- Dear
Letters and E-Mails addressed to the
Editor --
-- is the start-up
journalistic blog component of the
smart90.com / tviNews Internet network
that allows Web users from all over the
world to share their informative news
about their favorite Yes90 news subject
matter to our readers and viewers.
the YES answer to any of our "Today's
Puzzle" questions are directly related to
the credibility of the news source,
several news articles (from several
sources) - - and money tracking flow
tables are utilized to follow the news
Before any YES
answer is released and distributed to
Smart90 partners including LookSmart,
Yahoo, Google, Teoma, Microsoft's MSN,
AltaVista, Excite, and hundreds of other
internet providers, several news reports
from major news sources are scientifically
scrutinized to stamp the date, reason and
purpose of the news release and to the
monetary / political issues surrounding
the event.
TVInews is
becoming the quickest way to publish
"exciting" answers to the puzzling
questions created each day. YES90 is one
of the best ways around to build awareness
of today's problems and disappointments,
then help preserve those historical
moments on the web for future generations
to read, see and hear. Find out how "you
too" -- can become part of the Yes90
journalistic team by helping us build and
preserve the best YES answers to any
question known to mankind.
Learn more about how to solve
Today's Puzzles and the Yes world by
scrolling downward and learning about the
rules and news categories of FISH-R-GAME
& HOWTO "C". After selecting the
subject matter you wish to contribute
scholarly comments to, -- submit it
proper copyright acknowledgments, remember
to refer to, or attach to your Email, the
original news article pertaining to your
scholarly YES news report.
This is a must to stamp the date, reason
and purpose of the original news release
and to track the monetary / political
issues surrounding the event. Make
sure to add your name and telephone
number, if you wish proper
Rules - YES - if you follow the Do's and
Don'ts and Helpful Hints for Good
speaking, the use of an existing published
news article for use in a YES90 news
report will constitute "fair use". Make
sure the news event you are utilizing,
quoting or paraphrasing is strictly for
purposes of comment, criticism,
illustration, or scholarship. Minimize the
commercial intent of the portions
As a guide for differentiating
scholarly writers using quotes from others
in expressing their freedom of speech in a
public forum, like YES90 -- is MONEY.
If the professional writer uses a
single quotation or several shorter quotes
from a full-length book, the quotes cannot
exceed more than 300 words in total. A
single quotation of more than 50 words
from a newspaper, magazine, or journal
usually requires permission from the
copyright holder.
You do not need
to obtain permission for
audio/video/printed materials that are in
the "public domain." This includes all
official U.S. government publications, as
well as materials for which the copyright
has expired or was not noted.
Generally, you can use all of the
quoted audio/video material from the
interview you conducted for your YES90
TVInews article. This includes direct
quotes, without securing a signed release
if the circumstances and your notes
clearly reveal that the source knew you
were conducting an interview for possible
publication and did not indicate an intent
to restrict your use of the material.
Be scrupulous in
giving credit for material used from a
multi-faceted news media source. Whether
or not permission was needed for its use,
do acknowledge where the source of
information came from. Make it clear at
the beginning of your YES90 TVInews
article, key worded comments,
criticism and illustrations, that they
were originated by
-Google KnowledgeRush tvinews+
121-s90 Section V-121- Dear Editor
TVINews Index Daily
any tvNews story is released and
distributed to Smart90 partners including:
Google, Yahoo, LookSmart, Teoma, MSN,
AltaVista, DogPile, and hundreds of other
Internet providers, several news reports
from major news sources are scientifically
scrutinized to stamp the date, reason and
purpose of the news release and to the
monetary / political issues surrounding
the event.
TVInews is the
journalistic component of Television
International Magazine, founded in 1956 by
Sam Donaldson, and Al Preiss.
TVI Publications
not only allows its global Web users to
blog and share their own news with
tviNews, but also the tviNews events
listed above in Sections 101 to 121.
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