard by trespassers. "Get your mule out of my cornfield," Stubblefield's wireless voice was hard to say in the night.
•••• He curtly refused the aid of friends. "He was never insane," they insisted, "only queer."
•••• Robert McDermott found the body of Nathan Stubblefield on March 30, 1928. "Death due to starvation," was Dr. Mason's conclusion. In a unmarked grave in Bowman's cemetery, one and a half miles form Murray, Stubblefield lies alone.
•••• In 1930 a memorial to "the first man to transmit and receive the human voice without wires" was dedicated at Murray State Teachers College campus, less than 100 feet from the charred ruins of the world's first broadcasting station.
•••• In 1962 his tragic life was dramatized in an epicedial folk opera, The Stubblefield Story, composed by Murray State professor Paul Shahan and Mrs. Lillian Lowry and performed in the campus auditorium.
•••• Murray's only radio station, 1 1000-watt outlet, broadcasts "middle of the road and some rock music as well," according to owner Fransuelle Cole. Book-ended between Bruce Springsteen's "Borne to Rune" a a live commercial for Kroger's grocery, on hears. "You are tune to WNBS, 1340 on your radio dial in Murray, Kentucky: the birthplace of radio."
•••• The stations call-letters, not accidentally, are Stubblefield's initials.
Click for Full Story Published in Warner Bros. Circular

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More about Nathan Stubblefield

1908 0512 - PATENT GRANTED: Stubblefield's U.S. Patent, Number 887,357, All Purpose Wireless Telephone, Filed April 5, 1907, Granted May 12, 1908. / Click MORE STORY TO GO DIRECTLY TO U.S. Patent Office - (Patent Expires May 12, 1925) CLICK ANY IMAGE TO VIEW PATENT

Click for More- Nathan be Stubblefield


114- Doris Day, America's box office sweetheart of the '50s and' 60s dies at 97

DorisDay200w.jpgMay 13, 2019 -- Doris Day, actress, singer, animal-welfare activist and box-office queen whose wholesome, all-American image belied an often-turbulent personal life, has died of pneumonia at the age of 97.
••• She began her career as a big-band singer in 1939, her first hit recording being "Sentimental Journey" in 1945 with Les Brown & His Band of Renown. After leaving Brown to embark on a solo career, she recorded more than 650 songs from 1947 to 1967.
••• Day was one of the top female box-office star in Hollywood history, with a No. 1 ranking in 1960, 1962, 1963 and 1964. She had her first hit as a big-band vocalist during World War II before making nearly 40 movies in the next two decades, reigning supreme at a time when her contemporaries included Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor.
•••She also co-starred opposite Rock Hudson in three films.
•••Day was born Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff on April 3, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio, the youngest of three siblings. All of her grandparents were German immigrants.
••• Four times married she was first married to Al Jorden, ( March 1941 to February 1943) Her only child, son Terrence Paul Jorden (later known as Terry Melcher), resulted from this marriage. Her second marriage (March 30, 1946, to May 31, 1949) was to George William Weidler, a saxophonist who told her he was leaving her by letter after eight month of marriage. Day's fourth marriage ( April 14, 1976, until April 2, 1982) was to Barry Comden, the maître d'hôtel at one of Day's favorite restaurants.
••• The Doris Day Animal Foundation announced that Day made it clear that there would be no funeral, memorial service or grave marker.
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115- "The Dead Don't Die" opens the Cannes Film Festival as it celebrates its 72nd edition
•••• The annual Cannes Film Festival, founded in 1946, will take place from May 14 to 25, 2019. Mexican filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu has been named as the President of the Jury.
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115- SPACE TECH EXPO, Pasadena, CA, May 21 -22, sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Labatory -- By Gary Sunkin
•••• Space Tech Expo & Conference is America's engineering meeting place for space technology to showcase the latest from technical designers, sub-system suppliers, manufacturers and components through to systems integrators for civil, military and commercial space.
•••• Featured Exhibitors: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
JPL Business Opportunity Fair -- co-located with Space Tech Expo takes place on the first morning before the event opens May 22, 2018.
•••• Returning to Pasadena with a new powerful agenda that is split up into three dedicated days: launchers, satellites and future programs.
Click for more

Digital Hollywood Spring, Skirball Center, LA, May 21 - 23
Digital Hollywood is still flourishing as a sort of live-content aggregator attracting various industry stalwarts to hold private meetings all at the same venue, then network together at conference tracks, keynote roundtables and after-hours parties.
•••• Victor Harwood who is presiding over several annual trade shows dealing with entertainment, media, advertising and technology events, besides Digital Hollywood, said back in 2007, "The idea of putting together a tradeshow by hassling people to buy booth space is old -- anyone who did that is not in business anymore."
•••• His upcoming Spring conference at the Skirball Center, Los Angeles CA, made up of separate multi-track but co-located events is still the only conference that brings together creatives, agents, distributors, technologists, financiers, lawyers and media -- legally, it's very hard for a lot of these people to be in the same room, unless there's a common purpose and a common theme. More minds have been changed -- at Digital Hollywood than at any other conference."
'• Click For More

The 55th Pasadena Showcase House of Design, April 21 - May 19
•••• An all-volunteer organization, Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts (PSHA) is a non-profit California Corporation whose members donate their time and talents to produce the annual Pasadena Showcase House of Design.  Founded in 1948, and formerly known as The Pasadena Junior Philharmonic Committee, they adopted the Pasadena Showcase House of Design as their annual benefit in 1965.  It is one of the oldest, largest and most successful house and garden tours in the nation.
••Tickets on Sale:
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Showcase House overview 2019
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106- Apple and chip maker Qualcomm settle
Apple and Qualcomm in a surprise turn announced Tuesday, April 16th, that they have settled their years-long litigation over the use of Qualcomm's chips in Apple's iPhones.
•••• The agreement was announced after lawyers for Apple made their opening argument in what was expected to be a three-week trial in a San Diego federal court.
••• Apple will make a onetime payment to Qualcomm and the two reached a multiyear agreement under which Qualcomm will supply chips and , and all the litigation between the companies around the world will be dismissed. No amounts were disclosed relating to payments and fees.
••••• Qualcomm's shares had underperformed this year until Tuesday's surge soared 23% to $70.45, their biggest single-day gain since 1999. Apple shares were little changd at $199.25. Apple is due to report its quarterly results on April 30, while Qualcomm is scheduled to release its numbers on May 1.
106- Apple dealt legal blow as jury awards Qualcomm $31 million - The Ruling will be reviewed by International Trade Commission panel
•••• The verdict gives Qualcomm momentum as it heads into a bigger showdown with Apple next month.
••••Judge MaryJoan McNamara's decision is the latest in a slew of unfavorable rulings against Apple in a winding and international legal battle between the two tech giants.
.Click for More tviStory 106-s90- Apple dealt legal blow in legal battle against Qualcomm

115- NAB Show, April 6 - 11, Las Vegas

Imagescustomers/NAB2009lasvagas108w.jpgAbout NAB Show
NAB Show, held April 6 - 11, 2019 in Las Vegas, is the world's largest convention encompassing The M.E.T. Effect, the convergence of media, entertainment and technology. With 103,000 attendees from 166 countries and 1,700+ exhibitors, NAB Show is the ultimate marketplace for solutions that transcend traditional broadcasting and embrace content delivery to new screens in new ways. From creation to consumption, across multiple platforms and countless nationalities, NAB Show is where global visionaries convene to bring content to life in new and exciting ways. For complete details, visit www.nabshow.com.

About NAB
The National Association of Broadcasters is the premier advocacy association for America's broadcasters. NAB advances radio and television interests in legislative, regulatory and public affairs. Through advocacy, education and innovation, NAB enables broadcasters to best serve their communities, strengthen their businesses and seize new opportunities in the digital age.
• Click For more NAB

LA Times Festival of Books, April 13-14
One of the most significant literary events in the United States, the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books attracts more than 150,000 attendees annually to USC's campus, and has grown to become an essential piece of the L.A. Cultural scene.
• • Chelsea Clinton, Dave Barry, Roxane Gay, Erica Jong and Susan Orlean are among the writers set to appear at the Los Angeles Times' 24th annual book event.
• Click for more

115- Springtime in Cannes
By Josie Cory
A h h h . . . Spring in Cannes…where mild breezes blow as the warm Mediterranean sun smiles over this beautiful spot on the Cote d'Azur. There you can feel a timeless sensuality, assuaging a nostalgia for the Mediterranean which since as far back as the 16th century has been a constant theme in many a Northern European's life.
• • "Now give us lands where the olives grow," Cried the North to the South, "Where the sun with a golden mouth can blow blue bubbles of grapes down the vineyard row!" Cried the North to the South. (to borrow a phrase from the English writer Elizabeth Barret Browning).
• •"Cannes," wrote Charles Lentheric, the indispensable and erudite historian of maritime Provence, in 1880, "is a town where you feel no need to work," and "where the inhabitants were not interested in the world that lay beyond their shady gardens, or the sheltered balconies of their hotels."
• • Now the world has come to Cannes, chosen it to be their Mediterranean queen for its annual events, and when you stroll along the Croisette on some warm April day you will hardly share Mr. Lenteric's sentiments. Voila! Cannes! It has emerged truly cosmopolitan.

• 115- France will be MIPTV 2019's Country of Honour - Palais Des Festival, Cannes, France
MIPTV, the international market for entertainment content development and distribution, takes place in Cannes, France from 8-11 April 2019. The MIPTV Country of Honour programme will include a series of conferences and promotional events dedicated to France's TV industry, with further details due to be unveiled in the coming weeks.
Click for More tviStory 115-s90- France MIPTV's 2019 Country of Honor

By Gary Sunkin
LOS ANGELES (March 24, 2019) -- Elisha Barno (Kenya) and Askale +GaryElishaWINNER.jpgMerachi (Ethiopia) won the 34th edition of the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon. These athletes bested a field of 24,000 registered runners over the iconic "Stadium to the Sea" race from the world famous Dodger Stadium to the beach in picturesque Santa Monica.




Photo LtR: TVI Reporter, Gary Sunkin; Elisha Barno
Click More tviStory 101-s90- Winners of the Skechers Performance Los Angeles Marathon


Imagestcs/Rosevine108w.jpg101-Vine Street Video Center







Troy Cory Show Ambros Seelos

Troy Cory Show-VINE ST.Troy Cory Show-CHINA 

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<01> www.troycoryshow.com/ • <02> www.troycory.com • <03> www.smart90.com/people/troycory.htm
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MUSIC720 • troycoryshow.com/
mLABELS • troycory.com
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tc"Bio-PHOTOS • smart90.com/people/troycory.htm • <04> CHINA01 BBC • smart90.com/people/troycory
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 +101- Cory Meets JiangZemin, former President PRC
• • Back in the 80s, as a goodwill ambassador representing the U.S.A., Troy Cory and his back-up dancers and singers, "The Brooke Sisters," were the first entertainers from the United States to appear in a full staged program in the People's Republic of China during the Shanghai TV Festival, and televised on China's National Television (CCTV), viewed by over 300 million people.• •
• • It was there Cory met Jiang Zemin, then mayor of Shanghai, and who later became the 5th President of the People's Republic of China.The '88 Shanghai Concert was the beginnings of Troy's concert tours in China for the next two decades. The concerts, just to name a few, included the following cities: Shanghai, Beijing, Anshan, Harbin, Fuzhou and and Tsingtao (Qingdao)

Pasadena Show Case House 1990- the Cory Estate

101- Troy Cory, First American to perform on Stage in China, PRC


101- Cory's Road to China;

•••Troy Cory was among the first international entertainers and the first American entertainer to perform in the People's Republic of China, beginning in 1988. In itself a notable culture-historical feat, in view of China's closed door policies of the late 70s and well into the 80s. The PRC's administrative climate in comparison is much less restrictive now and China's open door policy enables many entertainers to introduce themselves to the populace Chinese audiences.
Click for MoreChina •• More TroyCory •• TroyCoryShow

Shanghai TV Festival
Troy Cory & The Brook Sisters


 <End of Part Two News>


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115- Automobility LA -Formerly LA Auto Show Press & Trade Days, at the LA Convention Center - By Gary Sunkin

LAautoPressGary300w.jpgClick More tviStory 115More Than 60 Debut Vehicles at LA Auto Show's AutoMobility LA ••




  • History: Founded in 1956 by ABC's Sam Donaldson and his partner Al Preiss and acquired by the Cory's in 1987.

    In April 1956 TVI debuted it's first edition with offices at 1580 Crossroad of the World, Hollywood, CA. In March, 1963, TVI hosted the first "Annual Festival of World TV Classics Award " at the Huntington Hartford Theater. Since 1956 TVI grew to command the print readership of television network executives in 142 countries on six continents, covering the industry of television, film, telecommunication and WiTEL. In the middle 90s TVI Magazine went online: tvimagazine.com

Publisher/Editor: JosieCory.com • iPublisher: TroyCory.com


. . . "People read what they want," says tviNews. "There is no master plan what people are interested in." The question is, how can we partner with people to have a symbiotic realationship?



^AlPreiss108w.jpg ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Images03/^SamDonaldson108w.jpg

Television Internatinal Magazine Founder, Al Preiss.
Born in Waseca, Minnesota, Preiss began his career in the newsroom at WCCO-TV in Minneapolis as a sportscaster. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he began teaching television courses at the University of Southern California.
••• It was there, in 1955 when Al Preiss had a vision -- a vision that materialized in 1956, when he and his colleague Sam Donaldson launched TELEvisionFilm Magazine.
••• Both Al and Sam had an honest conviction that, "the television film industry had reached a stage where it needed a national publication that would analyze and put into focus -- the news, issues and problems which particularly concern the production and distribution of film for television.
••• When Al Preiss died in August 1986, the television industry lost an untiring advocate and a giant of a good friend. The tall, wonderfully amiable publisher truly seemed to do it all -- attending nearly every press conference, speech, convention and reception, and was never seen without his trademark clear plastic briefcase. You turned around at these functions and there was Preiss, taking notes, talking animatedly, telling stories, doing his job. One that he not only loved, but felt was necessary and important. He did it all with the help of his charming wife of 25 years, Sylvia, who was editor of the magazine during the years of 1985 and 1986.
••• The controlling interest of the magazine, with all of its archival history was purchased in 1987 by the Cory's.

Contributing Journalists:
Josie Cory, Gary Sunkin, Byan Lukas, Donna Jeffries, Valerie Milano, Peter Allman, Don Butler, Troy Cory-Stubblefield, Barry Seybert, Victor Caballero, Mike Lipman, Gordon Talbott, William Adrian, Ginger Adams, Larry Leverett, Bernard Schwartz, Bob Fisher, Dr. Frank Iezzi, Ph.D., Robin Strausberg, Mark Schaefer, Brad Ashton, Jim Baker, Anika Michalowska, Theo Pirard, Richard Mahler, Bill McCloskey, Bill Peterson, John Chittock, Tony Chiaveillo, Moira Burnett, John Sanders, Mark Trost, Gillian Davies, Jonathan Ames, Peter Knight, Anton van Casteren, Jim Hodgetts, Martin Jackson, Jack Loftus, Peter Warner, Christian Williams, Alex Ben Block, Bob Foster, Seth Goldstein, Bob Marisch, Jefferson Graham, Jack Anderson.


<•••>> tvi-Part-0375x15w.jpg
<><>Trade Shows


115- TradeShows - Festivals - Awards

tviNews Reports
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Trade Shows Quarter 2019 

• 115- The SAG Awards
• Click Direct- The SAG Awards

115- The Tournament of Roses Parade
JANUARY 1, 2019
Pasadena, CA
Click Direct- Rose Parade

Click Direct- Golden Globe

JANUARY 8 - 11
Las Vegas, NV,
Click Direct- 115- CES

Critics Choice Awards
JANUARY 13, 2019
Click Direct- 115-Critics Choice Awards ••

JANUARY 22 - 24
Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Click Direct- NATPE, Miami Beach, FL

Park City, Uah
Click Direct- Sundance Fillm Festival

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles
Click Direct- • 115- Screen Actors Guild Awards, Jan. 27

Berlin, Germany
Click Direct- Berlinale


• Click Direct- Grammy Awards

• 115- Academy Awards
February 24
Click Direct- • 115- Academy Awards, Feb. 24  

• 115- Mobile World Congress 2019,Barcelona
FEBRUARY 25 to 28
Click Direct- • 115- Mobile World Congress

NAB Show, April 6-11, Las Vegas Convention Ctr.
Click Direct- 115- NAB Show 2019

115- MIP TV
The Global TV and Digital Content Market
APRIL 8 - 11
• Click Direct- Palais Des Festival, Cannes, France

• 115- LA Times Festival of Books, USC Campus
APRIL 13-14
• Click Direct- LA Times Festival of Books

115- Tribeca Film Festival
APRIL 24 - May 5
• Click Direct- Tribeca Film Festival

Click Direct- 101-The 55th Pasadena Showcase House
APRIL 21 - May 19

Digital Hollywood Spring, Skirball Center, LA,
MAY 21-23
• Click Direct- 115- Digital Hollywood

LA Screenings Independents
InterContinental LA Century City, Beverly Hills
MAY 14th - 17th

Studios Screenings 18 - 24, 2019
• Click Direct- LA Screenings Independents

• 115- Mobile World Congress 2019, Los Angeles
OCTOBER 22 to 24
Click Direct- • 115- Mobile World Congress











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